Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1517: Eight hundred and thirteen

I have to say that now, Mrs. Cai is still unwilling to have no grandchildren in the old Cai’s family, and his son has no son. Since this little master is so powerful, maybe she can help her add a son to the old Cai’s family. Very excited, grabbing Cai Youcai's wrist and hurried forward.

When the people in the line saw that the old lady wanted to jump in the line, she immediately cursed. In the end, Chi Shuyan recognized the mother and son, explained it, and said that the mother and son were not in the ten trigrams. This calmed the rest. People's complaints.

It's not that the old lady Cai and Cai Youcai just sat down with excitement. Cai Youcai couldn't help but thank her for her previous guidance. The words and tone changed the previous alienation very carefully, for fear of offending the little master.

When Cai Youcai is in his current position, he still has seen some worlds and believes in some Feng Shui issues. Not to mention that the little girl gave him very accurate advice before, although he dare not 100% confirm that the child in Li Tian’s belly is not his. However, the little girl pointed out that his daughter-in-law derailed and said that there was a'good thing' at her house that day. It was a real thing, not to mention that she also instructed people to avoid man-made disasters. The girl is a believer and dare not offend it easily.

Before Cai Youcai’s polite greeting was over, Mrs. Cai couldn’t sit still and anxiously said: "Little Master, Master, thank you for your previous advice. Thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, I still don’t know that my daughter-in-law was out there. People, by the way, can you help my son face to face and see when my old Cai family can hold his grandson?"

The old lady Cai called her Cai family holding grandson a pitiful and difficult thing.

However, Chi Shuyan was not at all sympathetic to the patriarchal old lady in front of him. Besides, this old lady was dressed in gold and silver. She lived very well. It didn't look like she had suffered. Where is the pity?

The daughter-in-law and the two granddaughters who were kicked by the old Cai’s house probably didn’t have a very good time. Although Chi Shuyan and the daughter-in-law in front of the Cai’s house have no friendship, they are both women. Naturally It is impossible to tolerate such a patriarchal old lady.

Her expression remained the same. She looked at Cai Youcai's face perfunctorily. It was the same sentence two days ago. He has only two daughters in his life. He really wants a son, so he can only raise a son for others!

The old lady of the Cai family and Cai Youcai who choked in a word were speechless, and their expressions changed suddenly, especially when the old lady heard the first half of the little master saying that his son has only two girls and no sons in his life, and the eyes are dark and almost irritating. After fainting, Cai Youcai still had eyesight and hurriedly supported his mother.

The old lady Cai took a breath and gradually calmed down, her face was dull and unbelievable, and her expression was shocked.

Although Chi Shuyan said that her mouth was poisonous just now, she was really worried that she would faint the old lady in front of her booth with excitement. Her business is not just about the Cai family. Seeing that the old lady wants to mention the child again , Is nothing more than how to let her old Cai family have a grandson.

She couldn't help with this. She immediately explained Cai Youcai's face in detail, and said first: "In fact, Mr. Cai has thick earlobes and broad forehead. He has a good career in this life. There is no shortage of wealth, but the color of the son's palace is dim. There are indeed only two daughters in my life, no sons. If you really want a son, you can only raise a son for others. One word of advice, your daughters may not be more filial than their sons, let alone adopted children. If I had not interfered before, your old Cai family It is true that there can be a'son', but Mr. Cai and this'son' will be against each other. Although he will be rich and honorable throughout his life, his old age and evening scene are very bleak, and in all likelihood he may be murdered and die early!

After a while, Chi Shuyan caught the horrified expressions of old lady Cai and Cai Youcai in his eyes, and continued: "Old lady, Mr. Cai, do it yourself, I will do it all! Next!"

The people in the line behind saw that the old lady and a middle-aged man in front had been sitting in the fortune-telling position, very anxious, and immediately hurried the two to get up.

It was Cai Youcai who returned to his senses and hurriedly pulled the old lady away. Although others pulled the old lady away, his expression was still very dazed and frightened. He stood beside the old lady for a long time without moving, with a look of horror on his face.

Just now, he didn’t know if his mother understood what the little master said, but he heard it very clearly. In other words, if the little master didn’t interfere aloud two days ago, he was really stuck now. The son's ecstasy, after all, he and his mother have been looking forward to this son for so many years.

Just for ecstasy, there is no doubt that this woman Li Tian will betray him, let alone knowing others and not knowing her heart, how can he think that a woman with such a sweet mouth can make such a wicked kind with other men, and want him to be the Cai family Help two adulterers with him to raise up.

If there was no master, he would really think that the child in Li Tian's belly would be his son and would not doubt her. Not only would he raise the child, but he would also give him all the career he worked hard.

But that child is not his son at all. When he grows up, he may not know the truth, and the woman Li Tian may not have other thoughts of her own.

Maybe the two of them might actually do something for money and death in the future. When thinking of this, Cai Youcai was cold and afraid. The whole person was stuck in the cold winter, a cold wind poured into his heart from the bottom of his feet. The chill was terrible, Cai Youcai thought that if he ended up without a master's guidance, his whole body was trembling, and his fingers twitched one by one, and he was terrified of fear!

As soon as Cai Youcai came in a daze, he saw that his old lady was suddenly caught off guard to pass out of a coma. Cai Youcai hurriedly grabbed people and shouted anxiously: "Mom! Mom, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Cai Youcai completely forgot that he had a cell phone in his pocket, and quickly rushed around and shouted, "Is there anyone who can call me for first aid, please."

Still Chi Shuyan got up and shot, pressed hard among the old ladies, and lost some spirit to the old lady Cai. The old lady Cai gradually woke up. Chi Shuyan told Cai Youcai, "The elderly are too stimulated. No big deal! Take a taxi to take your mother home and take a good rest for a few days."

Cai Youcai looked grateful and said incoherently: "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

The old lady Cai regained her consciousness and saw Chi Shuyan, and finally remembered what had happened before. She cried again suddenly and suddenly, the one who cried was called death.

The old lady usually has the best face. At this moment, I see people pointing and talking, and they don’t care, crying bitterly and pulling at Cai Youcai’s clothes and saying: "You are talented, it's your mother who hurt you, it's your mother who hurt you, hurry up Go back, let's go back quickly, you quickly divorce the poisonous woman, and quickly take Shufen and my two granddaughters home."

It’s not that Mrs. Cai doesn’t want her grandson, but she is really scared after hearing this little master’s words. She is afraid that his old Cai’s family will really raise the seed for Li Tian and other men, and even more afraid that the seed will kill her son. Although the grandson is important, But where is a son important? Not to mention that this son has always been particularly filial to her.

When the old lady Cai thought that her son might be harmed by the child in Li Tian’s belly, she now dare not even ask for the grandson. She wished that his son could bring Du Shufen and his two granddaughters back to Cai’s house immediately, and then put Li Tianna. The woman hurried out of the house and never saw her again, let the woman die.

Now the old lady Cai thinks of this woman Li Tian, ​​and she can't wait to tear someone alive. Even if the child in Li Tian's belly is really a son or a child of his old Cai family, she doesn't even want it now.

Seeing his son did not speak, Mrs. Cai thought that her son was unwilling and had feelings for Li Tian. She shook her hands and grabbed Cai Youcai and said, "Son, you tomorrow... No, today, I will be like Li Tian in a moment. He divorced, and then brought Shufen and my granddaughter back to Cai's house. I only admit that Shufen is a daughter-in-law. If you want to live with that **** Li Tian, ​​I will never end with you."

At the moment, the old lady completely forgot how she forced her son to marry Li Tian, ​​just to abandon Du Shufen’s scumbag wife.

It is estimated that the old lady never dreamed about it for a day. She wished that her son would immediately bring Du Shufen and her two granddaughters back.

After a while, Cai Youcai's complexion and surprise nodded quickly: "I see, Mom, I will divorce Li Tian today!"

Chi Shuyan saw the two mothers and sons opening up on the side, especially Cai Youcai who should have feelings for the ex-wife. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the back of them leaving further and further, until the other party took a taxi to leave.

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