Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1447: Two hundred fifty-three

Jiang Li was full of confidence just now, but now she saw the woman in front of her with her own magical methods. She was shocked and frightened. She shook her head vigorously and staggered back: ",!"

Chi Shuyan squinted dangerously and deliberately said, "Why doesn't Miss Jiang swear? You didn't mean that the child in your stomach belongs to the Yang family. Since it belongs to the Yang family, Miss Jiang will swear to prove that as long as the child in your stomach does It's from the Yang family, you didn't lie, naturally thunder can't strike you on this day!

Jiang Li was stunned by Chi Shuyan's last half sentence. When she thought of the sky thunder that had fallen from the sky just now, she shuddered and shivered severely in her heart. Her face was pale and her teeth shook her head vigorously: "No, no... ...Don't..."

Seeing Jiang Li's guilty conscience, she already showed a little fox tail, Chi Shuyan continued her efforts: "Miss Jiang refused to swear, did she admit that the child in her belly was not from the Yang family?"

Seeing that Jiang Li had to argue subconsciously, Chi Shuyan took out another talisman from her pocket, sandwiched it between the index and middle fingers, and shook it deliberately in front of Jiang Li. Jiang Li's eyes fixed on the talisman in her hand. For fear of being struck by lightning, not only did he dare not refute, but also clenched his teeth obediently and admitted: "Yes...yes, the child is not from the Yang family."

As soon as Jiang Li's words fell, she smashed a deep-water blockbuster into the deep water, and all the people who had been sluggish and panicked before returning to their senses immediately regained consciousness.

Not only the Yu family but also the Yang family were shocked and stared at Jiang Li with a dumbfounded expression.

The most ugly face is the Yang family's mother and son, especially when Jiang Li admits that the child in her belly is not from her Yang family. Yang's mother's face turned blue and green for a while, her eyes were staring at Jiang Li's belly, and she couldn't wait. Torn the person immediately.

Such a woman puts a green cap on her son? I also want her Yang family to help others raise their son. When I think of this, Mother Yang

The irritated eyes turned black.

Mother Yang’s irritated eyes turned black, and Yang Peng's complexion beside her suddenly froze in disbelief. Yang Peng was still unwilling to admit that Jiang Li was wearing a green cap, and suddenly grabbed Jiang Li’s hand and shouted:" You lie to me, Jiang Li, you lie to me, the child in your stomach is obviously mine, obviously mine."

Jiang Li saw that things had developed so far and the secret path was not good. She still wanted to argue and change her words, but she couldn't wait to tear her eyes when she looked at Mother Yang, and her heart trembled. In addition to being a guilty conscience, she didn't want to cover her face and cry suddenly. Pushing Yang Peng away, turned and ran, not wanting to worry about the mess.

Jiang Li was about to run, but Mother Yang couldn't spare her. When she thought that this woman not only gave her son a green hat, her Yang family almost regarded the evil seed in the woman's belly as their own grandson. Thinking of this, Mother Yang took a deep breath. He breathed, his chest was furious, and he wanted to vomit blood.

Not to mention that she lost such a big face in front of Yu's family, which she had never looked at, her face was distorted with anger, and suddenly rushed over to grab Jiang Li who was about to run away, pulled her hair, and slapped her hand first When she slapped her five or six, the popping sound accompanied by Jiang Li's howl of killing pigs was particularly abrupt in the quiet living room of the house. Mother Yang scolded while fanning: "You bastard, dare to let my Yang family raise the evil for you. With the surname Jiang, I asked you to wear a green cap to my son, I will slap you as a bitch, scornful hoof, dare to wear a green cap to my son, I will slap you, I will slap you..."

Mother Yang thinks and gets angry, and now she sees Jiang Li's hateful face. It can be said that when Jiang Li told her that she was pregnant with her Yang family's grandson, how happy and excited she was, now she hates it.

The hateful mother Yang made no effort at all. In a blink of an eye, she not only fanned Jiang Li into a pig-headed face, but also fanned her nosebleeds. Jiang Li's brain was also buzzed by the fan, and her eyes turned black.

The room was filled with the sound of Mother Yang beating and Jiang Li crying for help.

Jiang Li was not as strong as Yang's mother. At first, she rushed to Yang Peng for help. Seeing that Yang Peng stayed still, she rushed to Yujia and Yu Wei for help.

It's a pity that Jiang Li cannot live because of her own crimes. Yu's family and Yu Wei are now anxious to see Yang's family and Jiang Li biting the dog, where will they save such a white-eyed wolf.

However, Teacher Yu was a little bit blind to see, wanted to stop him, and was pulled by Yu's mother and Confucius. Confucius immediately said: "Lao Yu, before persuading you, think about the Xiaowei who was trapped by this white-eyed wolf!"

Yu's mother also quickly answered and warned: "You have to dare to go and persuade you, and you won't be surnamed Yu in the future!"

As for Chi Shuyan, he glanced at the little guy Li Yu who was sitting on the sofa gnawing watermelon and watching gossip and fighting seriously.

Chi Shuyan: ...When did this watermelon come out?

This is not no one to persuade the fight. Mother Yang and Jiang Li are fighting more fiercely, but Jiang Li is not softer than Yu Wei. She knows that if she stays any longer, she will definitely be beaten to death by Mother Yang. She immediately took the mother Yang and did not pay attention to her face. Grabbing a hand, riding back on Mother Yang, immediately pushed Mother Yang away.

Mother Yang was caught off guard and staggered on the ground. Jiang Li ran after pushing. Mother Yang followed, chasing and cursing.

Yang Peng had no choice but to keep up with him with a clear face.

When the Yang family's mother and son and Jiang Li left, the Yu family was finally quiet.

The Yu family had just watched the good show, and there was a real breath of bad breath in their chest, especially Yu Mu, who was so suffocated before, now is more relieved, now he can't help showing a bit of smile and bitterly said: " ! Let them bite the dog. It's a causal cycle, retribution is unhappy!"

After Yu's mother said these words, she remembered something, she covered her face and cried: "I knew that the Yang family and Yang Peng were such people. How could I not let my daughter marry her Yang family and serve her Yang family as a cow? For so many years, the horse didn't get anything in the end, and it was so many years of delay."

While Yu's mother said, she swept her eyes and kept silent. The girl Yu Wei just wanted to scold a few words. Sister Confucius saw that she was in her mother's mind, and she immediately opened her mouth and wanted to divert her mother's attention: "Mom, Don't cry, don't cry. Today, we are very thankful to Master Chi in the Yu family!"

Sister-in-law Confucius’ eyes brightened astonishingly as she watched Chi Shuyan. Not to mention Sister-in-law, Yu’s mother also remembered the little girl’s magical methods just now. This is definitely a real master. Yu’s mother was a little bit incoherent when she was excited. Can you... help... help... Let me see my daughter's next marriage?"

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