Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1501: Seven hundred ninety-seven

"Master, do you say that all my luck in this life is to meet you!" Fan Yin not only got excited, but also completely changed the name on his lips. He was familiar with "Master", all kinds of rainbows. Fart blowing wildly, but Fan Yin doesn't feel like a rainbow fart at all, but tells the truth.

If he hadn't met the master, could he meet such a great thing?


Chi Shuyan automatically ignores this kid’s rainbow fart, but it’s always a good thing to be praised. Chi Shuyan is in a good mood, but after the other party directly praised her for half an hour, if she didn’t stop it in time, she felt let this The kid boasted one day, he probably wouldn't repeat it for a whole day.

I have seen someone with a sweet mouth, and I have never seen a mouth so sweet. Fortunately, this kid has clear eyes and a long face. She has a sincere face and is not greasy at all, otherwise she really can't stay with this kid again. Room.

Chi Shuyan had to go back to his seat, continued to take another sip of tea, and after looking at the time, he said: "You will receive the promotion Dan. I have something to do. Next time I have time to continue talking. By the way, about the promotion Dan, I I don’t want you to reveal my personal identity."

After the other party agreed, this time Chi Shuyan let the other party stay and resolutely got up and left. Fan Yin hurriedly pursued all kinds of courtesy, and said that he would take her to the destination.

Chi Shuyan didn't want to bother the other party too much, and if he asked the other party to send it, I'm afraid this kid couldn't stop talking all the way, too nagging, Chi Shuyan refused to take a taxi and left. It would be a pity to stay here. It is a pity that Fan Yin stayed in place.

However, he quickly remembered the promotion Dan in the spirit bottle in his pocket, got in the car, locked the door, and locked the windows tightly. After making sure that the doors and windows were locked, Fan Yin hurriedly took it. I took out the spirit bottle I had just been hiding and touching, and when I poured out the pill, there were still three fat and round pills left in it.

As soon as the pill was poured out, Fan Yin was stunned with a strong aura. When Fan Yin thought that these were all promotion pills, his excited eyes were faintly red, and he even remembered that he was relying on this before. A promotion pill, his cultivation base and the rockets have been promoted to three levels. Fan Yin is not only excited on his face, but the excitement in his heart is simply uncontrollable. His heart is pounding as if he is about to jump out of his chest in the next second. Stopped, my hands were shaking uncontrollably.


The previous golden lotus transaction was simply not worth it!

He is so insightful!

At this time, Fan Yin had forgotten his previous doubts and regrets, and he was full of gratefulness and excitement. He really dreamed that such a good thing would hit him on his head. It was really fortunate that he came to see people, but didn’t listen. Others say that the master is a liar and ignore them. Otherwise, he wants to know that he has missed such a big opportunity and good deeds, and his intestines regret is not enough to show his regret. He feels that he really missed such a good deed, I am afraid he will regret it for the rest of his life. The intestines are all blue.

Fan Yin became more excited as he thought about it, shivering around him, staring at the white and fat promotion pill in his mouth and smashing his mouth. If it weren't for the pain of taking the promotion pill just now, he almost burst into pain, and he would like to swallow all the other three pills now. I don't know how many levels can he enter?

Fan Yin gradually thought about it a little bit stunned, or the phone ringing suddenly, Fan Yin shook his hand, and quickly put the promotion Dan back into the spirit bottle, plugged it with a cork, and then hid it in his inner pocket again, and then picked it up. phone.

It was Fan Xi who called, and Fan Xi said with a nervous and anxious expression: "A Yin, you come back quickly and your uncle is looking for you. He seems to know you are down again! He is losing his temper!"

Fan Yin didn’t even have to think about which stupid was suing again, but now Fan Yin is totally disdainful of Fan Ping’s girl, not to mention that his cultivation base is two stories higher than Fan Ping’s dog, let alone what he has in his hands. If his dad dared to get angry, he would never show his dad to promote Dan, to see if he dare to scold him?

By the way, he has been promoted to the third floor at once, and his cultivation has reached the sixth floor. Seeing his dad still have the face to spit out the word ‘trash’? And Fan Ping who dare to call a genius in front of him?

Fan Yin really wanted to return to Fan's family to show off his cultivation skills. He was very proud. He casually wanted to give Fan Xi a few words at will, suddenly remembering the spiritual tea made by the master?

According to Fan Yin’s thinking, the master can refine even the promotion pill, and one refining is still four. His mother has said that it is impossible to refine four promotion pill with one golden lotus, and he has taken this promotion pill. He knew the effects and functions of this pill, and there was not even a trace of impurities from other pill. On the contrary, the aura was so strong that he even made him go up to three levels next time on the rocket.

This promotion pill is definitely an extraordinary magic medicine, and the person who refines the pill is definitely an expert!

Can the spiritual tea refined by an expert be bad?

Fan Yin is now more and more suspicious that the spiritual tea he had previously photographed at Jing's auction house is really a leak?

Thinking of this, Fan Yingang's calm heart shivered again after a short while.

But at this moment, Fan Yin suddenly remembered that all the spiritual teas he had taken before seemed to have given him a few points for his brother, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng. When the points were divided, he also saw a few disgusting faces, etc. Lingcha, these girls won't throw away all his Lingcha or give it to others!

Thinking of this, Fan Yin not only had a stiff face, but he regretted that he wanted to vomit blood and died. He proudly showed off his cultivation and promoted Dan. The matter was wiped out. Fan Yin quickly shook his voice and said to Fan Xi: "Brother, brother, I Where are the spiritual teas that you gave you before? Didn't you throw them away and give them to others?"

Fan Xi didn’t understand how his cousin suddenly became excited when he was excited. He didn’t think much, and said, “I haven’t moved those buckets of spirit tea. It’s on my side, but Fan Zheng and Chunyang’s Lingcha, I seem to have seen them cram people casually!"

When the words fell, Fan Yin's eyes were black, and a mouthful of blood almost squirted out. He could only say'self-inflicted, don't live', making him doubt the master. He had known that he should have opened the barrels of spirit tea to taste the taste. , After tasting the taste, he is definitely not willing to give it to others?

The more Fan Yin thought about it, the more he regretted it, the more he thought about it, the more he vomited blood, only hope the two boys remember who gave the Lingcha? Thousands of people have discovered the benefits of Lingcha.

Fan Yin is really anxious at the moment. He can't wait to get back to Lingcha immediately. He can't even tell his cousin that he will continue with the idea of ​​not having Lingcha, and give it back to him later, and let Fan Chunyang by the way. The two of them had stuffed the Lingcha with Fan Zheng before, and now they are about to come back.

As he spoke, he banged down the accelerator, and the car immediately followed the off-string arrow, and the speed was almost twice as fast as usual.

Fan Xi with a dumbfounded look:...

On the other side, Fan Xi was hung up suddenly, with a dazed expression on his face. He didn't understand what A Yin meant? Didn't he not want the spirit tea before, so he handled them at will?

Why did you suddenly change your attitude in a blink of an eye?

Fan Xi couldn't figure it out, but he was used to hearing this cousin's words and immediately prepared to find Fan Chunyang and Fan Zheng according to his words.

They didn't know that he hadn't been looking for someone yet, and the two suddenly found him, their expressions changed greatly and said, "Shao Xi, it's not good. Someone has been promoted, and someone has been promoted."

The two of them were too excited, their tone of voice was incoherent, and Fan Xi was confused again. Although the era of the end of Dharma, the spiritual energy is lacking, there are not no people who are promoted in the Fan family. Want to be so excited? Could it be his uncle?

But his uncle has been stuck at the seventh floor of the bottleneck. The previous cultivation level was a rare opportunity for hitting and accidentally hitting the seventh floor. If he wanted to go to the eighth floor, according to his uncle's words, it was more difficult than reaching the sky.

Just when Fan Xi was stunned to ask, Fan Chunyang shook his voice and explained the matter: "It was a janitor from the outside door of Fan's family who was promoted. The other party seemed to drank the spiritual tea I gave him before... ...Promoted...promoted!" At the last few words, Fan Chunyang couldn't utter the words clearly.

Fan Xi heard it clearly, and then I saw Fan Chunyang and Fan Xi's green expressions of disbelief and regret. Fan Xi's expression changed drastically this time, and he couldn't believe it, and his voice trembled: " what?"

The news was really too shocking. Although it was pleasantly surprised, it was obviously more shocked than joy. Fan Xi's scalp was numb, and his face was numb. Fan Zheng nodded: "It's true, Shao Xi, Patriarch and Several clan elders already know!"

"Fuck! What the **** are you saying is true?"

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