Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1516: 812

Although Cai Youcai is a nouveau riche, he is still very clever and very smart. In a twinkling of an eye, he not only noticed the clues that his wife might cheat on his side, but also let the private detectives find out that her wife really went with a little white face some time ago. Recently, I took a photo of the two kissing entering the hotel.

In other words, Li Tian, ​​this **** really cheated? In all likelihood, he was pregnant with other men's sons!

When I thought that Li Tian not only cheated on the rails, but even wanted to blame him on the child he had made with the adulterer and let him be raised by the old Cai family, even if Cai Youcai had a good temper, he couldn't bear this kind of thing that touched the bottom line. The blue veins bulged one by one, his fists creaked, his face was particularly ugly, and his eyes sprayed with anger.

If Li Tian is in front of him at this moment, he must slap the **** first, and then kill the person. Cai Youcai forcefully suppressed the impulse to kill the adulterer. He just thought of getting up and going to the place before. Little girl, the old lady called first, and only heard the old lady hurriedly asked: "You are talented, have you checked it out? Is the child in Li Tian's belly belong to our old Cai family?"

Cai Youcai listened to the old lady’s questioning, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped sharply. It was really embarrassing that this kind of thing that touched the man’s bottom line was too embarrassing. He didn’t know how to say it, even if the person calling from the other side was his mother, Cai Youcai’s face looked on. I couldn't help but feel gloomy, I didn't know what to say.

What the old lady cares most now is whether the child in Li Tian’s belly is from her old Cai’s family. If it’s not from her old Cai’s family, even if the child in Li Tian’s belly is indeed a boy, she wants her Cai family to raise a son for others. , No way. Seeing that there was no sound from his son, the old lady scratched her heart and lungs more anxiously, and continued to ask: "You are talented, you quickly tell me, is the child in Li Tian's belly our Li? Home? You tell me frankly, don't lie to me."

When it comes to this point, Cai Youcai also knows that he can't hide it, and he didn't want to hide it. Now he knows that Li Tianlu is pregnant with other men and children nine out of ten, and wants him to swallow it when nothing happened. No way.

Cai Youcai gritted his teeth and said: "Mom, Li Tian, ​​that bitch... I found other men outside. I suspect that the child in her belly is not mine!"

When Cai Youcai's words just fell, the old lady Cai went black in front of her angrily, her lips were trembling, and she cried and yelled, "This **** bitch, this shameless bitch." , She still dare to look for a man outside? This shameless bitch, how can she have the face to look for a man outside, this bitch, this bitch, where is my old Cai family sorry for her, where is my son sorry for her? I dare to ask my old Cai family to feed her a sinner, why doesn't she die?"

The old lady Cai was anxious and took a few breaths and scolded it, but she was not addicted. The sentence on the left of her mouth was a bitch, and the sentence on the right of her mouth was all about the woman Li Tian.

It can be said that she was satisfied with Li Tian's daughter-in-law, but now she hates her. When she thinks of this shameless **** giving her son a cuckold, she even wants her old Cai family to help her raise the child she got with other adulterers. , How can this **** be so capable?

The old lady Cai can't wait to cramp this woman Li Tian and peel her skin alive, but it's hard to quell the anger in her heart.

For so many years, her old Cai's family has provided for her to eat and live for her to do nothing, so just give back to her family?

When the old lady Cai thought that this woman was forced to let her son marry, the old lady felt regretful in her heart. If she knew that one day this bitch, Li Tian, ​​could cuckold a talented person, she couldn’t force it. Du Shufen let You Cai marry such a woman!

The older Mrs. Cai thought about it, the more regretful she became, and she suddenly remembered that the little girl who had counted so accurately said that her son had only two daughters and no sons in his life. She didn't take it seriously before, but now the more she thinks about it, the more sad she is. Come, cry to death: "You are talented, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Affected by the emotions of the old lady, Cai Youcai didn’t know what he thought of, and his eyes were a little red. He was also worried that the old lady would have fainted because of the stimulation at her age. He quickly said: “Mom, I’m fine, don’t get excited, I’ll look for it now. A little master, come back and deal with Li Tian's mess."

When the old lady Cai heard that her son was going to find the little girl, she immediately stated that she would go with her, and she hated the woman Li Tian in her heart. She said: "You are talented, Li Tian dare to cheat or let him Our old Cai family helped her raise her son. You can’t just let her go. You should get divorced immediately, and you are not allowed to give her a penny."

Li Tian is shopping secretly with other men in the department store now, and I don't know that Cai's house has changed now.

And Chi Shuyan stayed in S City for the past two days, and got familiar with the shopping nearby, and he left a stall beside the blind man, and the stall was naturally fortune-telling.

However, she only counts as a trigram a day, and she won't answer if there are too many, even if the other party gives more money.

Because of this operation, coupled with her age, the stall quickly became popular, and many people watched every day. At first, the stall turned to fire, but on the first day, no one wanted to find her fortune-telling, mainly her face. Too tender and too deceptive, plus a blind man deliberately or unintentionally suppressed.

The Chi Shuyan booth was naturally not crowded.

Still waiting for the next day, occasionally a few very curious people went to Chi Shuyan’s booth to try. In this test, Chi Shuyan could tell the eight generations of the other’s ancestors by looking at his palms. It was extremely accurate and people avoided Less trouble, not only has many repeat customers, but also caused quite a stir.

This stall is getting more and more popular, and there are more and more people looking for her fortune-telling. Even if she says on the hexagram that a day is only three hexagrams, there are only a lot more people in line every day.

On the side, the blind man stared at all kinds of jealousy, envy, hatred, and was powerless.

And Chi Shuyan was sitting in the booth at this moment, staring at the people who kept waiting in front of them for fortune-telling. Although it is a good thing to be famous, being too famous means more trouble.

It just so happens that Chi Shuyan is a very troublesome person, and this is not due to the repeated requests of more and more people in the queue, and the fortune-telling a day has been changed to ten hexagrams a day. She is very thankful that she only stayed in S city for a few days. It's not here to take root, or she must be crazy to set up a stall every day.

At this moment, the Cai family's mother and son came over and finally found the little master's booth, and saw that there was a long line in front of the little master's booth.

Without waiting for the Cai family’s mother and son to come forward, the people on the sideline saw the Cai family’s mother and son staring at their queuing line, thinking that the two of them were also specially looking for the little master. A kind-hearted old lady reminded them: "You I’m late and I’ll find the little master to calculate. I guess I’ll have to wait for tomorrow morning, but I’m probably too late tomorrow. Someone stayed up here to wait last night. I hope the little master will do the calculations for him.

Seeing that the Cai family’s mother and son became more sluggish after listening to her words, they continued: "Why don’t you two line up quickly, yes, it’s best to bring more people, if you are hungry for a while, you can let your son take a seat or buy food for you. eat."

The Cai family's mother and son obviously did not expect that two days later, there would be so many people in this little girl's booth, and so many people would believe her? Mrs. Cai was shocked. At this moment, she asked her words in a daze, "Is this little girl accurate?"

The old lady had just finished speaking, and the old lady who had just reminded them to speak was immediately unhappy and retorted: "What little girl? This is a living little master'living god'. People can know your ancestor's 18th generation by looking at your palm. Are you sure?” As if afraid that the Cai family’s mother and son would not believe it, the old lady continued: “There was a truck driver who passed by in the afternoon. Luckily, the little master helped to make the calculations. It’s not that the truck driver is obedient. Avoiding the original road, a crack and collapse occurred on that road that night, which also caused a car accident. The truck driver saved his life. Yesterday the driver came back with gratitude and rushed back to thank the little master. Are you sure the little master? "

Old lady Cai was dumbfounded by the old lady in front of her, and she remembered the little girl pointing her home a few days ago, her face changed again. If she had some doubts in her heart before, then I will listen to the strangers now. With the old lady's words, her thoughts changed completely, and the little girl who was standing in the distance looked completely different and excited.

Even Cai Youcai's complexion became extremely solemn, not to mention that what the little master said before instructing his family is called a quasi, this is definitely a living god.

Just as Cai Youcai wanted his mother to follow him, he saw that the old lady had hurriedly grabbed his hand and said anxiously: "Go, talented, hurry up and go to the little master with mom, let her help and see when you can Have a son?"

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