Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1371: One hundred and seventy three

"What sound?" Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, who were talking to Yingdi Ruan, heard the movement first, and their expressions were a little surprised.

Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong also heard a strange roar. The roar was particularly unpleasant and a little bit permeable, unlike the sound of human beings and not like animals. All of them were a little stunned, but compared to those of Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun. Nervous, Xu Tong didn't think much, but simply echoed and asked: "What did you hear? What sound?"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming didn't reply, they were inexplicably worried about Master Chi. As soon as they got up, they saw their closed bureau push the door in. Their faces were not very good-looking. The two of them stunned in their hearts and hurriedly shouted: "Stop the game!" Suddenly, Weak and Weak just wanted to tentatively ask, "Is it Master Chi?"

A knock on the door and the sound of a few villagers soon came from outside, indicating that something is going on with them, so they should open the door first;

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin were still shocked by Pan Jiang’s shock that night before, so in the evening, the door was closed strictly, and no one knocked at the door, including acquaintances.

However, there are so many people at the moment. Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin are still calm, but when they see that Brother Wu and Brother Xiao are about to open the door, they are still anxious and anxious to stop them: "Wait, Brother Wu, Brother Xiao, please do. Don't open the door. Before, Master Chi didn't say that the people in this village are normal people in the daytime, but at night it is estimated to be possessed by... what is the best thing to not open the door?

Xu Tong and Feng Yuanlin with a dumb look:...I don't understand.

Xiao Shan, Wu Haoming:...

In the end, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming thought of it and whispered a few words in their ears. As for the pregnant Xu Tong, everyone deliberately bypassed her, not dare to say it clearly, for fear of frightening the pregnant woman.

Seeing there was no movement inside, not long after, the head of Dashan Village Pan came to knock on the door himself, knocking on the door and introducing himself, indicating that he is the head of the village, and there is something to do with them.

Since the head of Dashan Village came to knock on the door, they couldn't even open the door.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin were still a little scared thinking about Pan Jiang, especially Yang Kun. At the beginning, he didn't treat people as normal people, so he wanted to give a gift? I don't know that the simple villager suddenly changed his face and wanted to kill him. Anyway, this time, he became less and less courageous.

Feng Yuanlin was not as timid as Yang Kun, and he listened to people with a normal voice, and his words were methodical. It was unlikely that it was something else. He walked neatly and prepared to open the door.

"Wait, brother!" Yang Kun hurriedly yelled to people before they opened the door, his eyes were startled and scared. Although Ruan Shenglin was nervous, seeing so many people, he was a little relieved.

Besides, if the village chief is looking for them, they really can’t help but open the door. With so many people around, things shouldn’t be worse than that time. What's more, they still have the talisman given by Master Chi. Thinking about this, Ruan Shenglin wants to open it. Holding on to Brother Kun who was still calling for the closure, he leaned close to his ear and said a few words. When the people calmed down, he rushed to Feng Yuanlin and said: "Brother Feng, open the door, maybe the village really has something to look for us!"

Feng Yuanlin's gaze fell on Ruan Shenglin, with a little appreciation in his eyes. This actor Ruan is not a fool, but he is also sensible. He knows the priorities and priorities. After thinking about it this way, he has seen the play of Ruan actor before. Now Looks a bit more pleasing to the eye.

He opened the door.


The person headed by the door was the head of Dashan Village who had met several times before, followed by a few villagers. Although the faces of the villagers were a little pale under the torch, they were still normal. They were normal people, not much like Xiaoshan and He Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief for what Wu Haoming described.

Shuyan is not here, if he really encounters that kind of thing, he might have nothing to do.

Feng Yuanlin squeezed out a smile and said, "Village Chief Pan is here? Excuse me, what is the urgent matter so late?"

'Pan Dalei' raised his eyes and saw someone coming. He just wanted to talk. When his eyes fell on the face of the man who opened the door in front of him, his eyes were a bit deep and a little strange and gloomy. He looked at the people's faces with weird eyes, with a smile on his face. He also disappeared. After a while, he reappeared with a kind smile, looked inside, and joked: "So lively?"

Feng Yuanlin has always been very keen. He brought the subtle expressions of the man in front of him into his eyes. Look carefully, the man in front of him showed a kind smile, but there is not much smile in his eyes, especially when the other person’s eyes were on his face just now, his eyes were bright. Mie Mie is not friendly, but a little bit puzzled.

Feng Yuanlin squinted his eyes and felt that the other party's expression seemed a little surprised, and seemed very surprised that he was here?

He didn't have time to think about it at this time, and his vigilance had not been let go, so he naturally found a reasonable excuse.

'Pan Dalei' nodded and did not say whether he believed it or not, his eyes moved again on his face and said: "That's it!"

Soon, he changed the conversation and said, "Alright, everyone is here, and I don’t need to walk to inform. I’m here this time to inform you that tonight is a good day to invite the Lord, and tomorrow morning. Because it is the birthday of the true Buddha early in the morning, everyone in our village is very busy. I am afraid that there is no time to teach you to go to the temple to invite the true Buddha. How about going tonight? It will be convenient for us tonight!"

After talking, as if afraid that they would refuse,'Pan Dalei' directly blocked their words: "I look at you just now and you are free! It will take some time to go to the temple to ask the true Buddha, and it shouldn't hinder your business. It will be soon!"

Feng Yuanlin saw that tonight this'Pan village chief' had made up his mind to ask them to invite some true Buddha. He should not refuse, and he did not panic. He nodded and said to'Pan Dalei': "Sure, I will go. Notify them!"

Feng Yuanlin just wanted to let the village chief in front of him go first, but he didn't know that the other party was the first to speak and laugh at him, Yan Yan said: "Sure, I am here for your reply!"

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