Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1347: One hundred and forty nine

"I'm going to open the door!" Wu Haoming saw the big man Pan Jiang look at him again, hurriedly clutching his chest, and immediately he couldn't bear it and hurried to open the door.

Xiao Shan couldn't stand it and immediately followed.

Although Pan Jiang was really honest and honest, he was also very sensitive to the fact that the two foreign guests in front of him were not very welcome to see him. The honest man was a little confused, and immediately found an excuse to leave the little girl in front of him.

Chi Shuyan saw that the honest person's face was a bit embarrassing and cramped, and did not hold back much, waved his hand to let others go, and said enthusiastically: "I will send you out!"

Pan Jiang quickly waved his hand and refused: "No need, no need!"

Chi Shuyan insisted with a look of enthusiasm: "I won't send it too far, just at the door. You are welcome, living in the village these days will trouble everyone!"

Chi Shuyan tried his best to maintain a warm and talkative appearance.


Pan Jiang's expression on his face was much less formal, and his expression of honesty and enthusiasm expressed that they would live in the village for as long as possible. He also expressed that if there is anything to help, tell them directly.

There is no shortage of hospitable and enthusiastic people in the village. If you have anything to ask them for help, just say it.

When giving away, Chi Shuyan digested some useful information while'accidentally' touching someone. After she pressed the pulse of the other person for a long time, there was still no heartbeat. She saw the people in front of her getting heavier and heavier. The eyes are getting deeper and deeper.

Pan Jiang didn’t think much about it, but he was embarrassed by the enthusiasm of the little girl in front of him. He just wanted to say that he had grown so many delicious dishes. If they wanted to eat it, he would deliver it at noon. .

Just before speaking, there was a loud bang at the door. Pan Jiang looked over and soon heard two screams that were hurried, anxious, excited and terrified.

The voice of excitement and shock was exaggerated and fierce than the shouts of Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming who were going to overturn the house early in the morning. The throat tube shouted directly, and listened carefully to the voice with obvious trills and madness, especially Yang Kun's scream. The screaming screams in the throat, it is estimated that many people around can hear it.

Fortunately, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan had quick eyes and hands. One by one, they hurriedly covered the screaming mouths of Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin who came in from the door, and the expressions on their faces were even more sympathetic when they rolled their eyes in fear or in shock.

The two quickly comforted: "Calm down! Calm down!"

But Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin were too irritated last night, especially Yang Kun, who was almost killed by'that thing' last night. The face of'that thing' was so impressed in his mind last night that he couldn't forget it. Seeing this familiar face reappeared, he was still walking in his direction.

"Don't come here!" Yang Kun was trembling, shaking his legs and urinating directly, his face was pale and black, his eyes turned white, and he passed out suddenly.

Ruan Shenglin was no better than Yang Kun at this time. Although he was not scared to urinate, he was really scared. His face was pale and haggard. Yang Kun didn't faint for long. He looked at the terrible'thing' and walked towards them with white eyes. After flipping over, it didn't take long to follow and dizzy.

Chi Shuyan:...

Pan Jiang:...

Not only was Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin frightened, the honest man Pan Jiang was also taken aback by the series of'sorry operations' by the two men who were suddenly unconscious, especially when they suddenly fainted, Pan Jiangyi His face was at a loss and doubt, he paused, and asked with concern: "What happened to them...? Anemia?"

Wu Haoming, Xiao Shan:...

Seeing that no one was speaking, Pan Jiang thought that the two of them had a sudden illness, and he didn’t know much about treating the disease. Before going out, out of enthusiasm, he cared for a while and said: “Although there is no hospital in our village, , But Sister Miao's medical skills are very good. If you are willing, you can ask Sister Miao."

When Pan Jiang said this, he remembered something, and said, "But sister-in-law Miao was very nice before. Since Jianmin left the village, her temper has become a little weird. Just be patient. Sister-in-law Miao is still very good at talking."

Chi Shuyan didn't expect a surprise in the morning. Her eyes lit up. She was thinking of an excuse to approach the Xu family last night, but she didn't expect someone to send Dongfeng over early in the morning.

As for Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin who were in a coma, Chi Shuyan also had a little sympathy and a little guilt in her eyes. Speaking of which, she did not think about it.

Knowing that they were irritated last night, they would not be crazy if they saw the "people" again today. Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were scared in the morning, let alone the two of them.

When Chi Shuyan sent people out, she specifically explained that Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming took good care of them and woke them up. She sent them back to talk about other things.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming nodded immediately: "Sister-in-law, we know!" As they said, they glanced at the unconscious two people on the ground, their eyes becoming more sympathetic.

Yes, this King Ruan and Manager Yang are more unlucky than them. They were stimulated just last night, and they were stimulated so much early in the morning. If they were not in a coma, they would like to ask them this moment. The shadow area in the heart.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know that Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming still had a lot of fun at this time. When they went out to give people away, she accidentally mentioned Xu’s family again, but Pan Jiang didn’t know much, and gave her a lot of information. limited.

Chi Shuyan was a little helpless.

Pan Jiang also specially reminded them not to ask too much when recruiting Sister-in-law Miao, especially about the Xu family, which Sister-in-law Miao didn't like to mention.

Chi Shuyan looked at the honest and kind-hearted man with a grateful expression. Before he left, she suddenly took out an exorcism talisman from her pocket and threw it on the ground without paying attention, and then suddenly said: "What is this? "

Pan Jiang also found the yellow thing on the ground. He didn't think much about it. He subconsciously wanted to pick up the yellow thing on the ground. It was just that his hand had just touched the yellow exorcism talisman, and his fingers suddenly throbbed. , The yellow paper looked at the ground in horror with a dazed expression: "What the **** is this?"

Chi Shuyan saw that the other party's finger was touching the talisman and turned into scorched black, and her eyes sank, but when she scanned the other's confused and strange eyes, her eyes flashed and became deeper doubts!

When Chi Shuyan returned to the living room after giving away the man of Pan Jiang, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming had already woken them up, and the agent Yang Kun had changed a pair of pants.

However, the expressions of the two of them were still muddled and horrified, and the panic on their faces was mostly overwhelming. When they saw Chi Shuyan, they immediately followed to see the savior. Their panic expressions faded, and their faces were still pale.

Anyway, Ruan Shenglin's face was better than that of Yang Kun's agent. Yang Kun's face was still pale at this time with a bit of iron. It is conceivable that he was scared just now.

Ruan Shenglin suppressed the excitement and fear in his heart, trembling in his voice, and asked cautiously and incoherently: "Chi...Chi...Master Chi, what happened just now...that...what happened? That man he...he last night ... Isn't he dead?"

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