Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1515: Eight hundred and eleven

After Chi Shuyan said these words, he turned around and left neatly. The blind man fortune-telling directly forgot the money that the little girl was going to give. After a long time, the figure of the little girl disappeared, and the blind man fortune-telling remembered the thing about money. His face was very ugly. He felt that the little girl said that just for not wanting to give him money. Thinking of this, the blind man said to the two sluggish mother and son: "Old lady, Mr. Cai, the little girl just now was just a fool. The kidnappers, don’t believe her. Don’t worry, I’ll leave it for your family. Your family will be happy forever, and within half a year, your wife will be able to give you a big fat kid."

If the blind man said that before, the two mothers and sons would still be happy, but thinking of the little girl's words just now, the two mothers and sons left with a heavy heart and a muddled face. Before leaving, they couldn't believe it or not.

These two mothers and sons came home, and the old lady Cai hasn’t been struggling until now, especially when the old lady is too old, she believes in this. When the little girl said that his daughter-in-law’s child is not his son’s, even his son’s life. Without her son's luck, her lungs would explode. She didn't want to believe the little girl's words, but the little girl was so eloquent that she even knew about his son's divorce.

Thinking of his Cai family raising a son for others, the old lady not only turned green with anger, but almost couldn't catch her breath.

Cai Youcai is a particularly filial son on weekdays. Seeing his mother can’t catch his breath now, he quickly poured a glass of boiling water for his mother, and quickly comforted: “Mom, don’t think too much about it. The little girl was sure It's a lie to us. Didn't you hear that God said that our Cai family is definitely happy and happy, and within half a year, my wife will be able to give birth to a son for me."

The old lady seemed to be persuaded by her own son, but her face was still a little worried. Just now, the door was pushed open and she saw a very well-dressed woman who was under thirty years old coming in.

This woman is not only well-dressed, but her mouth is also very sweet. As soon as she came in the slippers and saw the old lady, she first said with a big smile: "Mom, are you back? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat, I will let the nanny do it. "After that, a lot of packaging bags were put on the sofa and said: "Mom, look, these are the health products I bought for you. Then you can watch and eat some, this thing is especially good for your body! "

Mrs. Cai is actually an old lady who is not easy to get along with, but she seems to be very fond of Li Tian's set. If she changes to another woman and hasn't given birth to her old Cai's son for five years, the old lady will get up early.

And the more Li Tian is filial to the old lady, the better Cai Youcai treats her, so Li Tian has lived in Cai's house these years really well.

Li Tian thought her mouth was soothing that the old lady would treat her kindly as usual, and Cai Youcai would also be especially considerate and tolerant of her speaking for her.

But this time Li Tian was unexpected. She wiped honey on her mouth and said these good things, and even gave out these health care products. The old lady and Cai Youcai in front of her ignored her at all. Li Tian saw the old lady staring at her stomach. Cai Youcai didn't know what to think, and his expression was a little struggling.

Thinking of the good things that went to the hospital today, Li Tian not only didn’t get nervous, but her eyebrows became more happy. She also knew that the old lady and Cai Youcai had been eager to hug their grandson (for a son). If she had a son, she would be in Cai. The status of the family is completely stabilized, and there is no longer any need to worry about Cai Youcai's previous ex-wife and two daughters, and Cai's future family property will belong to her and her son.

Cai Youcai's two daughters were not even divided at all. Thinking about this, Li Tian became more and more happy. The most proud thing in her life was to squeeze Cai Youcai's ex-wife to the top.

In the past, Cai Youcai’s ex-wife’s family also warned her not to do too much, and retribution was unhappy. At first Li Tian was still a little worried and afraid, but now with the passage of these years, it is better for her to cross over now, but Cai Youcai’s ex-wife has crossed the worse, Li Tian Now I don't believe in retribution at all.

If she really wants to have retribution, how can she live well?

Besides, it was not her fault that the woman couldn't hold the man and couldn't give birth to a son.

Li Tian despised Cai Youcai's scumbag ex-wife, and she always had a sense of superiority in front of Du Shufen. She had a son before, but now she is pregnant. Boy, thinking of this, the smile on Li Tian's face got deeper and deeper, she lowered her head to pretend to smile shyly, and suddenly said to the old lady and Cai Youcai: "Mom, talented, I have good news to tell you."

Old Mrs. Cai and Cai Youcai heard Li Tian’s good news, their right eyelids faintly jumped, and it didn’t take long before they heard Li Tian smile sweetly on her face: "Mom, talented, I went to the hospital for an examination today, the doctor said I'm pregnant!"

The old lady Cai and Cai Youcai who smashed the word “pregnant” in Li Tian’s mouth were stunned on the spot. The two mothers and sons were too ecstatic and happy. They remembered the words of the little girl who was in the blind’s booth before, “I will see your house today. There is a happy event, your current wife is also pregnant in all likelihood, but it is not yours. ’

Old lady Cai almost exploded on the spot. Even Cai Youcai heard Li Tian say she was pregnant at this time, and she almost exploded, her face was shocked and surprised.

Neither Mrs. Cai nor Cai Youcai wanted to doubt this good daughter-in-law (good daughter-in-law), but it was true that the little girl said before was too accurate.

When the old lady thought that the child in Li Tian's belly might not be his son, his old Cai family wanted to raise a son for others, and old lady Cai couldn't bear it.

For Cai Youcai, this kind of trampling on a man's dignity must be even more intolerable, let alone raising a son for a man next to him.

But after all, Li Tian is the good daughter-in-law of the old lady for five years, and Cai Youcai's good daughter-in-law for five years. Even if the mother and son have doubts and struggles in their hearts, they still cannot bear to doubt Li Tian's daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law).

And when Li Tian finished talking about pregnancy, the old lady and Cai Youcai's ecstatic expressions were both puzzled and puzzled. Li Tian deliberately added: "The doctor said, nine out of ten of my children are sons. !"

Li Tian proudly finished speaking and didn’t notice that the old lady and Cai Youcai’s faces couldn’t be squeezed out. Cai Youcai was afraid that Li Tian found out that there was something wrong, so he first found an excuse to dismiss Li Tian, ​​and waited for Li Tian to return to the room. The urge to faint, immediately couldn't help but anxiously said: "Quick, quick, talented, you quickly check if the child in Li Tian's stomach belongs to our old Cai family, quickly, go!"

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