Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1346: One hundred and forty eight

The beautiful boy's face was dull, and he didn't reply. Most of the time, it was the old woman who kept talking. Although her face was old with wrinkles and wrinkles, she looked very loving.

The boy is in a very wrong state!

Chi Shuyan not only noticed that the boy not far away was in a very wrong state at a glance, he even felt that his state was somewhat similar to the "village" who had attacked Yang Kun before. The difference between the two was that the boy looked sluggish from beginning to end and did not attack anyone. .

At the same time, Chi Shuyan also discovered that the anger on this old woman turned out to be gray. As she said before, there are so many kinds of human anger. Among them, black is the difference between human life and gray, which is absolutely nothing. Good person, and the anger around the old woman in front of her is not only gray, but also thick gray. This kind of person is no different from the person who is killed. The difference is only an opportunity.

In other words, this old woman always wanted to kill, but she didn't find a chance.

It was hard for Chi Shuyan to imagine that the old woman with a look of kindness and patience not far away was a cruel master who wanted to get human blood, and at the same time did not understand that an old woman so old turned out to be the mother of the boy not far away.

However, the two are indeed related by blood.

Wait, she remembered that Wu Haoming said that the filial son of the Xu family had married a wife. He was a minority and a beautiful woman.

Even now, people are only 30 or 40 years old, it is impossible to be so old.

What happened to the Xu family back then?

Although she looked at the wrinkled old face and couldn't see the beauty of the other person, the outline of her facial features was still very similar to that of the little boy next to her.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but glanced more at the back of the one-year-old and the one-year-old, and had a lot of questions in his heart.

For example, what happened to the Xu family back then? For example, what did the Xu family's incident have to do with the village? For another example, whether it is the ‘village’ state that attacked Yang Kun just now, or the boy’s ‘state’ at this time, it can be called abnormal and weird, what is going on?

Chi Shuyan thought about it, her eyes gradually sharpened.

Sister-in-law Miao, who kept coughing not far away, suddenly turned her head sharply, staring at it inch by inch and carefully scanning around the yard. She didn't see anything, and she still didn't look back.

Chi Shuyan didn't expect a rural woman to be so keen. This reaction was not like an ordinary rural woman at all. Knowing that she would not be exposed if she stayed any longer, but it was probably prone to suspicion, she immediately left the yard.

After getting out of the Xu family's house, Chi Shuyan once again stood on the dark muddy sandy road with mixed feelings.

When she returned to the residence, she did not immediately fall asleep, but drew some talisman before lying down to rest.

The next morning, as soon as Chi Shuyan opened his eyes, he heard Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan excited and shocked at the sound of staring at the house, and Xiao Shan shouted excitedly at her door: "Sister-in-law!"

Chi Shuyan put on his clothes and opened the door, and saw Xiao Shan pointing at a compartment with excitement and confusion. He couldn't explain clearly when he was excited, and said incoherently: "Sister-in-law...sister-in-law...sister-in-law, it's not good, it's not good. Now, inside, inside... the corpse is cheated! The symbol... was torn!"

Chi Shuyan's complexion changed. Just as he was about to enter the cubicle, Wu Haoming also looked shocked and frightened. Not only was his face pale, his legs kept trembling, showing how much stimulation he had suffered in the morning.

At the same time, there was a person behind him. This person was not the ‘villager’ who attacked Yang Kun last night?

At this time, I saw the ‘villager’ in front of him regaining his senses, and his eyes were very normal, not all eyes were white, and his face was not as pale as last night.

I saw that he still had some doubts in his eyes, and his expression was a bit simple, scratching his head and stammering in embarrassment: "I... why am I here?"

This villager's surname is Pan, Pan Jiang, and everyone else calls him Dajiang. He is an honest man in the village. He suddenly woke up in someone else's house. He was very embarrassed. His dark face was a little red, but he was too dark. , I couldn't see it, I was very embarrassed to apologize to Chi Shuyan, and asked if something happened last night with a face of doubt.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming’s expressions were hard to express, and the shocked expressions still did not disappear. After all, they saw the person in front of them'corpse transformation' last night. Not only that, they also carefully checked that his heart and pulse stopped beating. It also became stiff and cold, completely a'dead'.

I didn't know that the ‘corpse’ was cheated the next day.

The two were a little frightened at this time.

After seeing the boy’s thing last night, Chi Shuyan had some suspicions in her heart. Now that she saw this'deception', her expression was calmer and more normal than Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan, but she was still a little abnormal when she saw the person in front of her. Soon this meaning disappeared in a flash.

Chi Shuyan didn't say a few words, and Pan Jiang, a simple and honest man, became more embarrassed and apologetic.

Chi Shuyan's eyes were complicated, and he barely squeezed out a smile: "It's okay, it's not a big deal."

Pan Jiang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Chi Shuyan's attitudes had improved. The honest man had nothing to think about, and all his thoughts were on his face. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. , Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun’s voices heard: "Master Chi, are you there?"

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