Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1511: Eight hundred and seven

Director Wang has a very important position in the circle, and the ghost film crew next door is just a pheasant crew. To put it nicely, this is indeed a drama crew, but it is ugly. All the actors and directors of this crew are newcomers rushing to get together. Irregular combination, and don’t know who made the investment.

Therefore, Director Wang, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, Yang Kun and others took the initiative to come in, making everyone in the ghost film crew next door, including the new director, flattered and unbelievable.

Before coming, Chi Shuyan did not want to be noticeable, and did not ask Director Wang to explain the reason for the ghost film crew. He just said that he would drop by at random. When Director Wang and the new director were nagging, Chi Shuyan took the opportunity to walk on this set. After a lap, Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong and others naturally wished to stick to the master all the time.

It can be estimated that the two are too popular. When they came over, they were surrounded by many members of the ghost film crew and some actors who could not name them to sign. Even some famous Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong were surrounded, and several people were very helpless.

In the end, Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming accompanied the master to stroll around. When strolling around, both of them focused on the master's face. Occasionally, they frowned when they saw her, for fear that Master Chi might see something.

In fact, Chi Shuyan looked around and really didn't see any problems. She shook her head at the two of them. Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming were happy, they were still a little uncertain on their faces, and couldn't help but carefully confirm and ask again. : "Master, do you mean it's okay?"

Chi Shuyan retracted his gaze and nodded: "There is really no problem. Don't worry!"

As soon as these words fell, Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming were finally relieved, their expressions were obviously joyful, and speaking of them, they were really afraid that there would be a problem with Director Wang's movie. Time is not worth it, and I am afraid that my life will be threatened when the time comes. With Master Chi's words, the two are completely relieved, and prepare to talk with Dao Wang and their artists for a while.

"Let's go!" Chi Shuyan did not find anything after strolling around. She felt that seeing a group of people such as Director Wang, Ruan Shenglin and others this time, it was estimated that she had been bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the rope. And frightened, but she also hoped that her soothing words would help them.

Yan Zhengming and Yang Kun looked at each other and immediately said, "Cheng, Master, Kun'er is here to accompany you to continue shopping. I will go over and talk to Director Wang about this first."

Chi Shuyan nodded and looked around curiously. Although she had been to the set where Director Wang was filming and saw them filming before, it was her first time in the ghost film crew. She was really curious about how the crew made ghost films?

Seeing that the master's attention seemed to be attracted by the surrounding ghost film crew, Yang Kun immediately slapped Yan Zhengming on the shoulder and said: "Cheng, Brother Yan, you go over, I will accompany the master here!"

With Yang Kun's words and the master's consent, Yan Zhengming turned and walked towards Wang Dao. This was not afraid of the master's boredom, and seeing her curiously staring at two very strangely dressed men and women speaking in front of the camera, he explained: "Master, this crew is actually making romantic ghost films." Like Nie Xiaoqian in the Liao Zhai, the ghost love is not too scary, it is not too scary, the main thing is the feelings of the two male and female heroes, and the ghost film plot is second.

In the past, Yang Kun didn't even look at ghost movies. On the one hand, it is impossible to play any ghost movies as Shenglin's coffee position. On the other hand, in his opinion, those crews making ghost movies are all nonsense. Playing crazy casually, the makeup and painting are also messy, in short, the ghost film of the domestic film is not very good, and he doesn't look at it at all. There is only one feeling, which is low.

But after seeing a ghost, come back to the ghost film crew. Even if the style of painting is still low, Yang Kun always feels that the wind is blowing, and his heart is inexplicable, very scary, and he wants to leave immediately, let alone these people have to spend the night. This kind of weird makeup dangles in the wilderness, what if it provokes something that should not be provoke?

When Yang Kun thought about it, he was frightened for these people, and his heart almost popped out of his chest. It was horrible. Fortunately, he was not on the crew.

Chi Shuyan didn't notice that Yang Kun's thoughts were getting more and more horrified. Her attention was all on the female protagonist who was filming in front of the camera.

In a daze, a picture appeared in her mind. In the early hours of the morning, a woman in a white shroud was spinning on the roof of the hotel. Then she suddenly fell and hit the ground. Flowing to the side, what is even more eye-catching is a face that is completely stripped of flesh, **** and distorted, unable to see the facial features, especially **** and cruel and frightening.

Chi Shuyan's pupils shrank sharply. By coincidence, she was slapped on her shoulder, and she turned her head to meet Yang Kun's worried eyes: "Master, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Master Chi's face was very ugly at this time. Appearance, Yang Kun was pale and asked subconsciously: "Master, or did you post again... what did you find?"

The more Yang Kun asked, the weaker his tone became, his face trembling with horror.

Chi Shuyan put Yang Kun's horrified look into his eyes, shook his head and said: "It's okay, I just want to order something else!"

As she spoke, she glanced around the set again, and made sure there was nothing wrong with the set, and nine out of ten, the problematic girl was that the little girl who was filming got involved in something that shouldn't be offended, and only saw each other. At this time, the Yintang was black, the black forehead was scary, and the face was faintly blue. It should be a few days before the girl was so fierce.

What impressed Chi Shuyan the most was the face that was stripped alive before the other party's tragic death. She had always been courageous, but when she saw the other party's tragic death just now, her scalp was still numb.

I don't know how this girl got into such a terrible thing.

Coincidentally, not far away, the pair of men and women with wonderful makeup finished filming, and they parted ways after the filming.

The man went to the director's side and looked at Director Wang with a friendly expression. As for the woman, she left and returned to her seat.

At this moment, I saw an assistant holding an umbrella to greet me and said, "Sister Ling, by the way, your phone called just now."

The woman who was called Sister Ling was sitting in the position and had her makeup removed, revealing a very beautiful and natural face, almost no more than twenty years old, Chi Shuyan heard the other nod and said, "I got it," and then sat down. Eat box lunch with assistant next to me.

And Yang Kun on the side didn't even understand what happened to Master Chi at this moment? Why keep staring at a strange woman? Or is this woman having a problem?

Yang Kun was about to ask, he listened to the master: "Can you ask me about the girl just now?"

Yang Kun stared wide-eyed and wondered if he couldn't understand the master's thoughts, but Yang Kun was not the one who broke the casserole and asked the question to the end. He was very capable, and he was extremely efficient. In less than ten minutes, he asked about the other party's information. Seven or eight.

Yang Kun said, "Master, that girl is the heroine of this play, her name is Yan Liling. She is just 20 years old and has never attended college, but she has a boyfriend who is very rich and good-looking. This movie was filmed by her boyfriend who invested in her."

Chi Shuyan nodded, and Yang Kun continued: "It is said that this little girl's family is very poor. She lives in a rural area, and she has a few younger brothers and a younger sister. This will not run into her boyfriend."

In fact, this kind of thing is quite normal in the circle. Some beautiful women are taken up by someone from the beginning, and they can play the leading role as soon as they enter the group. This kind of person and this kind of thing are commonplace for him.

Yang Kun first inquired about this matter and subconsciously had some prejudice against this little girl. From his point of view, the pretty little girl said on the surface that she had talked about her boyfriend, and in all likelihood, she was covered up, but then he inquired about it. This little girl's reputation and character in the crew surprised him.

The main reason is that this little girl is quite unique. She is alone in the crew, but she is very polite. She is kind to the crew and helps everyone if she is busy. She also gets ambiguous from walking too close to the actors from different crews, and her lines are always ambiguous. She is very sloppy, and she always recites lines except for meals. She is a very hardworking little girl.

Although Yang Kun inquired about the other person's character, he didn't take it to heart. At the beginning, he entered the circle, pretending to be polite and pretending to have good character, and he didn't know how long this little girl could hold on!

Yang Kun told him all about his inquiries, Chi Shuyan nodded: "Sure, I know!"

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