Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1519: 815

In fact, Chi Shuyan really never thought about the scene of Qi Zhenbai’s ex-boyfriend appearing at her door again. She was not too surprised. She was hit on her body. Although she was quick to hold people with her hands, she forgot about other reactions. Just stood there for a while at the door.

After waiting for a while, Chi Shuyan finally regained consciousness, raised his eyes and looked at the empty corridor, and then lowered his head to see the very familiar and somewhat strange face leaning on her shoulder.

If she hadn't seen people again last time, she wouldn't recognize people so quickly.

But how could this man fall in front of her hotel suite in S city?

There are too many questions in the stomach, but people are now in a coma, and she can't ask if she wants to ask. At the moment, she is the only one around except this man. Chi Shuyan had to put up with the doubt and help people into her room for now.

Although she opened a suite, but only had a big bed, Chi Shuyan had to put someone on her bed and check the man's injuries by the way.

It's a pity that although the man was in a coma, there were no injuries on her body. She also wondered if the man had a fever. The temperature was normal with her hand on the man's forehead, and it did not look like a fever at all.

Chi Shuyan also sat on the chair next to the bed to catch the pulse of the man, and still did not check anything, she had to take out a nourishing pill and let the other party take it first.

This nourishing pill has no side effects at all, but it is very good for the body.

When she put someone on the big bed, she took off her shoes and pulled the quilt on her belly, and she meditated on the sofa by herself. Not long after meditating, she remembered that the instant noodles hadn't been washed yet, so she got up first. Go for instant noodles.

After soaking the noodles, Chi Shuyan sat back on the sofa and stared at the familiar man who was unconscious and unconscious on the big bed. After thinking about it, she got up and gave Qi Hao a phone call.

Qi Hao answered the phone very quickly, and his tone was still familiar with excitement: "Sister-in-law, are you not? Really you? I miss you too much, sister-in-law!"

Because after breaking up with the man Qi Zhenbai before, Chi Shuyan actually subconsciously reduced contact with the Qi family, including Qi Hao. The boy Qi Hao suddenly spoke so excited and familiar, Chi Shuyan felt very moved and missed this. Kid.

She didn't rush to tell Qi Hao about Qi Zhenbai's unconsciousness, but tentatively asked: "Where is your brother? Is your brother okay recently!"

When Qi Hao heard the "brother" in his sister-in-law's mouth, he immediately knew who his sister-in-law was referring to? Hearing the second half of her sentence again, I thought she knew something. I was very nervous and did not dare to breathe.

In fact, too much happened in his family these days, and it was very tragic.

For example, his brother was sent to Longhushan in a coma for no apparent reason before, and within a few days after returning, he was brutally beaten to kiss his uncle. By the way, not only his uncle, but also the people behind his uncle. , None of them ended well.

What impressed him the most was his brother’s extremely cruel methods. He saw with his own eyes that his brother not only threw the woman surnamed Zhuang, other people in the dealer, and a dead "senior man" in front of his uncle, and made his uncle stand open. Watching them dying in the dog cage for three days and three nights, they were chopped up piece by piece and fed to the dog.

Before his fourth uncle died, he saw with his own eyes how his brother tortured the dealer's people a little bit, and he was frightened. That's it, his brother didn't let his uncle go. After killing the dealer, he killed him soon. He kisses his fourth uncle.

Later, when his fourth uncle died, his grandfather was seriously ill, and his uncle and aunt were also sick. Everyone thought that when his fourth uncle died, his brother would let the others in the fourth room.

But within a few days, he heard the news of the birth and death of several daughters of his fourth aunt and fourth uncle, and he faintly felt that his brother had used his hands nine out of ten.

At that time, when something happened to his fourth uncle's house, his grandfather even called his brother to the study to yell at him.

It's just that his brother didn't have any expressions from beginning to end, but his whole body was very hostile.

In short, his brother has done the words'praising the grass and removing the roots' vividly and vividly to his uncle's family.

He vaguely felt that his brother's return this time was very different from the past. Even if his brother was serious, Qi Hao couldn't help being intimate with his brother subconsciously.

But now, he shivered subconsciously just seeing his brother's legs, and he was terribly afraid. Not only was he afraid, but his father, third uncle, and even the uncle were very afraid of his brother.

He faintly heard his uncle call his brother "lunatic".

These days, his parents repeatedly told him not to get too close to his brother.

Regarding the changes in the Qi family these days, Qi Hao feels extremely complicated and uncomfortable. He wants to tell his sister-in-law about these things, but he doesn't know where to start. At the same time, Qi Hao is very worried about his sister-in-law’s safety, for fear of his cousin when Endangered his sister-in-law.

After all, his brother has changed his whole person now, and he has become particularly scary.

What Qi Hao didn’t want was that his sister-in-law had an accident. He couldn’t help but want to remind his sister-in-law to stay away from his brother. Sometimes he was very thankful that his sister-in-law broke up with his brother, otherwise he would really worry about him because of his abnormal state. The life of my sister-in-law is safe.

Chi Shuyan didn't know what Qi Hao was thinking. Seeing that Qi Hao hadn't spoken for a long time, she tentatively asked: "Do you know where your brother is recently?"

Qi Hao was silent for a while, still didn't intend to tell his sister-in-law about the recent events in his house, only replied: "Sister-in-law, I don't know where my brother went? A few days ago, I seemed to watch him go out and booked it. Air tickets!"

Chi Shuyan nodded without thinking, only thinking that the other party came to S city because of a business matter. As for this man suddenly fell at her door this evening, she was really puzzled.

At this time, Qi Hao suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, why do you suddenly think of my brother, have you seen my brother?"

Chi Shuyan wanted to tell the story of Qi Zhenbai's coma here, and was afraid that Qi Hao would tell the Qi family father and Qi father and Qi mother in a blink of an eye, and simply changed his words: "No, just ask you, right, your brother. Are you okay recently?"

Qi Hao remembered that his brother did not have a major health issue after returning to Qi's house, only his personality changed a lot, and he shook his head and said, "It's okay, my brother is in good health!"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Yes, I know, I won't say much, it's too late, you go to bed first!"

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to hang up, Qi Hao suddenly said, "Sister-in-law, wait, I have one more thing to tell you!"

Chi Shuyan nodded in surprise: "Say!"

"Sister-in-law, are you still...reconciled with my brother?" Qi Hao asked.

Chi Shuyan's words were stagnant, and before she could answer, he listened to Qi Hao to continue: "Sister-in-law, I mean, I mean, if you really don't like my brother, just find a suitable partner!"

Chi Shuyan was a little surprised when he heard what Qi Hao said. After all, every time this kid called before, he wanted her to reconcile with Qi Zhenbai, but she didn't think too much, but thought that Qi Hao was particularly worried about her. She even ignored the cousin Qi Zhenbai for her sake, and Chi Shuyan was quite moved.

This kid is so sweet.

Facts have proved that after the breakup, she can still live quite well, she now looks a lot away, as for finding another partner, she really has no idea.

Thinking like this in her heart, she said in her mouth: "Sure, I know, don't worry about me, worry about yourself. Tell me when you have a girlfriend."

As soon as he mentioned the three words girlfriend, Qi Hao immediately found an excuse to hang up.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but smiled and hung up the phone.

When I hung up the phone, Chi Shuyan’s eyes fell on the man on the big bed again. Under the light, the man closed his eyes, his facial features were still very deep and beautiful, with a high nose and deep eyes. From any angle, he could see a sharp, sharp and restrained look. mean.

She had looked at this man countless times before, and once again, she still had a breathtaking and breathless feeling, which made people couldn't help but stick their attention and sight on his face.

I have to say that this man’s long-skinned face is really **** good, Chi Shuyan faintly thinks that she never finds another one because this man looks so good, it’s not that she has never encountered a A man who looks better or even similar than this man.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know when she became a complete face control. At the beginning, she didn’t have any thoughts or opinions on the face of the man in front of her. She can only say that the first boyfriend a woman finds is very important, because He decides the key to finding another boyfriend after you.

No, the quality of her first boyfriend was too high, and it was too difficult for her to find other boyfriends afterwards.

Chi Shuyan looked away for a while and looked away. Even though she knelt and licked the man's face with emotion in her heart, she now clearly understands that this man has nothing to do with her, except for his ex-boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s just for nothing to watch, it’s better not to watch it, it’s better to concentrate on refining her spiritual tea and earn more money!

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