Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1467: Two hundred seventy four

When Yang Zhi gave out harsh words, Feng Qin naturally didn't want to entangle with Yang Lan more. What's more, after breaking up, he really planned to avoid suspicion with Yang Lan, so he didn't make an appointment and found an excuse to give the other party a tweet this evening. Reject unavailable text messages.

Feng Qin naturally didn't know that when he sent the text message, Yang Lan called him vomiting blood. When he called him again, he found that Feng Qin's phone could not be reached and turned off. Yang Lan really had the urge to vomit blood. I will not mention this for now.

The next day, Chi Shuyan didn't sleep last night, and spent most of the time painting talisman, washing spiritual rice and refining nourishing pill.

When the things were almost refined, she sorted the things according to the customer's list, put them in a cardboard box, and prepared to let Li Yuchu have time to help her send them out in batches. As for the nourishing pill and spirit tea of ​​Uncle Wei Jia, Chi Shuyan Early in the morning, I personally took it to the courier and sent it to the courier. Before I sent it, it was naturally time-sensitive.

Chi Shuyan just went to the courier to send the uncle Wei’s courier, and received calls from many people, most of whom came to rush the goods, such as Xie Mingxuan, Yu Qun, Jiang Duo, and the couple Ruan Shenglin and his wife. Her agent and Yan Zhengming also contacted her, mainly wanting to ask her for dinner to express their gratitude.

But Chi Shuyan really doesn't have time lately, so she can only refuse. Her tone is tactful, indicating that she will meet again when she is free.

Ruan Shenglin is now in awe of the master Chi, and he doesn't dare to think of her as a young girl who has just gone to school. His tone is respectful and dare not offend at all, so naturally agrees. Besides, the master did not put on airs when talking to him. Ruan Shenglin felt very comfortable speaking.

Besides, if he wants to see this master again, it is not without a chance. Director Wang is now refinancing the previous play. When the fundraising is successful, Director Wang will definitely invite this master later to see Feng Shui.

However, Director Wang is now having difficulties in raising funds. After all, the previous drama had a great deal of trouble, and on the surface it did not cause any disturbances outside. In fact, the disappearance of Du Lan, Ke Mingmei and several producer and deputy directors caused internal in their circles. The huge fluctuations, fortunately, were suppressed.

However, because of the disappearance of a few people, Director Wang was not only unable to explain to the previous investors, but also unable to explain to the relatives of the missing people. There was a bit of trouble. Director Wang was truthful and there were not many credible people. .

Fortunately, there are many other witnesses, coupled with the intervention of the police, those who are entangled and want to blackmail Director Wang can't do what they want.

Director Wang was also able to withdraw to prepare for his next movie. However, after receiving the lesson from Dashan Village last time, Director Wang was honestly preparing to shoot in Kyoto this time. Ruan Shenglin breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this, mainly because he still played No less than his pregnant wife, fortunately in Kyoto, it is not too difficult to go home every day.

Ruan Shenglin talked about some things with this master Chi. After making sure that she hadn't refused to help Director Wang to play Feng Shui, Ruan Shenglin's heart was completely relaxed, his expression lightened up, and he said, "That's right. Master Chi, when will I receive the order I placed last night?"

Ruan Shenglin had just finished speaking, and he was afraid that his own words would be too hard to make Master Chi uncomfortable, so he quickly added: "I am not in a hurry here. It is the first time I bought something in your shop, I am especially looking forward to it! "

Chi Shuyan has a good memory, remembering that Ruan Shenglin snatched some spiritual rice and a bottle of Nourishing Pill and a lot of Fulu last night. Fulu was the one he bought the most. She felt that the other party was probably deeply shadowed by Dashan Village.

Now this King Ruan can be regarded as the main customer in her shop.

Thinking of Xu Tong's pregnancy, she was shocked a lot in the middle, and said: "Don't worry, I will send someone out within today. You will receive it in the afternoon in Kyoto at the earliest, and you will receive it later tomorrow. Give you more My wife cooks some spiritual rice porridge, which is good for the child. If you have a dark injury, you can drink some spiritual rice porridge or take nourishing pill, which is good for the body to treat the dark injury."

Ruan Shenglin was stunned by the series of benefits in Master Chi’s words. Speaking of which, he robbed those things last night without looking at the price. After the robbing, he found that the items in Master Chi’s online store were really expensive, but I remembered this one. The magic and mystery of Master Chi, Ruan Shenglin is looking forward to the Lingmi and Nourishing Pills he will receive next. Of course, what Ruan Shenglin is most looking forward to is the various talisman he bought from Master Chi’s shop.

Having seen the benefits and miracles of those talismans and the dangers of the world, Ruan Shenglin felt that it was necessary to buy more talismans by himself. The peace talisman he had previously obtained from Master Chi, he and his wife wore them on their necks every day. , I didn't take off the bath, all of them were Brother Kun, Brother Yan, Dao Wang, and Sister Song.

Ruan Shenglin actually wanted to talk more with Master Chi and set up a lot of friendships, but he was also afraid of disturbing people. Before hanging up the phone, he also said that all the money owed in Dashan Village was transferred to her Alipay and asked her to check it. If he gives less, tell him immediately.

"to make!"

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan went to check Alipay and found that Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun and others had owed him all the money, not only did not give less, but also gave a lot more.

Yes, the people in this entertainment circle are indeed rich.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Ruan Shenglin immediately called Director Wang, asking him how he was preparing for the next play. When will it start?

Before preparing for the next drama, Director Wang put his heart to heart with Ruan Shenglin, saying that the protagonist of his next drama has not changed, and it is still his and Song Yanru.

Ruan Shenglin is very honored to be able to perform Wang's play again. What he looks forward to is seeing the master Chi again. Not only Ruan Shenglin thinks so, but even Yang Kun thinks so. These days he has not given any announcements, variety shows, and movies. Sheng Lin took it just so that he could take the next play from Director Wang. He also remembered that Director Wang asked Master Chi to help watch Feng Shui, and Master Chi agreed.

It was not two o’clock in the afternoon when Yang Kun had just come to Ruan’s house and saw Sheng Lin and Xu Tong sitting on the sofa reading the script. Yang Kun immediately said at him: “Sheng Lin, quickly call Director Wang and ask him about it. When will the movie start and when will we enter the group!"

Just as Ruan Shenglin wanted to reply, the doorbell rang again. Yang Kun first walked over and saw Yan Zhengming and Song Yanru, Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong outside the door through the video, and immediately opened the door to let a few people in.

At this moment, the early Song Dynasty was carrying a heavy courier. He was young and tall, but he had not done any heavy work or moved any heavy objects. This is not because the early Song Dynasty helped carry a large box of things and walked a long way. He was a little panting, his face flushed, and he dropped the box on the ground. Song Chu first complained: "Brother Ruan, see if this is your courier? It's so heavy. What did you buy? The shoulders of the pack are red. Up."

At the beginning of Song Dynasty, Cao Zhengsong also took a few breaths and joked and complained. He and the two of Song Dynasty took turns to carry in this box. Tired enough, Cao Zhengsong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Ruan Brother, what's in this box, should I help you open it?"

Everyone has survived the death, and the relationship is good. Yan Zhengming also changed the harshness to the two people in the past and became more tender. This is not why he deliberately narrowed his eyes and said seriously: "The two **** still want to know your brother Ruan's private? What are you looking at?"

Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong had previously felt that Yan Ge and their high school head teacher were severely scary. Even if everyone had a life-saving friendship, Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong were still a little afraid of Yan Ge’s sudden seriousness. To shut up.

When Ruan Shenglin saw the big box that Song Chu suddenly came in, he was also a little puzzled and puzzled for a while. He thought it was a gift from a fan. He didn't mind. The temperature and the opening made Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong two boys directly removed his box. Check it out if you are curious.

This is not something to be seen.

As soon as Ruan Shenglin was able to speak, Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong immediately tore the tape that was sealed in the carton box without using a knife. The two boys with great strength took apart the box three times.

Although Yan Zhengming just trained the curiosity of the two boys, other people also have curiosity. They want to know what Ruan Shenglin bought. Song Yanru, Yan Zhengming, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong all looked at the box.

Yang Kun also wondered when he walked to the box and asked Ruan Shenglin, "Shenglin, what did you buy?"

As he asked, he opened the box on the side and found that the most conspicuous thing was a large bag of white rice, wrapped in a transparent bag. It was estimated to be more than ten kilograms. Yang Kunka got stuck and stuttered: "This... …What is this? Rice?"

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