Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1411: Two hundred and fifteen

After listening to Xiao Shan's reply, Feng Yuanlin was completely in no mood to say anything to Xiao Shan, absent-mindedly following Xiaoshan to the direction of the car.

Just as he walked over, Chi Shuyan got on and off from the car and walked to Feng Yuanlin. He couldn't help asking, "Feng brother, where did you go?"

Feng Yuanlin originally wanted to talk to Shuyan about what had just happened. By the way, he repeated the question to Shuyan. Xiaoshan's character was so careless that he couldn't see anything. Shuyan might be able to see something, but it's a pity that he still said something. Without opening, the front passenger seat door was opened, and then a tall and majestic man got out of the car and looked at them with light and cold eyes.

When Feng Yuanlin raised his eyes, he just met the familiar dark and bottomless eyes, and his whole body was shocked. Without a trace of questioning with Shuyan, he shut up and hurriedly said, "No... Where did you go?"

Feng Yuanlin wanted to say a few more words. I don’t know how to think of Zhenbo’s warning of “keep away from her” in the dense forest. Feng Yuanlin immediately opened the distance from Shuyan and spit out “Shuyan, I will get in the car first. ', hurried into the car immediately, without saying a word of nonsense.

Speaking of him, he had never been afraid of Zhenbai before, but at this time the familiar figure not far away made him very jealous, and even a trace of unwarranted fear in his heart, especially when he thought of those scarlet eyes.

Seeing that Brother Feng hurriedly added a word and didn't have time to talk to her, Chi Shuyan always felt that not only did Feng's expression look a little strange, but also his behavior was a little strange at the moment.

"Wait, Shu Yan, the last question, the talisman you gave me has an effect on all feminine objects, including those on the human body?" Feng Yuanlin suddenly stopped and asked!

"Nature!" Chi Shuyan nodded without hesitation.

Feng Yuanlin was even more confused when he got Shuyan's affirmative reply, and he didn't know whether the brother Zhenbo was possessed or not.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the difference between the previous Zhenbai and the current Zhenbai is too big, some abnormalities and violations.

After getting in the car, Feng Yuanlin couldn't calm down at all. He rolled down the car window and saw outside the car window. Zhen Bai was actively talking to Shu Yan, his expression was particularly gentle.

Somehow, Feng Yuanlin's heart became more and more uneasy. In case Zhenbo was really possessed by something high-level and profound, and Shuyan didn't notice it, Feng Yuanlin felt numb all over his body when he thought about it, and he was worried that it would not work. Yan has other purposes.

No, when should he find time to ask Shuyan about Zhenbai's abnormality and remind Shuyan by the way.

Looking uneasy, Feng Yuanlin simply chose to roll up the car window.

Outside the car, Chi Shuyan didn't know Feng Ge's worries. Seeing that Qi Zhenbai took the initiative to speak to her, she didn't deliberately avoid each other and avoid suspicion.

For her, everyone has lived and died together. The two broke up like what happened in the previous life, and they have never been sorry for you.

Chi Shuyan was quite satisfied with the distance between the two of them, and was very grateful for the man's action when he was in Dashan Village, otherwise she would not have taken a group of people to leave Dashan Village so easily.

While talking with Qi Zhenbai, Chi Shuyan glanced around and saw that almost everyone else was in the car. She also got in the car with the man in front of her.

Just now Feng Yuanlin said a few more words, seeing the "possessed Zhenbai" get on the bus, Feng Yuanlin shut up immediately.

Chi Shuyan didn't notice the abnormality of Brother Feng, so he stepped on the accelerator and drove to the nearest hotel nearby.

In Song Yanru's car, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Wang Dao, and Yan Zhengming were anxious to leave immediately. Before leaving, Yan Zhengming turned on the car lights, which illuminate the boundaries of Dashan Village not far away.

A group of people stared at the large and small mountains of Dashan Village collapsed, and they continued to collapse. The ground shook apart a few meters away.

But there is no sound here, stable and safe like two worlds.

A car of people was flustered, sighed, and afraid of the scene in Dashan Village. They were deeply moved.

If they really continue to stay in Dashan Village or leave a little later, a group of people will be agitated and dare not think about the consequences, especially Wang Dao, with cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart is full of shadows. He has made up his mind about what to do in the future. Never come to this particularly remote mountain village again.

What if there is no return?

No, after filming, you have to ask Master Chi to help you look at Feng Shui before filming.

After that, Director Wang always looked for Chi Shuyan to watch Feng Shui every time he filmed a scene, and made sure that he was fine before shooting. Moreover, Director Wang believed in Buddhism and superstition afterwards. This is something for the time being.

Ruan Shenglin regained his consciousness first, and rushed to Yan Zhengming who was driving, "Brother Yan, Master Chi and their car have gone, let's leave and follow!"

Yan Zhengming immediately stepped on the accelerator while responding.

After Yan Zhengming followed, other cars scrambled to follow.

Until more than half an hour later, a group of cars stopped at the nearest hotel nearby. This hotel was newly opened. Although a little small, it was not as big as a big hotel, but it was not bad and looked clean.

This hotel doesn't have much business on weekdays. Suddenly, there is such a large crowd. The boss and the proprietress are so happy that they immediately entertain them with the waiter.

There were forty or fifty of them, and they couldn't live there. Afterwards, many people chose to leave, mainly because they had just experienced life and death. Many people wanted to go home without any sense of security. Director Wang also immediately approved.

As for Qin Qing, she didn't deal with Chi Shuyan's group. Naturally, she would not choose to stay to see their faces, and was the first to follow the first wave of people in the car and return to Beijing with a cold face.

After the group of people left, there were more than a dozen people left. All of them did not have dinner. Wang Daoxian thoughtfully remembered that Master Chi had not eaten, and immediately asked the hotel owner and the proprietress to quickly prepare some dishes and try to be richer. In short, they were not bad. money.

Seeing such instructions from Director Wang, the hotel owner and the proprietress who had just distressed the loss of many guests immediately became happy again, and hurriedly responded: "Cheng Chengcheng, I immediately order someone to do it!"

Chi Shuyan took the room card and was about to go upstairs. Director Wang greeted him with enthusiasm, smiling and pleased: "Master Chi, what would you like to have for dinner?"

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