Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1498: Seven hundred and ninety four

When Fan Ping left, Fan Xi couldn't hold back the anger in his heart after hearing what Fan Ping said, "Damn, this bitch's disgusting guy is disgusting again, Ayin?"

Although Fan Chunyang and Fan Zheng didn’t say anything, they had the same look in their eyes as Fan Xi. The words that were threatened by Fan Ping’s ambition were unclear and disgusting. The son of a bitch, besides complaining and holding his thighs, What can you do?

A few of the popularity was unclear, but after a few were angry, they still found the key point. Fan Chunyang couldn't help but ask: "Young Master Yin, did that little girl find you on WeChat? Did she say when she would be promoted? Dan?"

Even though Fan Chunyang didn't believe what promotion pill the little girl could bring out, he couldn't help but look forward to asking, what if the probability of buying a lottery ticket in a few hundred million is less?

But when he asked, Fan Chunyang, Fan Xi, and Fan Zheng all saw A Yin (Yin Shao)'s stiff and ugly expression, and they immediately understood what Yin Shao's expression meant.


The sweet-mouthed little girl before is really a liar!

When I thought of that golden lotus and a few people of this age were actually coaxed by a little girl, they felt pain, regret, and vomiting blood in their hearts, wishing time to return to the previous box to stop Yin Shao's impulse at that time.

And now it’s not just a golden lotus being tricked into, because of this golden lotus, Yin Shao’s heir position is not only robbed, this matter has also become Fan Ping’s handle in attacking Yin Shao. Is it Fan Chunyang or Fan Xi? Fan Ping and even Fan Yin’s intestines regretted have been cleared. I have to say that this time the price is a bit high, and the lesson is a bit deep. Fan Yin, the client, was thrown into the back of his head. His head was dizzy and he couldn't use "angry" to describe the anger in his heart. Now he almost wanted to vomit blood.

In fact, he really didn’t care about being cheated of a golden lotus. The key is that he was cheated this time by Fan Ping’s dog, and he couldn’t make a clear fight, and his dad looked disappointed at him and looked at waste these days. The look in his eyes turned to see how Fan Ping's relieved eyes made him feel sick and sick.

Not to mention that he had vowed in front of his parents and several clan elders to trust this little girl to give him a promotion Dan. Now he knows that he is innocent, and then thinks of Fan Ping’s schadenfreude threat and the past few days. According to the family's public opinion, he was in a good mood and it was strange, especially after he learned the'truth', he almost vomited a mouthful of blood, madly mad.

Even if he can really retrieve the golden lotus, his face has already been beaten by Fan Ping's face. What kind of face will he have in the Fan family in the future?

Fan Yin's complexion became uglier and livid the more he thought about it. It is estimated that his complexion is too ugly. Originally, Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng had a lot of words in their hearts to shut up and only suggested: "A Yin (Yin Shao), now we Maybe it’s too late to catch up with the golden lotus! Why don’t the other three of us go to Kyoto immediately to find someone? Or explain to the uncle (the owner of the house)!"

At this time, Fan Zheng suddenly said: "Yin Shao, by the way, you didn't add that little girl WeChat before, can you see her circle of friends? Maybe we can find her immediately by relying on circle of friends!"

Fan Xi felt that since the other party deliberately coaxed them, he might not leave any traces. Maybe the other party’s WeChat account was fake. Thinking of this in his heart, he had no choice but to follow the first suggestion: "Ayin, Azheng is right. You first wait for WeChat to check the liar's circle of friends, maybe you can find a trace! Otherwise, even if she is in Kyoto, we will find someone to find a needle in a haystack."

Fan Yin's face worsened as he listened, his face was a little gloomy, his fingers were white, and Fan Yin didn't say anything for a long time, just pointed to the buckets of tea on the table and let them drink at will.

When Fan Xi saw the buckets of unopened tea leaves on the table, their faces suddenly turned green. Several people had subconsciously refused, but now they saw the ugly expression of Yin Shao who was trying to kill. , Didn't dare to say anything at all, obediently stepped forward for a bucket of actors.

Fan Yin immediately became angry when he saw a few unopened buckets of tea leaves on the table: "Quan Ling is leaving, don't let me see this thing again!"

Seeing that the two guys next to him hadn't moved for a long time, Fan Xi had to play a few more barrels on his own.

"You go out first, I'll think about it!" Fan Yin waved his hand and let the three of them go out first.

Fan Xi still wanted to stay, but seeing A Yin (Yin Shao)'s face was too ugly, he didn't dare to say anything more irritating. To be honest, Fan Xi still knew his cousin better and found Jin Pinlian. It is one thing, but admitting that you have been cheated is another.

Just about this matter, I am afraid that Fan Ping's dog will be proud of his prestige for a long time, and at the same time his uncle will not look down upon A Yin.

Fan Xi gave the other two a look, and Fan Chunyang and Fan Zheng had to follow Xi Shaoxian first.

When Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng left, Fan Yin gritted his teeth and immediately boarded WeChat. Of course, he wanted to find someone by relying on the other's circle of friends, dare to coax him, and die!

Fan Yin had already identified the person as a liar, but he didn’t know that he had just posted on WeChat, and a message was suddenly topped on his WeChat. This message was sent by the “liar” he believed in his heart. At first, Fan Yin thought he was dazzled or dazzled. Assuming, he didn't dare to blink his eyes and stared at him for a few minutes, confirming that this WeChat was really sent by the little girl.

To make sure that the message was really sent by the other party, Fan Yin shook his hand and almost smashed his phone to the ground with excitement. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and shook his hand and immediately clicked on the chat. When he saw the message from the other party, he found this. The message was sent to him early in the morning, not only asking him to confirm the time to hand in the promotion Dan, but also the other party actively apologized because of the delay of one day.

This surprise came too unexpectedly to prevent Yin from being smashed by this surprise for a while, but he was confused and unbelievable. On the one hand, he was afraid that the other party played him deliberately. On the other hand, he was worried that the other party was really a liar and continued to fool him. The excitement that was suppressed in Fan Yin's heart was surging a little bit again, as he didn't mention anything else about the handover of Jin Dan.

What if the opponent really refines the promotion pill?

Fan Yin gritted his teeth, what if the little girl is really a liar? If the other party plays with him again this time, he will definitely want her to regret it for the rest of her life. For fear that the other party will regret it, Fan Yin gritted his teeth and immediately replied to noon and a location, which was exactly the same as the previous box location.

Fan Yin originally thought that the other party would have to reply to him after a long time since the last time, but when he knew that he had just sent the message, the other party immediately resumed: Yes, but today I have something trivial at noon, I am afraid it will pass a little later, almost a little bit!

When Fan Yin saw the other party, he immediately replied with an excited stare.

Wipe, she really answered it!

Is it possible that the little girl is really not a liar? Did he misunderstand people?

Regardless of the misunderstanding or not, Fan Yin was so excited at this time, all kinds of complicated feelings were intertwined, there was excitement and tension, and he was even more afraid of the other party's sudden repentance and deliberate play with him.

Fan Yin had forgotten the confinement his father had kept him in and reflected, and immediately went out and drove to Kyoto.

Here, as soon as Fan Yin drove away from Fan's house, Fan Ping immediately learned the news. After Fan Ping learned the news, he immediately complained to Fan's father intentionally or unconsciously, saying that Brother Yin had somehow left the Fan's house regardless of his intentions.

Fan's father also wanted the boy to be honest for a while. After hearing Fan Ping's complaint, he remembered the son's stubbornness in the past, and was immediately angry and disappointed on the spot.

At this moment, Fan Yin really didn't know that Fan Ping's back hand was overcast again. He was full of thoughts about whether promotion Dan and the little girl were a liar.

At noon, Chi Shuyan had lunch to see Zhen Yu's situation before going to the box agreed with Fan Yin.

Although she only came to this box once last time, she is quite familiar with Jing's auction house, and she is unlikely to get lost because the other party was delayed one day yesterday, and Chi Shuyan didn't want to be late again today. It was twelve before one point. Arrived in the box before 50 o'clock.

Fan Yin never expected this little girl to come so quickly. She really dared to come to the meeting alone. To be honest, he was ready to change his mind at any time before he came to the box in Kyoto. After all, the other party had already tricked him. Once, I might not have thought about playing him a second time.

So waiting to see someone so fast, Fan Yin was in a trance except for excitement. When the other party took the initiative to greet him, Fan Yin's face was dull and he still couldn't believe it, and he stammered: "Fuck, you fucking... you... …Really here?"

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