Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1402: Two hundred and five

Chi Shuyan just heard that Qi Zhenbai said that there was a car and people waiting outside. She didn't mind it, waiting for her to see a familiar and beautiful little boy in the car and the gloomy and difficult-spoken sister-in-law Miao from the Xu family.

This time, the usually not-so-spoken sister-in-law Miao changed her previous weirdness, not only her face was kind, but her attitude was also very good, so she let the two of them get in the car.

Chi Shuyan was still extremely surprised, and glanced at the man beside him.

The man didn't reply, his expression was indifferent and a bit tired, his lips pressed, he looked particularly majestic and serious and difficult to approach, and the various questions held in Chi Shuyan's heart had to be pressed back into his stomach.

Qi Zhenbai was sitting in the driver's seat. Chi Shuyan was not relieved to smell the blood of the man beside him, and changed his mind to let the man sit in the passenger seat and drive by himself.

She thought that she would refuse to follow the usual strength of the man next to her, but she didn't expect the man to nod and change position without hesitation.

When he changed his position, Chi Shuyan sat in the co-pilot position and looked at the man beside him a few more times. When he saw the man leaning against the car window, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it, but thought the man beside him was too much. tired.

Sister-in-law Miao who was still in the back seat suddenly coughed a few times and said, "There are still two hours. We'd better leave the village within these two hours. I know the way."

Chi Shuyan observed the sister-in-law Miao and the little guy through the rear-view mirror. The little guy's expression was still chaotic, and the whole person followed the wandering soul, with a dull face. Sister-in-law Miao gently touched the little guy's head, her body gloomy and hostile. It was much less than before, and Chi Shuyan looked very surprised.

She was really curious about what happened in the temple just now, whether the village of'Pandalei' died or not? And how did the man next to him get to know the sister-in-law Miao behind, so close to him?

How could this man even appear in the temple just now?

It was so unexpected to her!

Chi Shuyan also knew that this was not just a time for consultants. There should be an earthquake in this village soon. If she doesn't leave, she won't be able to leave. She immediately started the engine, but she looked at sister-in-law Miao from time to time through the rearview mirror.

Sister-in-law Miao seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly said, "So you want to know about the village and the Xu family?"

She knows everything about the Xu family that she should know or not. What she is most curious about is that everyone in this village is dead. Only'Pan Dalei' and this sister-in-law Miao are indeed individuals. How did Sister Miao and that "Pan Dalei" survive? And the true identity of this Dashan Village "Pandalei".

Chi Shuyan thought about it a few times, and soon, her gaze fell on the **** man with a tired face, frowned, and said: "No hurry, we will say everything when we leave the village! Don't leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave if I want to go!"

Sister-in-law Miao just wanted to praise her for being patient, when she suddenly heard her face change in the second half of the sentence, she coughed and asked: "What do you know?"

Chi Shuyan saw that Sister Miao in the back seat stared at her sharply. She seemed to want to know what she knew clearly. She didn't want to hide it. After all, she had learned that some of the secret truths of Dashan Village depended on the temple. Nine paintings, and she thought about these nine paintings carefully later, and she probably couldn't get rid of the relationship with the sister-in-law of Miao, nine out of ten are the paintings.

So she didn't hide it at all. She told about the previous trip to the temple alone and the nine paintings found in the temple. When she said, her eyes fell on the old face of Miao's wife through the rearview mirror from time to time, and her face was stiff at first. , Soon all kinds of complex emotions are intertwined, and in these complex emotions, there is a trace of happiness and a bit of relief.

Soon, she sighed and looked a little bit dazed and pained in the distance outside the window of the car. After a while, she said, "I did the nine paintings. You saw the explanation... ...You should not die, it also shows that you are lucky. This big mountain village is no longer the simple and lively mountain village in the past, but a cannibal village. After so many decades, I have seen many people, come to this village please After that, there will be no return."

Sister-in-law Miao asked if she thought of the simple Dashan Village at the time, her eyes were very nostalgic, and soon this bit of nostalgia turned into a bit of disgust and panic.

Chi Shuyan was not in a hurry to let Sister-in-law Miao reveal her scars. She just suddenly thought of the first painting. The content of the painting was that one person brought another person into Dashan Village. One of them should be a person from Dashan Village in plain clothes. , And the other person was not only dressed quite brightly, she clearly remembered that in the painting, Sister Miao also drew a crown on the top of this person's head, indicating that this person should have a certain identity and background, and at the same time he is not a person from Dashan Village.

I am afraid that all the tragedies in Dashan Village originated from this man.

And this person is probably the real person behind this true Buddha.

At this time, Miao's sister-in-law coughed a few times and said again: "It's over, everything is over! It is said that the heart of defense is indispensable, there is no pie in the sky, and there are not so many good people in the world, let alone sent to the door. Good people, I think it’s true, you young sure to remember this sentence. No matter how good-looking people are, no matter how sincere they are, they have to be defensive, and one thing is that they are always happy to know everything. Don't be too greedy!"

Hearing these words, Chi Shuyan was stunned to hear a sense of desolation and vicissitudes. She looked through the rearview mirror and saw sister Miao in the back seat full of sadness and pain. In all likelihood, she remembered what happened in Dashan Village. thing.

She was trying to comfort a few words, and suddenly there was a quiet sound next to her. She looked over and saw that the man’s fingers pinched on the car window were white, and the joints were cut off, as if they were about to break in the next second. Not only that, the back of his hand was blue. One by one violent, and his whole body's momentum suddenly changed.

Chi Shuyan even felt a strong suffocation and death on the man next to her. She was shocked, and Qi Zhenbai beside her suddenly turned her head and her face was calm. When she looked at her, there was still a gentleness in her eyes. , But that face gave her a gloomy illusion in the dark.

Chi Shuyan blinked, then looked over, and saw that the man's complexion was not only calm, his fingers were perfectly white, and the back of his hands had no violent blue veins, and his thin lips were lightly raised: "What are you looking at?"

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