Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1510: Eight hundred and six

When she got up the next day, Chi Shuyan thought that the various harassing calls she had made last night were her dreams, but when she picked up her mobile phone and looked up the call log, she found that there were indeed many strange calls harassment in the middle of the night last night. she was.

Chi Shuyan kept staring at these dense series of unanswered calls from strangers. She was so frightened that she turned off the phone last night. Just seeing these harassing strange calls made her want to sleep well last night.

For fear that these strange calls would continue to harass her, Chi Shuyan quickly pulled all these strange calls to the blacklist one by one, which was relieved.

Get up and go to the bathroom to wash.

After washing, he went downstairs as usual, but there was no Li Yuchu in the morning. Chi Shuyan had to go out and prepare to buy breakfast in the breakfast shop when the time came. On the way to school, the phone ringing in his pocket rang again, and Chi Shuyan had a meal. At first, she thought it was a strange call. When she took out her mobile phone and saw that it was a familiar phone number, she was relieved and then answered the call.

Director Wang’s diligent and familiar voice soon sounded: “Master, Master Chi, it’s me, I’m Wang Zhen, by the way, Master, I don’t know if you are free today, I have already determined the shooting location, Master, you Can you come and help me see Feng Shui?"

After experiencing that time in Dashan Village, Dao Wang was bitten by a snake. He was afraid of well ropes for ten years. He would rather spend more money and time to let the master watch Feng Shui so that he can rest assured. Not only Dao Wang, but also Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru and Yan Zhengming. The same goes for Yang Kun and others.

Although the director Wang was notified to start the work early, but before the master watched Feng Shui, everyone did not dare to start the work easily.

Chi Shuyan has not forgotten that she agreed to Wang Dao’s request to watch Feng Shui before. If it is the weekend, she really can’t make time. Today, she can still make time. The other party is lucky, so Chi Shuyan immediately agreed: "Sure, I’ll go in the morning. After class, go over and see at noon!"

"Okay! Ooo! Master Chi, thank you so much! Thank you so much!" Director Wang looked excited. Although the master promised to help watch Feng Shui before, he was afraid that these days would pass. What should Master Chi forget? So when she agreed to come over at noon, Dao Wang was very excited.

On the set, Director Wang babbled a lot of nice things again, and waited until the time was approaching for class, then Director Wang reluctantly hung up the phone.

Director Wang had a very loud voice on the phone just now. Many actors and clerks heard the words of Director Wang asking people to watch Feng Shui and the courteous appearance of Director Wang. Such a hospitable and enthusiastic Director Wang, the on-set clerks and a few newcomers. This is the first time the producer and deputy director have seen it.

As for Ruan Shenglin, Song Chu, Yan Zhengming, and Song Yanru, after listening to the words of Director Wang, I was completely relieved, and the master meeting was completed.

And to be honest, these days, Ruan Shenglin, Song Chu, Yan Zhengming, and Song Yanru also found psychological counselors to adjust their mentality. They also bought a lot of life-saving talismans from the master store, which is not like the previous Dashan Village. The same talk about ghostly discoloration, such as facing an enemy and panic every day.

Before, the master said that people still have to see the chance of encountering ghosts. A few people just breathed a sigh of relief, and within a few days of entering the crew, they learned that the next door was shooting a ghost film.

No, the word ‘ghost film’ once again swept through and ignited the psychological fear and inexplicable terror of Wang Dao, Song Yanru, Ruan Shenglin, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, Yang Kun and others.

If it weren’t for the sudden loss of changing studios, Director Wang couldn’t help but want to change to another location to shoot. As for what ghost film to shoot, it’s too scary and dangerous. Especially after Director Wang, Ruan Shenglin and others experienced the Dashan Village, they knew that this world was There are real ghosts, so whenever I hear someone talking about the ghost film that was filmed next door, I am frightened and shuddering.

Fortunately, Director Wang invited the master to come over to see the Feng Shui on the set so quickly, thinking that he would be able to see Master Chi at noon, Ruan Shenglin, Yan Zhengming, Song Yanru, Song Chu, Yang Kun and others were looking forward and nervous.

After buying a lot of good things from the master shop, the people once again believed that the master was a real master and a real master.

In the morning, the scenes were starring Ruan Shenglin and Song Yanru. The filming process was fairly smooth. Director Wang's filming stopped at 11 noon, and he was ready to pick up the master himself at any time.

The several new assistant directors and producers next to him were speechless and helpless to Wang Dao's request to stop work early today.

This newcomer, surnamed Fei, simply came over to try to communicate with Director Wang, and asked him to take another photo to save some money. Director Wang waved his hand and drove people away: "Walk away..., I will have business for a while." I saw the master.

The producer Fei probably saw what Director Wang was going to do for a while, so he drew the corners of his lips and persuaded him bitterly: "Director Wang, the ghost filming next door didn’t invite anyone to watch Feng Shui. What are we going to hire here? Isn’t it a waste of money? ?"

Producer Fei is a very wealthy but very stingy master. He wished that Director Wang rushed to work early every day, and then thought that Director Wang would spend a lot of money to ask people to watch Feng Shui.

Director Wang directly ignored the production supervisor in front of him, thinking that he had no money to film and he had to have money to ask the master to watch Feng Shui, okay? The fact of hitting evil is terrible!

The master didn't come to look at Feng Shui, and he couldn't continue filming, and he was always worried.

Director Wang ignored the production fee and there were no restaurants nearby. He simply greeted a few assistants to help people cook more than a dozen good dishes in the tent on the set. The master did not dare to neglect, and asked Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru and Yan. Zhengming, don't eat at noon for a while, and then everyone will eat with the master.

When Chi Shuyan came, the dishes were almost fried. As long as the dishes were served on the table, Wang Dao, Ruan Shenglin, Yan Zhengming, Song Yanru, Yang Kun and others came to meet her at the entrance of the studio in person. Thought to meet some big people.

There are a few people on the set who didn’t know. At first, they really thought that there was a big man or an investment father coming to their set. In a blink of an eye, I saw a little girl coming in with director Wang, Yingdi Ruan, Song Yinghou and a few agents. Many crews The newcomer's jaw dropped to the ground in shock, with a look of disbelief.

Let’s look at Director Wang, Yingdi Ruan, Yinghou Song and a few agents who are more enthusiastic and attentive to talk to the little girl in the middle. Many newcomers in the crew are more generous. See you by the producer and several new assistant directors. In this scene, the eyes are going to stare out!

Why don't they know how many director Wang waited for such a good temper?

Wang Dao, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, Yang Kun, Yan Zhengming and others, regardless of what the rest of the crew think, looked hospitable and invited Master Chi into the tent for lunch.

Chi Shuyan was used to doing business first, and said: "I'm not hungry, why don't I take a look at the set Feng Shui for Wang Gui you first?"

Dao Wang was eager to see the Feng Shui first, and he calmed his nervous heart, but said: "Master, are you hungry? Do you want to eat first? Don't worry about Feng Shui!"

Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Yan Zhengming and the others also immediately agreed with Director Wang's words. Chi Shuyan didn't say a word, but directly asked Director Wang to take her around the stage.

Master Chi said it all, and Director Wang was not hypocritical. He hurriedly took the people around the set and walked around the set personally, accompanied by Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Yan Zhengming, Song Yanru and others.

Chi Shuyan watched around the set, but didn't see any major problems. All in all, although Director Wang's selection of the set this time was a bit biased, he was shooting near the inner village of Kyoto without any major problems.

Chi Shuyan said this to Director Wang, so that they don't need to worry too much. The location of the shooting is fine.

Hearing what Master Chi said, Dao Wang, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, Yang Kun, Yan Zhengming and the others were very happy, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts hanging in their throats returned to their place.

But Director Wang, Ruan Shenglin, and Yan Zhengming thought deeply, but Director Wang hesitated to talk about the ghost film next door and asked nervously: "Master, you said the crew of the ghost film next door will affect us here. Do not?"

After experiencing the events in Dashan Village, Director Wang now believes in ghosts and gods more and more. He is afraid that the ghost film next door will offend which **** will hurt them. Then he really is going to vomit blood. He knew that the ghost film next door was filming. They had to change the venue, but they found out that the next door was a ghost film after they had all prepared their equipment!

Director Wang's words Chi Shuyan still listened to her heart, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Can you take me to the next studio for a look?"

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