Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1440: Two hundred forty five

For cultivators, it is difficult not to panic and fear the things of evil spirit and death energy, especially the former. As long as this thing enters the body a little bit, it is more difficult to remove it than to go to the sky.

Whether it is a person or a cultivator rashly touching the evil spirit, there are all harms but no benefit. At this time, Zhang Tianshi is quite frightened and wondering why there is evil energy and death energy in this young Shao Qi, and even let evil energy and death energy enter his body.

Zhang Tianshi didn't think much about it. Seeing that Qi Shao's emotions were getting more and more out of control, he immediately squeezed his wrist and picked up the spiritual energy to try to force the evil spirit in his body.

It’s a pity that Zhang Tianshi just penetrated into Qi Zhenbai's body. If he only had a trace of evil spirits in his body, it would be okay, but when Zhang Tianshi carefully explored his body, I saw that the deep black hole in his body could not be seen, and the black evil spirit inside was overwhelming. The shocked Zhang Tianshi was horrified and sluggish in disbelief. God knows that he has never seen such a majestic evil spirit in his life, let alone in a human body.

Zhang Tianshi couldn't imagine, let alone imagine that there was so much surging evil spirit in Shao Qi's body that he hadn't died yet, Zhang Tianshi's shocked mouth had not been closed for a long time.

It’s no wonder that he just noticed that this young Qi has a very different temperament from the past. Although the old Qi Shao was also strong and decisive, his eyebrows and cold eyebrows could hide a bit of warmth, but now this Qi Shao’s eyebrows are more hostile than before. , The **** slaughter in his eyes made people fearful.

The only thing that made Tianshi Zhang thankful was that Qi Shao had too much evil energy in his body, but the black evil energy was surrounded by purple energy, but Qi Shao was emotionally excited at this moment, and there were faint traces of evil energy in his body.

Zhang Tianshi didn't even dare to imagine the consequences of the evil spirits in Qi Shao's body being leaked out. He pondered for a moment, thinking of the Suppressing Talisman, and immediately wanted to take out the Suppressing Talisman from his pocket to calm down.

However, Zhang Tianshi had just lost his mind, and his wrists were frustrated. He was taken aback: "Shao Qi!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Tianshi saw Qi Shao, who was irrational and scarlet-eyed, pinched his neck and slammed him to the ground. With a chair beside him, he also smashed to the ground, and Zhang Tianshi cried out in pain.

Zhang Tianshi just finished crying out in pain, and not long after seeing Qi Shao walk towards him again with a solemn expression and excitement, Zhang Tianshi was terrified and terrified. He subconsciously wanted to resist, but he found that he could not resist at all at this moment, let alone. Fa approached the Qi Shao, who had leaked all his evil spirits, and even if he was lucky, he was immediately swallowed up by the opponent.

After seeing Shao Qi in front of him, he calmed down for a while and lost control for a while, his face struggled and continued to walk in his direction, his eyes were completely murderous.

Zhang Tianshi's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Shao Qi, calm down! Calm down first!"

It's a pity that Zhang Tianshi hasn't finished speaking yet. Qi Zhenbai's neck is pinched again and pressed against the wall. Five fingers gradually tightened. Qi Zhenbai's face is full of killing excitement and excitement, and his dark eyes gradually Flushed.

Zhang Tianshi's pinched face turned blue and desperate. He thought that he was really going to confess here. At this time, the door was pushed open, and the old man and father Qi outside the door did not expect to see this scene at all, with a look of shock: " Zhenbai, what are you doing?"

The familiar voices of the old man and Qi's father sounded, and Qi Zhenbai's out-of-control reason was recovered. The murderous and hostile face suddenly stopped, and the right hand holding Zhang Tianshi was slightly loosened.

At this time, Zhang Tianshi took Qi Shao lost in front of him, and immediately slapped the Suppressing Talisman in his hand; slapped him on him, and in an instant, the suffocating qi from his body disappeared completely, and he saw the purple qi flash, Qi Zhenbai gradually finally recovered his sanity, and his scarlet eyes returned to dark ones. He stood upright and motionless, and after scanning Zhang Tianshi several times, he let go of his hands blankly.

Zhang Tianshi was too frightened, and his body was limp and almost slipped off the wall. He was still holding on to the wall with his hands and eyes. But looking carefully, his legs were trembling all the time. After looking at him, he looked at Qi Shao in front of him for several times and saw that his face finally recovered his senses. , He breathed a sigh of relief and tentatively shouted: "Shao Qi!"

"Zhenbai, what were you doing just now?" Father Qi and Father Qi rushed over with a look of shock. Both of them saw the dark scars on Zhang Tianshi's neck. You can see that Zhenbai was not soft at all just now. Why did Zhenbai suddenly turn again? Do it against Zhang Tianshi?

Qi Zhenbai couldn't explain at all at this time, so he didn't explain at all. He pursed his lips thoughtfully, but his face was very ugly, and his brows were full of anger and some impatience.

Zhang Tianshi saw the gloomy expression of Shao Qi in front of him, for fear that he would be irritated and lose control again. He hurriedly explained: "Old Qi, Shao Qi just wanted to have a fight with me, but I didn't expect Shao Qi to be so capable. It's amazing. Sure enough, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach."

With Zhang Tianshi helping to speak, the expressions on Father Qi and Father Qi only relaxed a little.

Father Qi didn't have much doubt, but the old man was difficult to fool. The muddy tiger eyes frequently swept through the scratches on Zhang Tianshi's neck, his face was dark, especially the grandson Zhenbai seemed to be a little unstable, and his body was quite frightening. The anger is too much, which is very different from the usual peace.

Old Qi's heart sank inexplicably, he didn't say much, he just said to Qi Zhenbo: "Zhenbai, you have to rest first!" As soon as the words were over, the old man said to Zhang Tianshi: "Zhang Tianshi, go, tell me out Talk about Zhenbai's injury!"

Before Zhang Tianshi left, he subconsciously glanced at Qi Shao in front of him, and saw him squinting at him dangerously. Zhang Tianshi

I subconsciously struck a spirit, and immediately understood what I should say and what should not be said!

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