Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1410: Two hundred and fourteen

'Kill him' kill him, Qi Zhenbai only feels that his brain hurts terribly, there is always a voice in his brain reminding him to do something to the man in front of him, but at the same time there is a voice reminding him that if he really does it Will definitely regret it.

He squeezed his fists, the back of his hands bursting with blue veins, suppressing the soaring hostility in his heart, but the hostility in his chest continued to increase, and the eyes of his pupils turned deep and faintly red.

Feng Yuanlin's intuition was very keen. At this moment, he not only noticed that Zhenbai's vision was unkind and weird, but he even felt a bit of killing intent on Zhenbai.

Could it be that Zhenbai was really possessed by something?

Thinking about this, Feng Yuanlin got goose bumps all over his body, and he regretted that he did not hesitate to follow Zhenbai to the dense forest just now. There was no way he didn't want to call for help. He hurriedly found an excuse to leave, regardless of Zhenbaiying. Still not, he turned and hurried out.

When he left, he was as calm and rational as possible, but his pace was a bit chaotic.

It was just that before Feng Yuanlin walked out of the dense forest, his back was suddenly pulled by a strong force and he was accustomed to the tree. Feng Yuanlin was caught off guard to prevent his back from pressing on the uneven tree, and the other party's strength was great.

With a loud bang, Feng Yuanlin gasped. He only felt that his entire back was numb, his spine was painful, and the branches and leaves on his head trembled violently.

After a while, Feng Yuanlin endured the pain to find his own voice. He continued to calmly and rationally hurriedly swallowed his saliva and asked: "Zhenbai, you...what the hell...what happened to you?"

Only when he met Zhenbai's eyes that gradually turned scarlet, Feng Yuanlin felt a chill on his back, and saw when Zhenbai in front of him raised his hand to pinch his neck. Looking up close, he saw this in front of him with his own eyes. Zhang's familiar face gradually became savage. Not only that, the coldness and killing intent in his eyes also made him very palpitating. Feng Yuanlin didn't pretend now, and asked coldly, "You...what are you? ……?"Who.

It’s a pity that the other party’s pinch on his neck became more and more forceful. Feng Yuanlin was pinched on his neck and suffocated. His face was flushed and turned blue. He could only keep struggling with his feet, and tried to pinch him with both hands. The arms of his neck.

It's a pity that Ren Feng Yuanlin is so powerful that he can't move the other party the slightest.

Feng Yuanlin naturally didn't want to die. He didn't forget that he had hidden the talisman given by Shuyan in his pocket. At the same time, he was sure that Zhen Bai must be possessed by something in front of him. He finally took out a few talisman and threw it on the opponent. , But Ah's fart is useless.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but despair. God knows that he never thought that one day he would die in the hands of the best brother. No, Zhenbai was possessed. It should be that he died indirectly in the hands of Zhenbai.

Before long, Feng Yuanlin was pinched and rolled his eyes, and the struggling strength became less and less, thinking that he was really going to explain here, but he didn't know that the other party suddenly relaxed his neck and threw him to the ground.

With a loud bang, Feng Yuanlin was thrown into numbness and vomiting. He vomited with one hand and stared at the man who attacked him in front of him. He had no energy to call for help, so he could only slowly prop up his body and reluctantly. Back.

He leaned back a few steps with his right hand, and the man in front walked a few steps forward to keep up with him. Feng Yuanlin was anxious and startled. In the dark, seeing the other party hadn't done anything, he looked at him with a complicated and unkind expression. As if he knew him and didn't seem to know him, the scarlet eyes gradually faded away.

Feng Yuanlin thought that Zhenbai had some sense, and hurriedly said: "Zhenbai... Zhenbai, it's me! I'm your best brother, you **** wake me up!"

As soon as Feng Yuanlin finished speaking, the other party really stopped. Feng Yuanlin still wanted to rack his brains to play the family love card. The other party suddenly spoke. The low voice sounded in people's ears, but it was extremely permeating: "Keep away from her!"

Feng Yuanlin was a little dumbfounded, too dumbfounded to understand that the ‘she’ in his words was exactly who he was?

Lifting his eyes, the other party turned and left suddenly, and a cool breeze blew over, and Feng Yuanlin felt a chill on his back and understood which she was in Zhenbai's words just now?

and many more!

Since Zhenbai still remembers the beautiful face, is he possessed or not?

And just now in Zhenbai's hands, he clearly and clearly felt the killing intent on his body, not joking with him.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Yuanlin struck again, and when the other side was no longer seen, he quickly propped up his aching body and hurriedly walked out of the dense forest, thinking while walking.

Feng Yuanlin just walked out of the dense forest and just happened to run into Xiao who came to look for him. Xiao Shan saw that his seal was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and looked a little embarrassed, and his face was not very good-looking, so he couldn't help asking: "Closed, are you okay!"

Just now almost confessed his life in the dense forest. It’s weird that Feng Yuanlin’s complexion looks good, but his thoughts are still very calm, sensible and clear. He knows very well that if Zhenbai wants to eat the jealousy of his beautiful face, he would have eaten it long ago. Why wait till now, can only say that this'Zhenbai' is too abnormal and weird!

Make him get goose bumps all over.

Seeing that the game was closed, Xiao Shan was still meditating and ignored what he said. He looked up and down the abnormal situation of the game, and hurriedly repeated it again and asked: "The game was closed, what happened to you? What happened? My sister-in-law said that we were almost able to do so. I left, I specifically called you to come and get in the car!"

Feng Yuanlin came back to his senses after hearing the second half of the sentence, but his complexion was still not good, and he pinched his eyebrows. As for Zhenbai's abnormality, Feng Yuanlin didn't plan to talk to Xiao Shan. After the conversation changed, he suddenly approached. Distance asked: "Old Xiao, have you noticed anything unusual and weird about Zhenbai recently?" Does it seem to be possessed by something?

If it was Wu Haoming, Wu Haoming could break out a few words. As for the honest Xiao Shan, he was confused and scratched the back of his head after hearing what he said about the closure of the bureau. Han said: "What's abnormal? Mr. Qi is normal! Good to Master Chi! Good people!"

Feng Yuanlin:...

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