Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1502: Seven hundred ninety-eight

At this time, the atmosphere in the Fan’s lobby was solemn. Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng were also passed on after a short time. When the three arrived, they immediately noticed the solemn and weird atmosphere in the lobby, and there was a strong and pleasant tea fragrance. The lobby was everywhere, and the three of them faintly noticed a strong spiritual fluctuation from the scent of Lingcha, and the hearts of several people moved fiercely.

Fan's father and Fan's mother were sitting in the main seat at this time, and the other clan elders were all there, staring at the unfinished tea water, his expression was uncharacteristically excited, and Fan Ping was there, his face was stiff and red and ugly. , His gaze fell on the buckets of tea on the main table, and his eyes flashed with excitement, regret, greed and other complex emotions. His complexion at this time, his eyes were still quite gloomy, and he wished that the spirit tea was taken by him personally. Down.

"The three of you are here? A Yin hasn't come back?" Compared with Fan's attitude, Fan's attitude is very kind at this moment, and his tone is even more gentle, but at this time his face is very excited and he sees them. The expressions of the three of them were even more excited, and the expressions of several clan elders on the side were similar to those of Fanfu.

Speaking of it, they have just verified the effectiveness of this spirit tea, and they have also confirmed that the gatekeeper who was lucky enough to advance before indeed suddenly promoted through this spirit tea.

The janitor is indeed very lucky. First of all, his cultivation level is quite low. Generally speaking, the cultivation resources of the Fan family’s outer sect children are naturally not as good as the Fan’s inner sect children. Generally, the outer sect janitor’s children are mostly ordinary people, or else they are not cultivated. Very low-level, and the spiritual tea that A Yin photographed this time is extraordinarily rich in aura. Both the quality and the aura intensity are far better than those of Jing's spiritual tea, so the gatekeeper can suddenly be promoted, and Fan's father is not. accident.

It is him. If he drinks such rich spiritual tea for a long time, it is not difficult to get to the next level in a few years. When he thinks of this, Fan's father becomes more excited.

Other clan elders also thought like this, thinking of the effects of this spiritual tea, their eyebrows were also excited.

Fan's father and the other elders of the Fan family never thought that their son (Yin Shao) was so lucky, and he actually picked up such a big leak at a very cheap price.

Fan's father and several elders had also drunk Jing's spirit tea before, but Jing's spirit tea was not as strong as this spirit tea. No, it should be said that it is far from the spirit tea photographed by A Yin.

They all suspected that Jing's didn't know the value of this spiritual tea, so A Yin was allowed to pick it up. Otherwise, Jing's auction house would be reluctant to sell such a strong spiritual tea, let alone at such a low price. the price of?

Fan's father and several clan elders became more excited as they thought about it. Fan's father is especially true. It can be said that the son who has never done a good thing finally did something good for the Fan family. Fan's heart is happy and proud, and regrets it. Last time I trained this son too hard, you know this kid really picked up such a big leak, how could he be willing to train him!

If it weren't for the boy not here at the moment, if he was there, Father Fan couldn't help but praise this son.

However, Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng didn’t understand the excitement expressions of Fan's father and several clan elders. The spiritual tea photographed by A Yin (Yin Shao) was really missing and could be seen by the Fan family elders and the head of the family. The things under my eyes are definitely good things, not to mention that at this moment a few clan elders and Patriarchs looked excited at this Lingcha, and several people were dumbfounded and excited, and they were both excited and regretful.

What is excited is that Yin Shaozhen has missed a big omission. What regrets that they missed such a good thing, especially Fan Chunyang and Fan Zheng. Both of them wanted to get a piece of tofu and killed them. Good things are stuffed casually.

If they had known the efficacy and benefits of this spirit tea, not to mention the cypriots, they would be able to drink more and even share some precious spirit tea, not to mention the cypriots. Good for them!

The three of them felt very uncomfortable to miss such a baby with their own eyes, but the three of them didn't think much about the confiscated spirit tea.

At this time, Father Fan asked again: "Axi, tell your uncle, when did Ayin say to be home?"

Fan Xi immediately replied, "Uncle, Ayin is on the way back, and it is estimated that he will be at Fan's house in more than an hour!"

Fan's father nodded. Although he had heard about the auction from Fan Ping's mouth before, Fan's father would inevitably ask them again about their experience at the Jingshi auction house.

Fan Xi had no choice but to narrate it again. Fan's father and the other clan elders nodded, but some clan elders asked: "When will the next Jingshi auction be? Will there be this kind of spiritual tea again? If so, we Fan I have to send someone to take a photo early! You have to shoot as much as you want! Otherwise, these spirit teas are still too few, and it is better to find out the source of Jingshi auction house's spirit tea!"

The one who was speaking was the elder of the four races. He just tasted the taste of the spirit tea. The taste is very good and the spiritual energy is very strong. The four elders have not looked away from the direction of the spirit tea from just now to now, and the tea is still brewed. There were some, the four clansmen coveted the spiritual energy in the spirit tea. If there were other juniors and clansmen, he would want to step forward and grab the pot of spirit tea and drink it all.

The four clan elders thought this way, and the other clan elders did the same, staring scorchingly at the remaining tea and the few barrels of spirit tea on the side.

Fan Ping hurriedly said at this time: "Uncle, clan elder, why don't you leave this to me? I am more familiar with Jing's auction house!"

As soon as Fan Ping finished speaking, Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng immediately understood what abacus this girl was playing. Seeing how impatient this girl was, he might have forgotten how he satirized and mocked Yin Shao when he took this Lingcha. With a proud look, the three of them snorted in their hearts, and looked at all the unwillingness, envy, jealousy and hatred in Fan Ping's eyes.

As soon as Fan Xi was about to speak, he heard Fan Ping interject again: "By the way, uncle, clan elder, last time I looked at Brother Yin, it seemed that there were more than these barrels of spirit tea, there should be other spirit teas! Good Lingcha should be confiscated and handed in!"

Fan Ping’s words immediately received a response from most of the elders and juniors, but the angry faces of Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng were very ugly. If they remember correctly, this girl had a look of disdain for these spiritual teas last time. In a blink of an eye, Fan Ping stared at the buckets of spirit tea that Yin Shao took again.

Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng wanted to stop, but couldn’t find other excuses for a while. Fortunately, after a while, Fan’s mother suddenly interjected: “Several clan elders, I remember you didn’t believe what I said last time. I didn’t believe in this spiritual tea, and deprived my son of his heir status. I also said that if you don’t believe it, if this thing is really good, don’t even think about it. Everyone agreed at the time. In that case, these spiritual teas are natural. It's my Ayin. Whether it is handed in or given to others, it depends on his own wishes, that is, he is reluctant to give it to anyone, and there is no reason or excuse for others to complain!"

When Fan's words fell, not only Fan Ping's expression changed drastically, but the expressions of other clan elders and Fan's father all changed drastically. Their expressions were particularly embarrassing and nervous, for fear that Fan's father would agree.

When I thought that so many such good spirit teas were all cheap, Fan Yin's boy, except for a few reasonable clan elders and Fan's father, everyone else had pains and headaches.

Fan Ping's expression was very ugly. When he thought of these spiritual teas being cheap and wasteful, Fan Ping felt reconciled. Even if these spiritual teas were taken by the waste, he was still unwilling, more jealous, and could not help hurriedly said: " Auntie, these spiritual teas have an extraordinary effect. I think it's better to hand in them for more suitable people!"

Fan's mother was not bad to Fan Ping before, and he had never dealt with Ayin. Fan's mother didn't doubt anything, but from the last time the fox's tail leaked out, Fan's mother was vaguely aware of the opponent's rejection and provocation against Ayin, let alone this. The kid was very thoughtful. Fan’s eyes flashed coldly. Just as Fan’s mother was still going to speak, the old man said a kind word, that is, since this spiritual tea is

A Yin took photos of the leak detection and everyone agreed last time. These spiritual teas naturally belonged to A Yin, and he would leave him alone if he fell in love with him. No one could force him.

As for the spiritual tea, he suggested that according to the recommendations of the four elders, immediately go to the Jingshi auction house to photograph the spiritual tea and find the source of the supply.

The words of the elder of the big clan fell, and the sound of the hammer was determined. Others were dissatisfied and dared not say more. Fan's father is also a reasonable master, not to mention that Fan Yin is still his own son, and he is naturally very satisfied.

Fan Ping's face was blue with anger, and he was very dissatisfied.

Before long, a familiar, loud and urgent voice rang from far and near: "Brother Xi, Chunyang, Fan Zheng, where is my spirit tea? Where is it? Give it back to me if it's been played!"

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