Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1468: 275

"Sheng Lin, why are you buying rice? There is not enough rice at home?" Yang Kun asked in amazement. The others were also shocked by the rice in the box.

The eyes of Yan Zhengming, Song Yanru, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong were still a little bit unbelievable. Song Chu laughed and said: "Brother Ruan, if you don’t have enough rice, tell me, I’ll let my family bring you a big bag. The rice I grow at home is much better than the one bought on Taobao!"

Cao Zhengsong also immediately echoed: "Yes! That's it!"

Yan Zhengming deliberately said: "Sheng Lin, did Kun'er hit his head and let you buy rice from Taobao?"

Yan Zhengming deliberately glanced at Yang Kun a few times as he said, deliberately said: "Kun'er, your agent is also dissatisfied, and a great actor actually wants to buy rice on Taobao himself?"

"Brother Ruan, the rice in my country is very delicious. Or I will bring you a bag tomorrow. The rice I bought on Taobao is really not delicious. The cooked rice is very hard. I will take this box out for you. Send it to someone else?" Early Song moved fast and did what he said.

At this time, Xu Tong stared at the contents of the box in a daze, but she was a woman with Song Yan. They were more careful, and found that there was something besides rice in the box. There was a delicate white bottle squeezed in the corner of the rice. Song Smoke is like a hand, first Ling came out: "What is this?"

Song Yanru said that he was subconsciously curious and unscrewed the stopper. Soon, a very good smell of herbs wafted out, and the smell spread quickly to the tips of everyone's noses. Everyone who smelled it was shocked, and the more he smelled it, it became clearer. A bit familiar.

Everyone here has seen the world before, and when they smell this good herbal scent, everyone immediately determines that this thing is not a common product and is definitely a good thing.

"What exactly is this?"

Song Yanru just asked, and Ruan Shenglin next to him finally realized what was the box of rice and the white bottle Song Yanru was holding?

Isn't this what he bought from the master shop last night?

I received it so soon?

He thought he would have to wait until tomorrow to receive it, so he didn’t react for a while. No, when he thought that it was something from Master Chi, Ruan Shenglin was excited, for fear that other friends would harm his good things. Walked over, patted Song Chu's hand, and took his white bottle from Song Yanru's hand, and refilled it. The light medicinal smell immediately left only a faint aftertaste, which made everyone couldn't help but disappoint.

"Go and go, this box is all the good things I just bought, a few boys, where are you going from where to go, don't harm my good things, you can't afford it!"

Ruan Shenglin finished looking at the rice in the box with excitement, and when he picked up the rice, he saw a lot of talisman below, Ruan Shenglin's hands trembled in excitement.


These items were all sent by Master Chi. What Ruan Shenglin cares most about is these talismans. He quickly picked them up one by one and asked his wife to put them in a small box.

When Ruan Shenglin acted like this, others also saw the talisman in the box. The others stared at once, and suddenly reacted. Yan Zhengming first opened his mouth and asked with excitement: "So fast, Shenglin, this is your place from the master shop. I bought it? Why haven’t I received it?"

After Yan Zhengming finished speaking, he squatted down and looked at the address in the box, and confirmed that the person sending it was the surname Chi. Yan Zhengming was excited, happy, and uneasy. When the others thought that Ruan Shenglin had received the items from Master Chi, they were all alone. I haven't received it yet, I can't help but feel a little anxious.

Yang Kun, the agent, was also a little worried at the moment, and didn't even think about arranging work for Sheng Lin.

Ruan Shenglin had the talisman sent by Master Chi in his heart. Upon seeing this, he could only perfunctorily said: "It should be soon. I called Master in the morning and said that I will receive it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

This calmed the hearts of Yan Zhengming, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru and others.

However, compared to Ruan Shenglin who bought a lot of rice and a bottle of nourishing pills in Master Chi’s online store, Yan Zhengming, Yang Kun, Song Yanru, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong mostly bought Fulu and nourishing pills, but nourishing pills. There are few purchases, and few people grabbed it, only Yan Zhengming and Song Chu grabbed one bottle each.

Song Yanru, Yang Kun and Cao Zhengsong grabbed Lingcha.

As for the spiritual rice, except for Ruan Shenglin, no one deliberately robbed it. Another main reason was that most of the people went to grab the talisman. When they recovered, the spiritual rice was gone, but the talisman was grabbed, Yan Zhengming, Yang Kun, Song Yanru and the others were still satisfied. They didn't feel much about the rice. They thought it tasted almost the same as the rice.

But at this time, I saw Ruan Shenglin grabbing the spiritual rice, not to mention that Yan Zhengming, Song Yanru and others were a little excited and curious about the taste of this rice. Even Yang Kun was a little curious, but Yang Kun immediately encouraged humanity: "Sheng Lin, it’s rare for everyone to come here now. I’m a little hungry. Would you like to cook some porridge for everyone to taste the taste of this rice?"

Xu Tong also nodded, expressing that he wanted to taste the taste of the rice. Ruan Shenglin did not hesitate. Although the rice is expensive in the master shop, the money is nothing to him.

Ruan Shenglin nodded immediately: "Yes, I will collect other things first, and I will cook the porridge for everyone in a while!"

"Cheng Chengcheng..., this is good!" Everyone clapped their hands and responded happily, and Yan Zhengming deliberately said as soon as he spoke, "Sheng Lin, can you drink the porridge? There is no aunt at home?"

Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong subconsciously thought of the aunt they had looked for before, and shivered. After that, they dared not find any aunts.

No matter how reliable it is.

As soon as Ruan Shenglin was about to speak, Yang Kun pretended to be angry and Yan Zhengming said: "Dislike Shenglin's cooking, Brother Yan, why don't you do it yourself?"

"Yes, I won't say anything, let Sheng Lin go to the kitchen to cook porridge for everyone to drink? No matter how bad it is, I can drink it!" Yan Zhengming immediately changed his mouth and changed his mouth, causing everyone to laugh!

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