Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1401: Two hundred and four

"Shuyan, it's okay, I... I'm just a little... hurts here!" Feng Yuanlin clutched his chest, and soon felt a piece of wetness. Chi Shuyan looked up and saw the red blood overflowing his five fingers. A lot of blood still leaked from his fingers, ticking on the ground, shocking.

Chi Shuyan reacted almost within a second, immediately shot out an aura, and sacrificed a pure Yang talisman behind Brother Feng. The pure Yang talisman touched the strangely condensed and smiling Buddha statue, screaming sharply and quickly. After passing away, the Buddha statue that had just appeared was immediately shattered and turned into black water flowing towards Feng Ge's back.

Feng Yuanlin felt that his chest hurts a while ago, like someone holding a dagger into his heart and tumbling. After a short scream, the dull pain in his chest disappeared, and the blood was stopped. Liu, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his face was better, looking at Shuyan beside him, seeing that Shuyan's face was ugly and scary, staring at his wound intently, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, Shuyan, Brother Feng is all right! I'm all right!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a scream, and a bottle of Buddha statue with a dagger stuck in its chest suddenly fell to the ground.

The Buddha statue reappeared, and the faces of several people all changed. The Buddha statue once again shocked the attention of others. The eyes staring at the Buddha statue were very complicated except for the horror.

Chi Shuyan glanced over the Buddha statue, his face was particularly ugly, Feng Yuanlin also stared at the Buddha statue with a dagger stuck in his face in a daze, with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Yan Zhengming were all taken aback by Feng Yuanlin's reaction to the accident just now. They thought that Master Chi’s friends might be the same as Ke Mingmei’s group. Fortunately, Master Chi was here.

Ruan Shenglin first glanced at the Buddha statue and then at Feng Yuanlin, whose complexion had turned a little ruddy. He worried and asked, "Brother Feng, are you okay!"

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun are more familiar with Feng Yuanlin, knowing that he has never invited a Buddha statue before. Is it possible that people who have not invited a Buddha statue are also involved?

Thinking about it this way, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun immediately pulled out the cold from their hearts, and their palms squeezed the pocket of Fu Lu in a panic and trembling.

Yan Zhengming is a person who knows how to look at people and notices the abnormality, but seeing that Kun'er, Sheng Lin and Master Chi in front of him have very ugly faces at this time, he swallowed back what he had just reached his mouth, and stopped questioning.

Early Song and Cao Zhengsong's eyes were horrified, but they were quite honest, and they looked at the master in the mouth of Emperor Ruan, now they are very trustworthy.

As soon as Feng Yuanlin wanted to reply, he saw Shu Yan Liguang suddenly flashed by, picked up the bottle of Buddha and handed it to him, and asked Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun to help him back into the car.

"Shu Yan, you..." Feng Yuanlin asked.

Before Feng Yuanlin could finish speaking, Chi Shuyan's eyes flashed sharply and coldly, and he said, "Brother Feng, I will go and return. You will collect this bottle by yourself!" Kun and Ruan Shenglin asked them to help Brother Feng to get back into the car first.

When Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin came down, the two saw Master Chi in front of them and suddenly disappeared like a gust of wind in front of them.

This show operation not only stunned Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Yan Zhengming, including the rest of the crew, they were all stunned, extremely incredulous, and their jaws would fall to the ground.

At this time, many people in the crew thought of Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun who had persuaded them not to ask the true Buddha in the village and the capable master they had repeatedly mentioned before.

But everyone didn't believe it at the beginning. At this time, looking at the young master's series of mysterious and unpredictable methods, a group of people on the crew regretted not believing the words of the two.

By the way, Lao Wang and Liu Chang were rescued by the little master just now. All kinds of frightened people seemed to grab the last straw to survive and immediately surrounded Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun, and they were rushing to buy each other. Planting talisman paper and asking them to introduce the young master to them, they hoped to rely on that master Chi to save their lives, and some people even offered high prices!

There were even all kinds of weird complaints about how to make the young master say to leave and leave. What if something happens again?

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun had all kinds of expressions after listening to the various words of the crew, their brows and eyes were cold, and they were very scornful.


No matter how kind and perfect the person is, when the moment of life and death comes, all kinds of good qualities are missing, and only selfishness is left.

Of course, there are a lot of smart people in the crew, knowing that the friend of Master Chi is right beside them, that master can never abandon her friend, and run away secretly. Thinking about this, my heart is a little relieved. , Has been surrounded by Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming.

Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Yan Zhengming had no time to greet this group of people hypocritically. After sending them to Master Chi and their friends, they walked to the unconscious Director Wang.

On the other side, Chi Shuyan still vaguely remembered the contents of the nine paintings. One of them was Pan Dalei sitting at the door of the blue brick and burning the Buddha. She had always thought that Pan Dalei was burning the Buddha at his residence, but now think about Pan Dalei. Leaning on the wall, that place should be unlikely to be the residence of'Panda Lei', but in a temple.

Chi Shuyan rushed to the temple, she opened the door and walked in. There was chaos everywhere with the dim candle light. There was no one inside, and the white candlelight was a bit gloomy in the dark night.

However, she found that there were many bottles of Buddha statues piled at the entrance of the temple, and there was a brazier beside the Buddha statue, which was burning. She scanned her eyes and found that there were two bottles of Buddha statues burning inside. The two Buddha statues in the brazier have turned into coke, only some shapes can be seen vaguely.

In addition to the brazier, there is a **** beside it. Under the iron tool of the hoe, it is stained with bright red blood. All the iron tools are dyed red. Not only that, there is a terrifying red everywhere on the iron ground with the hoe. In front of the temple, looking carefully, she happened to see a broken Buddha statue lying on the blood.

It reminded her of the tragic death of Ke Mingmei. She glanced up and saw that Ke Mingmei's name was clearly written on the back of the Buddha statue.

The thought that Ke Mingmei was cut into three pieces with this **** alive, Chi Shuyan was not afraid of death, and a chill rose in her heart.

Following the hoe, Chi Shuyan also saw a bottle of Buddha statue with a wound on his chest. The dagger on his chest was missing. The other two bottles were wrapped in mud into an airtight ball. They were made into sculptures and placed on the other side, becoming tumblers.

The more Chi Shuyan watched, the colder her heart grew deeper, and she shuddered as a gust of wind blew over.

She immediately hurriedly put another pile of Buddha statues into the storage talisman, but it was because Pan Dalei didn't know where he was, otherwise when she came all the way, I was afraid that many people would have died.

After she received the Buddha statue, there was a loud bang inside. Chi Shuyan hesitated for a moment, and immediately walked into the temple, and saw the Buddha statue worshipped by the people on the first floor of the temple cracked to the ground.

Not only that, there was chaos everywhere, as if just after a fierce fight.

Chi Shuyan was surprised, and was about to walk inside. Suddenly there was a sound of ‘stomping, kicking, kicking’ upstairs. The sound of footsteps was very heavy, steady and powerful. It should be the sound of a man’s footsteps.

Chi Shuyan's eyes were on guard and stared sharply at the stairs. After a while, he saw a man familiar with the tall man with a **** smell slowly coming out.

Who is this man if he is not Qi Zhenbai?

Not far away, the man was facing the light, half of the silhouette was in the bright and half in the dark. She couldn't see the man's silhouette clearly, but she saw a gloomy, grimness on the man's face.

The man's breath seemed very familiar and somewhat strange.

Chi Shuyan's heart was full, and he looked at the man who was not far away, and tentatively shouted: "Qi Zhenbai?"

The man who was called raised his face, his thin lips curled up in a shallow arc, but his face was unusually stiff and shouted, "Shu Yan?"

Chi Shuyan looked at the man’s gentle and domineering eyes, but she always felt that the man in front of him was a bit of disharmony and abnormality. She didn’t know what went wrong or she was thinking too much. Then look at this man, she The feeling of violation in my heart is even worse.

At this time, the man's stiff expression disappeared quickly, and he called her again familiarly, and strode over to hold her wrist and walked out, while exhorting: "There are cars and people waiting outside, we will leave the village immediately."

When the man said this, Chi Shuyan kept looking at the man next to him. Seeing that the sense of disobedience he had just given her disappeared, she relieved her mind, and walked out, and asked: "Come, first It's important to leave the village!"

Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention. The moment she just turned her head, the man behind her cold and perfect facial features suddenly became vicious, and they disappeared again to calm down.

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