Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1406: Two hundred and ten

"Fuck! Fuck!"

When Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming heard the words of the closure, their hearts were also disturbed, and they subconsciously went out to look at them. In the dark night, the loud clamors had never stopped. Hearing them in people's ears, there was an inexplicable instinct to be frightened.

The two of them also leaned on the car lights to see clearly.


The nearby mountains began to collapse, flying sand and rocks everywhere, the two people watching were frightened, and cold sweat burst out from all over their bodies. After being scared, a few stones hit their foreheads. Fortunately, the stones were not big.

The two hurriedly rolled up the car window, frightened and horrified, their heads blank and trembling incoherently: "It...really collapsed! It...really collapsed! What should I do? The closure, sister-in-law, what should I do? It's terrible! too frightening!"

Through the car window, it was dark outside, and only a huge creaking sound could be heard. The sound hit people's hearts and frightened people, for fear that a mountain would collapse in the next second, burying them all!

The more people in the car thought about it, the horrified.

Sister-in-law Miao, who had been silent before, also looked ugly, and she dared not say anything: "How...possible? There are fifteen minutes! Obviously there are...fifteen minutes!"

Sister-in-law Miao was already in poor health, she was suddenly irritated, and her throat became itchy again. She coughed, and the more she coughed, the worse she coughed. The sound of this cough made her lungs come out.

Chi Shuyan was a little worried when she heard Sister Miao's coughing, so she threw a moisturizing pill and asked Brother Feng to give it to Sister Miao. While distracted by the surroundings, she looked at the following vehicles through the rearview mirror.

She paid special attention to Ruan Shenglin's car.

Fortunately, the car Ruan Shenglin and the others boarded closely followed them, and there was no accident, but the people who watched by the bumps from time to time were shocked.

The other vehicles that followed them neatly before were all messed up, and they started to flee extremely fast, and a few vehicles all overturned because of the speed and vibration.

She faintly heard many people's cry for help and desperate cry.

Chi Shuyan's expression was in a daze, and the man next to him suddenly sounded in a particularly low-pitched and powerful voice: "Don't get distracted, step on the accelerator and accelerate, there are three hundred meters left! Quick!"

Qi Zhenbai’s reminder was like rain in time, a bump, and Chi Shuyan did not dare to be distracted. The most important thing now is to save the lives of a cart of people. At the same time, she is very grateful that they are only a few hundred meters away from the stone monument and must escape. Too late.

She was about to step on the gas pedal, and the man next to her had already slammed the gas pedal for her. The car was like an arrow that left the string. It galloped amidst the loud noises and turbulence and the screams of everyone. It didn’t take long before it was far from the stele The boundary of Dashan Village.

When he could not feel the bumps and vibrations, Chi Shuyan immediately stepped on the brakes and parked the car around the corner. Everyone was in shock, their backs were wet with a lot of cold sweat, and their faces were pale.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan seemed to have some friendship with Ruan Shenglin. After they managed to escape, they did not forget them and immediately rolled down the windows to look at other vehicles behind them.

The two looked over, all the cars drove in chaos, one at a time called a fast one. The two paid special attention to Ruan Shenglin’s car and saw that their car was driving in the forefront, only a few tens of meters away from the stone monument. Out of the village.

When the two of them were about to give a breath, they saw that a huge mountain not far away from them suddenly collapsed, and the landslide collapsed instantly. Within tens of seconds, the black boulders and mountains were rushing behind Ruan Shenglin. Come, as if the crowd will be buried under the mountain in the next second.

This really frightened Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan. Both of their hearts trembled and trembled with the collapsed mountain, and they hurriedly yelled at the back: "Quick...Run!"

Not only that, at this time the ground began to crack, and it was in Xiaoshan and Wu Haoming who thought that all the car owners behind them would die violently and be buried in the soil.

The two saw Master Chi's figure appear behind them, and they didn't notice when Master Chi got off the car just now.

I saw Master Chi suddenly fly out into the air to sacrifice a bunch of talisman, and a large swath of aura shot from his body, forming a golden curtain of several hundred meters, blocking the flying sand boulders and the fallen mountains. Before you.

Just now, the people who were desperate to be buried under the mountain saw the flying sand boulders and the black-pressed mountain being blocked by a golden light. They were startled first and then cried with joy. They didn't dare to be distracted and wasted time, and hurriedly stepped on the accelerator to escape from the boundaries of Dashan Village.

Ruan Shenglin and Song Yanru were the first vehicles to reach the safe zone and escape the boundaries of Dashan Village. After the brakes, everyone in the car was terrified and frightened.

There were still people in the car who couldn't help but cried out of excitement. The crying people were the timid Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong. After all, the two were young and had a bright future. The mountain just collapsed in their direction. At that time, they originally thought they would explain here, unwilling and frightened, they almost scared their soul away.

Not to mention Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong, but the others Yan Zhengming, Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, and Wang Dao were shocked just now, and all of them were ecstatic and excited and wiped tears behind their faces.

"My God! Too...too...too terrible!"

"I almost died! I **** almost died! It's horrible! It's horrible!"

"It's really **** land... the earthquake, I'm the first time I've encountered this..." Before Director Wang finished speaking, Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong rolled down the car window and suddenly saw an unbelievable scene. With an exclamation, I forgot to interrupt Director Wang's usual politeness.

"My goodness! Master, it's... Master save us, Master is there! The golden light just now was made by the master!" Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong saw the golden light floating in the air beside the master, watching. The eyeballs almost fell off the eye sockets, which was incredible and shocked.

Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Ruan Shenglin, and Yang Kun followed the eyes of Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong. When they saw the magical scene in the sky, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun were okay. After all, when they were fighting against monsters, they had already seen them. Master Chi is great.

But it is true that Yan Zhengming and Director Wang have seen Chi Shuyan’s methods thoroughly for the first time. They did not see this mysterious scene, and completely calmed the two of them. Director Wang shook his cell phone and smashed to the ground with a squeak. God, stammered incoherently for a long time and forced to spit out: "My God! Really...what an expert!"

Yan Zhengming and Song Yanru were also dumbfounded: "My God!"

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