Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1370: One hundred and seventy two

Chi Shuyan racked his brains and thought a lot, but didn't think of a reason. The secrets of this village are too deep. She patrolled the two spirit cards back and forth, and just about to put them down, she suddenly saw behind these two cards. There are two paintings.

Chi Shuyan immediately picked up the two tablets and looked at it seriously.

Judging from the pattern lines and brushstrokes, this painting is indeed the previous painting by the artist on the fourth floor. She thought that the artist would continue to draw other plot patterns. After scanning the patterns on the back of the spiritual card, she found the painting The artist did not paint other patterns, but repeated the seventh painting.

In the seventh painting, she still painted the content of a man sitting on a chair at the front door of a blue brick house and throwing a Buddha statue into the brazier. Compared with the painting on the fourth floor just now with blurry lines and barely visible, this painting is behind the spirit card. , The painting is much clearer.

It also made her see clearly that this man should not be Xu Xiaozi, but other men. The man in the seventh portrait on the fourth floor was not so careful in the painter's brushstrokes. She only barely saw that it was a man, but could not tell at all. Looks.

At this time, the man in the seventh portrait repeated by the artist has obviously more beards and a small bald area on the back of his head. Judging from these two characteristics, it is absolutely impossible to be Xu Xiaozi.

Since this man is not Xu Xiaozi, who is this man?

Why does he burn Buddha statues?

Aren’t the people in this village obsessed with worshiping this Buddha statue?

Chi Shuyan's thoughts turned slightly, and his gaze fell on the man in the seventh portrait again, looking more carefully, she found that the artist had also drawn another characteristic of this man, the back of his head was bald.

Is the back of the head bald?

Chi Shuyan quickly remembered that Feng Ge described the man who almost buried him alive, of medium build, almost forty to fifty years old, and bald on the back of his head.

Realizing that the man in this seventh portrait and the man who buried Brother Feng alive are extremely likely to be the same person, Chi Shuyan's face is very ugly and solemn.

She couldn't guess who this man was playing, so she simply looked at another portrait.

The other portrait is of a man with a Buddha statue stuck on his back, then one day his whole body suddenly caught on fire and his face was painful, and finally burned into a black skeleton frame.

Even if only looking at the portrait, the painter's paintings are not as realistic as the professional ones. At this time, Chi Shuyan was still shocked by the painting of this portrait, with his hair all over his body erected, quite a bit creepy.

She could not guess the identity of the man in the previous portrait, but judging from this portrait, the person in the portrait should be the filial son of the Xu family. Looking at the tablets of the mother and son of the Xu family, Chi Shuyan is already pretty sure that year. The Xu family’s filial son and mother did not leave the village,

And the filial son of the Xu family should also be extremely likely to die in the village and be burned to death.

Since his son is dead, his mother naturally has no good end. Moreover, Xu's filial son's mother is so old that if an accident occurs to the Xu family's filial son, the chance of an accident will naturally be great!

Chi Shuyan recalled the plots of the nine paintings painted by the artist and speculated about what happened in the Xu family. The first painting has nothing to do with the Xu family’s affairs, but starting from the second portrait, the content of the second painting is one People kneel down and make a wish at the temple. That is to say, the filial son of the Xu family was indeed a filial son. He went to the temple to make a wish because of his mother’s illness. For this reason, he invited the true Buddha to the third portrait.

The content of the fourth painting is a picture of mother, kindness and filial piety, and a cracked bowl next to it, and the splashing soup. She didn't understand it just now, but now think about what makes the Xu family so excited and happy. ?

In other words, after the filial son of the Xu family invited the true Buddha, the true Buddha did appear, and Xu’s mother’s condition improved or even cured, and the cracked bowl and splashing soup next to him were cryptic hints. , Xu's mother doesn't need to take medicine anymore.

The fifth is the content of a man who tied a pair of struggling mother and son into the temple in front of many people with a pious and angry expression. That is to say, after the Xu family’s mother was given the guidance of the true Buddha, Xu The filial son of the family completely believed in the true Buddha, and then even sacrificed the lives of the mother and son of the Xu family at all costs according to the true Buddha's instructions.

The sixth painting is like a monster and a dying child lying aside. This painting should be a vague reminder by the painter that the true Buddha worshipped in the village is not a Buddha at all, but a'child-eating monster'. A child from the Xu family should have been killed as well, which made her think of the child who could not feel the pulse beating when she saw Sister Miao for the first time.

When she saw the seventh portrait, the content of the seventh portrait was a picture of a man sitting on a chair at the front door of a blue brick house and throwing a Buddha image into the brazier.

Wait, if she guessed correctly, the image on the other side of the spirit card should be the eighth that was just missing on the fourth floor.

As for the murderer of Xu Xiaozi’s death, Chi Shuyan’s eyes once again fell on the strange man on the seventh portrait. She always felt that the artist of the seventh portrait had hidden deep meaning and had a great relationship with the other.

She opened the two spirit cards again and looked at it again. Her eyes suddenly fell on the eighth Buddha statue stuck to the back of the man. Wait, she understood. If she guessed right, the seventh man was thrown into the fire. The true Buddha should be the Buddha statue invited by the filial son of the Xu family.

Buddha statues are burned into coke, and others are burned into coke. This is the consequence of asking the true Buddha!

In other words, the reason why the filial son of the Xu family died was all because of the true Buddha he believed in and invited him, whether it was the true Buddha or the person behind the true Buddha. At first, he never thought of curing the filial son of the Xu family and his mother. , But wanted to kill his family.

At this moment, the sound of'dongdongdong' rang again, and Chi Shuyan was convinced this time that the thing should be upstairs, and she could feel the vibrating thing across the floor. Soon, the'thing' Slowly downstairs from the stairs, her feet stopped on the stairs, causing great movement. The stairs had nine squares, and she counted to nine.

Chi Shuyan didn't turn around, but a huge figure was reflected through the ground. The thing shook, and the ‘big bag’ that was bulging all over his body also shook.

Chi Shuyan didn't turn around to see the true face of this ‘True Buddha’, but was disgusted by the shadow of this thing first. She turned around and saw a monster she had seen before at home.

A face with a grinning face full of evil spirits that resembles Maitreya Buddha. Among them, the dark eyes that cover the entire eye sockets account for one-half of the entire face. The big one is very scary, and the other facial features , Squeezed into the other half of the face, the proportion is very abrupt.

The face that originally pained Maitreya Buddha's imaginary face was only three-to-fourth, and one mouth showed sparsely pointed teeth, which became more and more ugly.

Not only that, the monster in front of him is almost ten times the size of the monster from the Yu family before. There are dense pustules bulging all over the body. Each pustule has a baby and a child's face. Because the puss is swollen and deformed, the human face is The facial features were also squeezed and deformed, very scary.

And the most permeating thing is that this thing is covered with dense pustules and faces, including the top of the head, body, two thighs, and even the feet, and countless heads are squeezed into a monster.

For the first time in his life, Chi Shuyan just stared at the monster, and almost vomited out disgustingly, staring coldly and sternly and walking towards her, revealing an evil creature with a greedy and weird smile.

And she was quite sure that this thing could see her, and wanted to eat her.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know that although she was not a baby or a child, she had been full of nourishing aura since she took the path of a monk. At this time, she was a great tonic to the evil thing in front of her, like a A thousand-year-old Ganoderma is in front of an ordinary person.

I saw the evil creature in front of a mouth, and the disgusting Harazi and saliva flowed to the corner of the mouth, revealing the sparse and sharp tooth tips. Chi Shuyan's eyes were full of killing intent, and he first squeezed a stack of exorcism charms to smash it.

The evil thing obviously did not expect that she could actually do it, waiting for a large stack of exorcism talisman to smash it back a few steps, and burn the skin of its body to black, the thing's covetous eyes turned anger, and the strange pupils burst out red. Angrily, he opened his mouth and roared into the sky, but it was a pity that a large stack of exorcism talisman did not cause real damage.

Chi Shuyan soon sacrificed a pile of'burst talisman', and the crackling sound hit the evil creature again. At this moment, a drum and human voice sounded outside the temple: "Someone broke into the temple, and someone hurt The true Buddha!"

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