Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1509: Eight hundred and five

The man never moved or made a sound. In the dark night, the tall and tall man seemed to blend in with the dark night, looking unpredictable and deep.

Chi Shuyan carefully looked at the man's good-looking facial features, but still did not remember who the other party was?

Jing Hengran was very alert at this time, especially when the other party stood not far away without saying a word. If it hadn't been for seeing the other party's shadow on the ground, he might suspect that the other party was not a person but something else.

Although he didn't see the other person's facial features clearly, Jing Hengran's first impression of the other party was not very good. He only felt that the other party's temperament was gloomy and indifferent, and his whole body was hostile, which was by no means good, and the other party gave him a dangerous illusion.

Seeing Shuyan's expression on his face, Jing Hengran still asked in a low voice, "I don't know someone?"

Chi Shuyan just wanted to nod her head and felt that the other man's facial features are very familiar. Wait, she suddenly remembered, who is not her ex-boyfriend who is not far away from a man who is standing still and making no noise?

Chi Shuyan didn't just recognize the person, his eyes widened and the whole person was struck by thunder.

Wait, why did he suddenly appear here?

Chi Shuyan was a little stunned. To tell the truth, what she said before forgot that the other person looked like seven or eight is the truth. She felt that if the man did not show up for a few months, she might not be able to look at it for a long time. Recognize people.

As for the couples parting after a long time in the TV plot, the heroine does not feel the turbulent waves when seeing the protagonist goodbye. She is quite calm except that she is curious that the other party appears inexplicably at her door at night.

Chi Shuyan took a look and then withdrew his gaze. Jing Hengran kept putting her expression in his eyes, squinting his eyes and asking with some inquiries, "Anyone you know?"

Chi Shuyan nodded this time without denying: "Hmm!"

Since he is someone he knows, it is not easy for Jing Hengran to intervene between the two. Although he really wants to explore the relationship between the two at this time, he always has the illusion that the relationship between the two is extraordinary, but it is not far away. The man at the other side is too indifferent to approach, and he is not good to come forward to inquire at this time.

At the same time, Jing Hengran is used to maintaining the gentleman in front of the little **** weekdays, and does not want to rashly break the gentle gentleman he worked hard to maintain when the relationship between the two is not progressing, and make sure that the two do know each other and the other side is not in the slightest threat. Jing Hengran took the initiative to get into the car and prepare to leave.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and looked at the heir of the Jing family a little bit more favorably, but before Jing Hengran left, he was still very attached to the previous question of single or not, and asked her to give an answer.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to spit out a perfunctory sentence: "Single!"

Jing Hengran got the answer, and he was naturally very satisfied. He smiled and said hello to the car and wanted to say that he would have another appointment next time. A cold and dark, dangerous eye was never far away on his face, Jing Hengran His complexion became stiff, and as soon as the opponent's eyes fell on him, his scalp exploded, and his hair stood up, as if being stared at by something terrible and dangerous, making him stiff.

Jing Hengran had to pursed his lips and swallowed the words of the'next time appointment' back into his stomach, while looking through the rearview mirror inadvertently at a man standing not far away, he was reluctant to drive away!

"Be careful on the road!" Chi Shuyan exclaimed politely.

When the other party's car turned around and gradually moved away, her attention once again fell on a man not far away who hadn't moved or said a word.

Chi Shuyan was also quite contradictory at this time, wondering whether he should step up to greet him or enter the villa without seeing anyone.

To be honest, when they met again, the previous relationship and even the various breakups between the two people followed the grievances of the previous life. She had always been big-hearted and open-minded, and had forgotten the various grievances of the two before.

But even though I forgot all the grudges and grievances before, it doesn’t mean that these grievances have never happened. What's more, the other party's identity as an'ex-boyfriend' is very special and the behavior of the other party to avoid suspicion made her hesitate to come forward and say hello .

Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment, but he chose to go forward and greet him actively. After all, they can be regarded as people who know each other to a certain extent, and the two have no feud. Besides, the other party is at your door. What is it that you didn't see anyone?

What if the other party is looking for you?

So Chi Shuyan hesitated for a moment, then decisively stepped forward a few steps and greeted him with a normal tone: "hi! What's wrong?"

The man standing by the car still didn’t say a word. He quietly turned the Buddhist beads on his wrists. In the darkness, the scarlet eyes gradually faded. The red light gradually calmed down. His eyes were fixed on the woman who was approaching not far away. At the same time, his eyelids The next pair of eyes became dark and unpredictable again, one inadvertently, those eyes seemed to attract people's soul.

The other party never responded, and Chi Shuyan felt a little strange and weird in her heart. She suddenly stopped and looked at the man who seemed to merge with the night not far away. She felt the violation again.

Yes, this violation is even worse than when the opponent had just left Dashan Village before.

Before Chi Shuyan came up with a reason, she saw that the other party suddenly opened the door and turned into the car. For a moment, the car drove away in front of her, as if the man appeared just now like a flash in the pan.

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan entered the villa, and she was the only one in the villa tonight. Chi Shuyan went upstairs to take a bath. Not long after the bath, the phone ringing on the table rang again.

She picked up the phone, it was still Jing Hengran's call, and only heard the other worry asking her: "Shu Yan, are you still chatting with your friend?"

The other party's tone is full of intimacy.

Chi Shuyan subconsciously ignored the intimacy of the other's tone, but the other's words once again reminded her that her ex-boyfriend had indeed come to her door just now, and she had not dreamed.

Although she is still very curious that the other person suddenly appeared at her door for no reason, but thinking that the two had nothing to do with each other, she was too lazy to pay attention, she said: "No, people have already left!"

Jing Hengran, who was too neat before, was a little worried at the beginning that the man had a relationship with the little girl. In a blink of an eye, when he heard Shu Yan's words, Jing Hengran's worry was wiped out, and he secretly dispelled how much he was. Xin, besides Shu Yan said that she is single, naturally it has nothing to do with that man.

Thinking about this, Jing Hengran was in a good mood, but it was a bit late at the moment, and he didn't bother people much, said goodnight, and hung up the phone.

After Jing Hengran hung up the phone, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. While throwing the phone on the bed, she drew a circle in front of the calendar hung on the wall, then hung it back, ready to go to bed.

After going to bed, she put her mobile phone on the edge of the bed and went to bed with the lights off neatly.

In the middle of the night, the cell phone ringing suddenly rang in a trance. Chi Shuyan thought she was a dream at first. When she opened her eyes in a daze to make sure that the phone ring was really ringing, she reached out and touched the phone and answered the button, wondering who would give it so late. She called? He closed his eyes and curled up under the covers and continued to answer the phone: "Hello, hello!"

Chi Shuyan answered the phone with his eyes closed, and almost fell asleep while answering the phone. After a long time, the other party didn't say anything.

Chi Shuyan looked at the phone time in a daze. At 2:30 in the morning, she looked down and saw that the phone number was an unfamiliar call, and couldn't help but think of the movie The Midnight Ring.

Wait, wouldn't any ghost prankster deliberately play her?

As a ghost hunter, Chi Shuyan is very courageous, and feels this possibility is unlikely, but if it is a normal person, where does anyone call a friend in the middle of the morning?

Don't say anything when you call!

Chi Shuyan asked a few more aloud, but there was still no one on the other side of the phone.

Chi Shuyan just hung up the phone and threw the phone aside to continue to sleep. She just fell asleep, and not long after, the phone rang again, and she answered it as usual, but no one was speaking.

The first two times Chi Shuyan was very patient. When the phone rang again inexplicably for the third and fourth time in a row, it was obviously a deliberate harassment. Chi Shuyan encountered such a thing for the first time. Numbers are blacklisted.

This night, her cell phone rang countless times. Even if she blocked the phone number directly, another stranger still called her and continued to call her to harass her, which annoyed her.

In the end, she turned off the phone directly, and then she barely had a good night's sleep.

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