Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1407: Two hundred and eleven

After that, the noisy ringtones of Wang Dao's call didn't make everyone in the car regain their senses. Several people stared at the sky blankly, and their eyes would not turn for a long time.

The phone was called again and again. After a long time, everyone in the car recovered. Dao Wang stumbled and picked up the phone. When he picked up the phone, his expression was still absent. He looked outside frequently, his face blank, three views. Subverted so much.

For a moment, not only Wang Dao but even Yan Zhengming wanted to ask Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun how they were so lucky? How did you meet such a real master?

Director Wang shivered and opened the screen with his fingers, but when he was excited, his hand shook and accidentally clicked on the hands-free.

Before Director Wang had time to speak, there were bursts of heart-piercing cry for help and crying of collapse: "Director Wang...Help, there is an earthquake, Director Wang, help..."

The call only lasted a few seconds, and soon the contact was disconnected due to poor signal.

But several people in the car immediately heard that the voice was from the producer Xiang Zhongqiang. When they thought of Xiang Zhongqiang's heartbreaking cry for help just now, everyone's scalp was numb, their hearts were cold, and the bones were densely packed with chills. , I feel very heavy.

In particular, Director Wang, he had been convinced that Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin had been deceived before, and had been thinking about shunting back to the village. If everyone had returned to the village with him just now, I am afraid that the same Xiang Zhongqiang would be almost as bad as it is.

When he thought of this, Wang Daogang's ruddy face turned pale and his eyes flushed.

Not only Wang Dao, but Yan Zhengming, Song Yanru, Cao Zhengsong, and Song Chu all rejoiced that they were afraid to look at Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin, their expressions were unusually excited.

Yan Zhengming was immediately excited and forgot his usual restraint. Suddenly, he hugged Yang Kun and kissed him on the cheek. The face of Yang Kun was deformed and twisted.

Yang Kun was shocked by Yan Zhengming’s nasty kiss. He was a straight man and his sexuality was normal. When suddenly he was kissed like this, he quickly pushed Yan Zhengming away and said with a look of disgust: "Go go, you and him. Mom, don't be numb to me!"

Seeing everyone turning their heads to look at him, Ruan Shenglin quickly opened the car door and changed the subject: "Let's get out of the car and look at the other people!"

On the other hand, with such a huge consumption of aura, Chi Shuyan could not bear it, but she could persist for more than ten minutes. After all the vehicles successfully escaped from the village, she immediately evacuated the aura, and people fell back to the ground. , His waist was held firmly by both hands, but the strength of the hands behind him was a bit big, amazing.

Chi Shuyan's back pain was so severe that she turned her head and looked behind her. As expected, the man standing behind him was not Qi Zhenbai and who was it?

However, at this time, the man's sight did not fall on her, but instead stared at the collapsed mountains not far from the Dashan Village boundary. His lips were pressed into a line, and the outline was sharp and cold from the side. At the same time, the eyebrows were a bit harsh. It seems very difficult to touch.

In the darkness, the man's expression seemed particularly gloomy and cold, and disappeared in a flash.

Chi Shuyan realized that the man in front of him was not in the right mood, and couldn't help but confirm again: "Are you okay?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the man's eyes quickly moved away and fell on her, his eyes intently, revealing unusual heat: "Daughter-in-law, do you care about me?"

This is really difficult to answer, and Chi Shuyan can't answer, her face is a bit embarrassed.

As soon as she remained silent, the looking man seemed to be particularly irritable and a little bit frustrated, and the strength to hold her waist increased a little, and he got close to her neck and sniffed, his eyes flashed a little greedy.

Shocked, Chi Shuyan almost didn't kick people directly.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming came over to call them, and the man beside him suddenly let go of his hand, turned and left.

Chi Shuyan was inexplicably seen by Qi Zhenbai's series of actions.

She didn't notice that the man had just turned around. His dark eyes gradually turned scarlet, his fists were tightly squeezed, and the back of his hands burst open, and after a few seconds, they returned to black.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay!"

"Sister-in-law, are you okay!"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming asked worriedly in unison.

Chi Shuyan waved his hand: "It's okay!" His eyes swept across the surroundings, and cars stopped nearby. Most of the people around got out of the car, and there was a cry of fear everywhere.

There was some doubt in her eyes: "What happened to the others? Someone died?"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming hurriedly waved their hands and said, "No, no, we all went to see other people in the same bureau just now, no one had an accident, but it was too irritated just now, so crying should be fine!"

Chi Shuyan nodded in understanding, and said, "Go, take me to Feng Ge's side!"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming hurriedly nodded, and exclaimed excitedly while leading the road: "Sister-in-law, do you know how awesome you were just now?"

This is the beginning of Xiao Shan.

At the beginning of Xiao Shan, Wu Haoming was also excited to join in: "Sister-in-law, you are so awesome! So amazing!

Chi Shuyan stopped and stared at the two of them for a while, only to shut up the two who were staring at them and lead the way. That's right, Master Chi didn't like to listen to good things, so they stopped talking.

However, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming really admire and admire Master Chi's ability. Fortunately, there is Master Chi, otherwise all of them will have to be planted in Checun and be finished.

Although Master Chi was unwilling to listen to the two people saying good things, they were in a good mood, but when they were in a good mood, seeing Ge Ying again, the smiles on their faces disappeared immediately.

No, the two of them had just left for a while, and the woman named Qin came out from nowhere, and was crying with her own seal. The more the seal was pushed, the tighter the woman's embrace.

I have to say that this woman Qin Qing looks good, and when she cries, she is very distressing, especially for men, except that Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming are straight men, and they know that this woman has been greener than her family. No matter how long the face is, it looks disgusting in the eyes of the two of them at this moment, and they don't want to hang out with this woman again.

And why is this woman so dead? They didn't let anyone get in the car before, so she could still leave the village alive?

The two immediately saw this scene and hurriedly shouted: "Close the game!"

Even Chi Shuyan was looking at the woman Qin Qing at this time, the expression on her face immediately disappeared, her eyes were a little cold.

Feng Yuanlin had no feelings for this woman Qin Qing, but when the woman suddenly hugged him inexplicably, he was also very helpless and speechless.

He was talking to other people just now, but he didn’t know that this woman suddenly ran from behind and hugged him tightly without saying a word.

Talking nonsense at him, saying that their child is dead.

The last trace of patience in Feng Yuanlin's heart was worn away. At this time, seeing the two men and Shuyan coming over, he didn't care whether Qin Qing was a woman or not, and directly pushed him away.

He was so strong that Qin Qing was unprepared to be pushed and fell to the ground. He looked at Feng Yuanlin with a look of disbelief and sadness: "You pushed me? You actually... pushed me?"

Feng Yuanlin, who looked at him alive and well, was the guilty man.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming couldn't help but roll their eyes. It's really unlucky to have such a girlfriend for eight lifetimes, and they are still entangled by this weird woman.

Chi Shuyan almost couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes.

Feng Yuanlin said with a cold face: "Miss Qin, please respect yourself!"

When the words fell, Qin Qing's face turned blue, white and purple.

Feng Yuanlin didn't plan to pay attention to this woman anymore, and walked towards Shuyan's direction.

Who knows that Qin Qing is no longer entangled in the closure of the game, she suddenly leaned in front of Master Chi, bitterly and proudly said: "Chi Shuyan, you didn't expect me to leave the village alive? Don't worry, you imposed on me before. I will return them all to you one day, and I said you will regret it." At this point, Qin Qing glanced over Feng Yuanlin again, his eyes still hated: "There is still you, Feng Yuanlin , You didn’t die before and became a fortuneteller!"

After shaking the cruel words, Qin Qing turned to leave, but Chi Shuyan stepped in front of Qin Qing. She stared at the woman in front of her, and after ten seconds, frames flashed in her mind again.

Chi Shuyan realized that she could foresee a series of images as long as she stared at people out of thin air for more than ten seconds, without direct contact anymore, she was shocked, but soon waited for her to see that this woman had visited Dashan Village before leaving the village. When the village chief visited her house, her eyes condensed into ice, her face sank completely, and she suddenly said, "Is it you?"

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