Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1439: Two hundred forty four

Father Qi and Father Qi only thought that Zhenbai's cold syndrome had erupted, so it looked like this. Think about it when Zhenbai's previous cold syndrome broke out, wasn't it also this painful appearance?

But this grandson suffers so much. In front of their elders, he never reveals the slightest. Because of this, Mr. Qi feels more heartfelt to the child. The child is too forbearing. In addition, he has just vomited blood. , Once again dragged down Zhenbai's body after so many years of recuperation, he was hesitant to speak, and his heart was very worried.

Father Qi is also worried. Although Father Qi is selfish and afraid of the end, he is really worried about this son now, for fear that his son will have three long and two shortcomings. When Zhenbai finishes speaking, Father Qi will not go out and hurriedly asked Zhang Tianshi. Said: "Zhang Tianshi, Zhenbai...what's wrong with Zhenbai? Is he okay? Is the old symptom recurring, isn't it? Even if the old symptom recurs, it is impossible to vomit blood, Zhenbai, what happened to you these days? Where, what happened? You were in good health before!"

The son’s health care was so good before. Zhang Tianshi once said that Zhenbai was well taken care of. It would be possible to live to 100 years old if he lived for a few decades, but now suddenly the old disease relapses, and it may be more serious. Qi The father couldn't accept it, and the hand holding the man kept shaking.

Compared with the cold temperament that the fourth child of the Qi family has acquired, Qi Zhenbai has a cold nature. Before meeting his wife, apart from putting his father in his heart, there is very little that he can put him in his heart because of his childhood. He didn’t have a deep relationship with Qi's father and Qi's mother. Later, when he had his wife, his relationship with Qi's father and Qi's mother gradually improved. At this time, Qi Zhenbai's eyes were quite complicated and looked at Qi's father. He pinched his temple. Shen Sheng spoke again: "Dad, I have something to discuss with Zhang Tianshi, you and Grandpa..."

Before Qi Zhenbo finished speaking, Qi's father immediately raised his voice to retort: ​​"Zhenbai, what can I say to your grandfather?" What he wants to ask now is where the child has gone these days? Why did an accident happen as soon as he came back? what happened?

Before Qi's father had finished speaking, the old man Qi could not help but interrupt him first, got up with a cane and called the boss to go out together.

"Dad, Zhenbai..."

"I haven't heard Zhenbai have something to say with Zhang Tianshi?" Old man Qi still respects this grandson very much. He thought that the child Zhenbai would ask Zhang Tianshi the truth about his sudden vomiting of blood and coma. She didn't intend to hide Zhenbai, even if he didn't ask Zhang Tianshi, he would take the initiative to mention it.

Before leaving, Mr. Qi said suddenly: "Zhenbai, don't worry, grandpa will give you an explanation for this matter!"

After the old man said this, he brought out the door of Zhen Bai with his dazed Qi father.

When Father Qi went out with Father Qi, Qi Zhenbai was rarely moved to stare at the old man's back for a long time. After a long time, he closed his gaze calmly and looked at Tianshi Zhang in front of him.

At this time, Zhang Tianshi thought that Shao Qi had left the father and father Qi to ask him about moving the tomb. He considered a few words and did not want to participate in the family affairs of the Qi family. He said: "If Shao Qi wants to know. , You can directly ask Father Qi, he may not conceal you!"

Qi Zhenbaisen’s cold eyes lightly glanced at Tianshi Zhang’s face. Tianshi Zhang’s face was slightly stiff, and he heard a low and majestic voice with a few warnings, "I didn’t want to ask Tianshi Zhang for other things, I I just hope that no matter if you see any abnormality in my body today, Master Zhang, I don’t want anyone else to know about it!"

The man's voice is still an understatement, but his tone cannot be ignored, with the usual domineering strength and majesty, which makes people afraid to resist and refuse.

After hearing this, Zhang Tianshi’s expression was also a bit wrong. He just thought that the young master Qi in front of him wanted to ask the fourth young master of the Qi family about the design of the grave. Who knows that the one in front of him didn’t ask anything, just let him keep it secret. other things.

In Qi's family, Zhang Tianshi never dared to look down upon the Qi family, especially the one in front of him. Up to now, he still doesn't understand the slightest thoughts of this person, or even the slightest insight into the other person.

When I saw this young man in front of him, it was true that Shao Qi didn’t even plan to ask about the tomb relocation.

I don't know if I should guess whether this person knew it a long time ago, or whether he really didn't care about the design of the grave removal.

Of course, with his understanding of this Shao Qi, he is more inclined towards the former.

This Shao Qi was too deep and too deep in his mind. He vaguely felt that if it hadn't been for the fourth young master of the Qi family to take the old man Qi to lure this young man to the bait, it would be more difficult for the other party to design him.

I have to say that Zhang Tianshi’s guess is really good. It is not surprising that Qi Zhenbai did not see the design of the fourth uncle of the Qi family. In fact, he was vaguely vague when he rushed to the cemetery and didn’t see his grandfather. Guessed that he had won his fourth uncle's design.

He has always been very clear that his fourth uncle saw him as a thorn in his eyes. When his grandfather deliberately let him inherit the Qi family, his fourth uncle hated him even more. He always saw him as a hindrance to his future. He wanted to design him to die. He was not surprised. The only thing he underestimated this time was his fourth uncle's bottom line. He never expected that he would use the old man's body to deceive him in order to design him.

Thinking of this, Qi Zhenbai's eyes were cold and killing intent flashed. Thinking of killing, his blood could not help but boil, his eyes gradually became scarlet, the back of his hand bulged with veins, his face was excited and hideous.

Qi Zhenbai didn't realize that when he was excited, the evil spirits in his body fluctuated again and began to gain the upper hand out of control. Zhang Tianshi faced these evil spirits and panicked again, seeing this young Qi gradually start to lose control again. Hurriedly said: "Shao Qi, calm down! Calm down first!"

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