Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1497: Seven hundred ninety-three

In a blink of an eye, four days passed. In the past few days, she was so busy due to big and small things. In fact, it was really nothing. They were all trivial things about schoolwork and communication. So Chi Shuyan completely forgot that yesterday was a promotion. Dan's day.

She didn’t get up early in the morning. After washing, she remembered it and immediately boarded on WeChat, but saw that the other party hadn’t had a rush on WeChat in the past few days. Chi Shuyan couldn’t help wondering whether the other party trusted her too much or treated her as a liar. Did not expect?

These two years also passed by in a flash. Chi Shuyan didn’t think much about it, and immediately sent a WeChat to the past. First, I apologized for the delay in the world for a day, and then said that the promotion pill has been practiced. See you at noon today or meet in the evening and ask each other. When you are free, send a message to confirm.

Chi Shuyan waited for breakfast, but when she saw that the other party hadn't responded too late, she was not in a hurry. After breakfast with Li Yuchu and the two little guys, she greeted her and prepared to go to school.

At this time, Li Yuchu suddenly said, "Miss Shuyan, I recently heard that there is a ghost market nearby. When I come back in the evening, can you help me buy some coins? I am going to visit the nearby ghost market in a few days. !"

The two little guys, Li Yu and Han Yu, didn't understand what Mingbi and the ghost market were. The two little guys sat on the sofa and swayed their feet curiously watching Li Yuchu and Chi Shuyan talk, and did not interrupt. The two little guys were very well-behaved.

Chi Shuyan nodded without hesitation: "Yes, I'll buy it when I come back tonight." Seeing that Li Yuchu also took out a lot of RMB, Chi Shuyan didn't want to refuse, "The money problem is not in a hurry. I will talk to you in a few days. Let's go to the nearby ghost market together!"

She had never been to such a place, but she had followed her master once in her previous life. She also promised Li Yuchu and Li Yu to take them to the ghost market.

Li Yuchu didn't want to waste her time so much, he hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Miss Shuyan, I will do it by myself in a few days. You don't have to worry about it! Don't worry about it! I have made an appointment with other good ghosts!"

Chi Shuyan gave up after listening to it. She was not a ghost-receiving master who listened to ghosts. People are good or bad, and ghosts naturally have them. Except for a bit of curiosity about how Li Yuchu made ghost friends recently, she has everything else in mind. No, before going out, I promised again and again that I would help buy Mingbi this evening.

"Thank you Miss Shuyan! Thank you Miss Shuyan!" Li Yuchu was very grateful.

Chi Shuyan waved his hand, and drew another circle on the calendar hanging in the living room before leaving.

On the other side of the Fan family, Fan Yin has been hit hard for the past two days. He stayed in the room and did not go out. On the one hand, his father didn’t trust his indifferent attitude. On the other hand, he also realized that he seemed to be really cheated. This was how he was really hit.

Fan Yin was very convinced at the beginning that he was meeting a noble person. This did not wait for his mother and Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng to brainwash him, saying that it was impossible to exchange one golden lotus for four promotion pills. He recognized the facts, even Fan Xi said that the person who wanted to buy their spirit tea must have been asked deliberately by the other party. A few good brothers and his mother asked him to take advantage of the time he was cheated and let him go. What kind of golden lotus to return.

Fan Yin was very persistent at the beginning. He did not believe it and insisted that he did not allow anyone to return the golden pin lotus. I have to say that the reason why Fan Yin was so late not to return to the golden pin lotus was that on the one hand, he had a very good impression of the little girl. The beauty of the parents is just a face control, on the other hand, he subconsciously believes what the little girl said.

Waiting for the other party to hand in the promotion Dan three days later, contact him. Yesterday was the day when the other party handed in the promotion Dan, but he had been on WeChat all day and paid special attention to information.

But in a blink of an eye, they never contacted him at all, let alone promoted Dan, and didn’t even send him a message. Only then did Fan Yin have to admit his mother and Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, Fan Zheng and even Fan Ping. That **** was right. He was deceived in nine out of ten. Now he suspects that the old elders always believed in his life, but that the old elders were kind to him, loved him, and comforted him. .

If you really believe that he met a noble person, how would he be willing to let him put the precious spiritual tea in the room.

Fan Yin thought of this, his chest sullen up, and he swept over the unopened buckets of spirit tea on the table. He walked over and waited to see Weijing and threw it out the window.

Before he did it, at this moment, I only heard Fan Ping’s familiar and hypocritical voice from behind him: “Brother Yin, what’s the matter with you? Is there any news about the promotion to Dan? By the way, my uncle said that if it’s a promotion to Dan, it’s too late. News, we’d better recover that golden lotus as soon as possible."

Fan Yin became sick as soon as he heard Fan Ping’s voice, not to mention that every time this man called him ‘Brother Yin’, is he worthy?

He can see Fan Ping thoroughly. He does have some talents for cultivation, but he really doesn’t think he has the true ability. He only complains to his parents every day, or he goes to his dad and pretends to please his grandson every day. Dad, people who didn't know thought he was his father's own son.

When Fan Yin thought of this, he couldn't control his hatred of those behind him, and he didn't even bother to care about him.

Comparing with this kind of person is completely lowering one's grade, but if you don't care about this kind of person, the other party thinks that he is afraid of you, and all kinds of villains get ambitions.

In the past few days, although he has been confined at home, he is very aware of the "stupid things" he did and all the people in the Fan family who have been deceived know that there is no such thing as Fan Ping’s handwriting. I really don't believe it.

Fan Ping likes to use this kind of public opinion method to force him to brush up on his goodwill by the way, treat him as rubbish, step on his head and **** on his head, if he doesn’t have much perseverance and is too lazy to practice, this girl Can his cultivation base exceed him?

Is this **** really just the same?

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for him to feel sick. Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng came over in time. They were no better than Fan Yin. The others still had a good time. Seeing Fan Ping’s in Shao Yin’s room, his heart sank slightly, but they said hello: "Ping boy (Ping Shao) is there too? Something?"

When Fan Ping saw Fan Xi coming over, his fake smile on his face was no longer disgusting. Uncle said to let you recover Jin Pinlian as soon as possible. It’s okay to be deceived. But if you are deceived, you still refuse to admit it. That would be stupid and harm the interests of Fan family. Neither uncle nor I will allow it. Brother Yin will do it for himself. When I ask again, you have already recovered Jin Pinlian!"

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