Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1446: Twenty-five

Chi Shuyan’s words just fell, but they gave everyone a great shock. The family was excited, the Yang family was angry, and Jiang Li was angry and guilty. He first argued: "What are you? In my stomach 'S child is obviously from the Yang family! I see, Xiaowei, do you want to avenge me and Yang Peng? So I deliberately found such a person to disgust me and Yang Peng? But Yang Peng and I didn't intentionally hurt you , Xiaowei, I know that my being with Yang Peng is a big blow to you, but Yang Peng and I can’t help but, Xiaowei, can you forgive me? Don’t hate me!"


This excuse for ruining the Three Views is too powerful. Chi Shuyan and a bystander were disgusted enough by Jiang Li's words, let alone his family, which is not the same as when the family members listened to Jiang Li's words and just swallowed a fly. , The eyes can't wait to swallow life.

However, Yang Peng is very fond of Jiang Li. Not only did he not doubt it, he immediately stood beside Jiang Li and said, "Lili, even if everyone doesn't believe you, I will believe you. The child in your stomach. It must be mine."

As for Mother Yang’s initial suspicion, after listening to his son’s words, Mother Yang did not doubt in her heart, and said furiously: "Xiaowei, I know you don’t want to see another woman give me Yang’s grandson, but you If you don’t come out, you can only give birth to other women. You have no relationship with my Yang family and my son. Don’t deliberately find fault with Lili in the future!"

The Yang family can be said to have done the four words "to bully the soft and fear the hard" very vividly. I have to say that the woman Jiang Li and the mother and son of the Yang family really complied with what Yu mother said just now: It's not that the family does not enter the family!

The Yang family and Jiang Li are too shameless!

Not only was Yu Wei furious, but Yu Wei was also trembling with anger at this time. Sometimes, no matter how soft or honest people are, they still have a bit of temper. She gritted her teeth and said to Jiang Li: "Master Chi was not for me, Jiang Li , I have never targeted you, on the contrary, you hooked up my husband secretly!"

Jiang Li didn't pay attention to Yu Wei's words at all. In her opinion, Yu Wei had too soft temper. No, until now. She didn't dare to scold her a word, Jiang Li's eyes rolled and she did not give her family a chance to speak. She deliberately said, "It wasn't you who came here. Could it be that she came by herself uninvited? Xiaowei, you don't need to explain. Now, I know that you have opinions about my Yang Peng being together, and about my pregnancy with the Yang family's child. If that were not the case, you would not deliberately want to push me before!"

The child in Jiang Li’s belly is the root of Yang’s mother. At this moment, Yang’s mother heard Jiang Li’s words and she was so angry that she stared in anger. If it weren’t for her family, Yang’s mother would have wanted to beat people and her mouth was big. He cursed: "The hen who doesn't lay eggs dare to push my daughter-in-law?" After finishing speaking, he rushed to Yang Peng and said, "Apeng, fortunately, you gave up this shameless and vicious woman. All the women who leave their sons have to soak the pig cage!"

Mother Yang deliberately used the word'divorce' as saying that she was an ancient Xiu, which was very insulting to Wei. Both Yu's mother and Yu's teacher were so cruel and grimaceous by Yang's mother, if it weren't for Kong's sister-in-law to pull Yu's mother. , Yu Mu couldn't wait to chop up this old godly woman from the Yang family.

How dare this old pious woman insult her relatives so much?

In front of them, the old godly woman of the Yang family dared to do this to her daughter, let alone how she lived in the Yang family for so many years?

The more she thought about her, the more she hated her, and the more she hated her, the more she regretted how she was blind and married her son and daughter to the Yang family? Thinking of the anger of her own daughter again, Yu maternally slumped and slapped her thighs and started crying, crying while crying: "Why is my daughter's life so bitter? This Yang family who killed a thousand swords! I am here today. If the old lady wants her life, she must fight this old godly woman and shameless woman!"

After speaking, Yu's mother got up with a kitchen knife to rush to Yang's mother and Jiang Li. Chi Shuyan was about to grab the kitchen knife in her mother's hand and threw it beside him. He swept the Yang family around, his eyes fell on Jiang Li, see She was wearing a loose-fitting dress, obviously deliberately covering her belly, and continued: "How do I think your belly is not more than three months old, it has been more than five months!"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, she was immediately echoed by Sister Confucius: "I believe in the words of the master, the master must be true. I just saw her big belly is not the right thing!"

Jiang Li's face became stiff, just about to continue to argue, Chi Shuyan didn't give Jiang Li a chance to argue, "Miss Jiang dare to swear that the child in her belly is really from the Yang family?"

Jiang Li didn't even think about it and said without hesitation: "Of course I dare to swear that the child in my stomach is Yang Peng's, but you liar, how much did you charge Yujia to perform such a play with your family. I want to slander me and the child in my stomach!"

Yang's mother and Yang Peng also immediately agreed, cursing at the family for being unkind and Chi Shuyan as a liar.

Seeing that Yang's mother and Yang Peng did not doubt, Jiang Li still stood beside her, her eyes flashed a little proudly, and her heart became more confident. In front of Yang's mother and Yang Peng, she deliberately said: "If I dare to swear to prove that the child is From the Yang family, how do you make up for me?"

Jiang Li's repeated shameless remarks were beyond belief in her family. Does this woman dare to offer compensation?

Just as Yu Mu wanted to make the woman Jiang Li scolded, Chi Shuyan spoke first: "You want to make up, but I asked, if you dare to swear, how about I instead of Yu Jia to compensate you? I don’t have to swear anything, just say that if this child is not from the Yang family, if you lie, you will be struck by lightning, and you will never be born again?"

Chi Shuyan said that he took out a thunder-attracting talisman. As soon as he threw it, there was a few roars in the sunny and sunny weather, and a lightning bolt with a thick thumb was smashed to the ground. Everyone who frightened them looked confused. Shocked again, all the people didn't have much preparation, all were frightened by the sudden falling lightning and fell to the ground, their faces dull and unable to return to their senses.

Chi Shuyan downplayed Jiang Li, who glanced at the irritated and frightened Jiang Li, and said, "Okay, Miss Jiang can swear!"

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