Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1520: Eight hundred and sixteen

Chi Shuyan spent most of the night refining spiritual tea. After the early hours of the night, she took a blanket and simply lay on the sofa to sleep.

When she woke up the next day, she suddenly remembered the man Qi Zhenbo last night, and subconsciously looked down on the bed, she saw that she was sleeping on the big bed at the moment, and she was the only one in the suite.

At first, Chi Shuyan thought that the other party might be in the bathroom or other places. After washing up and eating breakfast, she didn't even see anyone.

It is estimated that the other party left first nine times out of ten.

At the sudden departure of the other party, Chi Shuyan was inexplicably relieved. Being able to leave means that there is nothing serious when she wakes up. To be honest, she asks herself that she did not have any grievances about breaking up with Qi Zhenbai's ex-boyfriend, but she hadn't touched it for too long. , If she didn't leave, she really didn't know what to say to each other early in the morning?

The other party took the initiative to leave, which also avoided her embarrassment.

After eating breakfast, Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it. She set up a stall in the previous place for fortune-telling. She was going to go by at 8:30, and there was a long queue in front of the stall.

The long line of people saw the little master coming, and the atmosphere was very lively. Many people in the line at the back also brought baskets and lunches to their homes, and most of them even sat on the ground wearing futons.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help wondering whether he had to change the way of fortune-telling, such as looking at the edge of the eye.

On the one hand, this is also in case her master and her master’s parents come to fortune, even if she wants to do fortunes for her master and parents, in the face of such a long line, she is not good to directly fortune to her master.

On the other hand, fortune-telling is a trivial matter, and it is not good to affect everyone's work and rest time. In case the police are attracted to come, she does not want to enter the police station at this critical time.

Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan frowned. It's not a good idea to keep setting up a stall here. Now that she has a reputation, she might as well look for opportunities near her master's house. Wouldn't it be better to get an introduction?

By the way, Yu Guang paid attention to the blind man's divine calculation booth. Seeing that the other party was still setting up a stall next to him, Chi Shuyan stretched his brows a little while looking at her. With an idea in his heart, he continued to fortune the person in front of him.

It didn’t take long for the ten hexagrams to be calculated. Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment, and took the initiative to disband the people who were still waiting in line. By the way, he said that nine out of ten hexagrams would not come again since the day after tomorrow. Today is the last day of fortune-telling. Let everyone in line. Don't stay up late to wait any longer.

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words came to an end, the group of people in the long line flew into a pot after hearing her words.

Because Chi Shuyan’s fortune-telling word of mouth was very popular these days, she suddenly wanted to say that she would no longer set up a stall, naturally no one would like it.

Especially the returning customers who have been counted by Chi Shuyan to avoid disasters, all of them now regard Chi Shuyan as a'living god', not to mention waiting for a few days, just waiting for months, years, years, They are all willing to wait here.

Of course, most of the people here are half-believing people who join in the excitement. Seeing that today is the last ten hexagrams, it doesn't matter if she joins in the excitement for a while and then they disperse. Most of the people who have left are the repeat customers before Chi Shuyan and the people brought by them.

Among them, there was a driver who helped Chi Shuyan to avoid a car accident. He didn’t bring his relatives over to find Chi Shuyan for fortune-telling and want to ask for money. Seeing her that today is the last day, he immediately asked excitedly: "Master, Master, If you don’t come here to set up a stall, where do you want to go? Where shall we go?

Chi Shuyan took the initiative to explain: "I have other business matters, and I have no plans to set up stalls elsewhere. This time I came to S City for fortune-telling and it was a chance for everyone, but I have to go back to Kyoto in a few days. In a word, although fortune-telling can avoid misfortunes, fortune-telling is not good for itself."

As soon as she finished speaking, the driver's expression changed. Chi Shuyan narrowed his eyes and glanced at the driver, then glanced at the relatives the driver had brought with him. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with them, he said: "I have avoided trouble before. In the future, you will act steadily, and there will be no major events at home."

The driver wanted to say something but stopped trying to say something, she said first: "As for money, there is a reward if you pay. Okay, everyone will disband first!"

Chi Shuyan talked to such a point that everyone had to disband immediately. It was not that no one did not want to continue looking for the little master to count.

But the little master said that too many hexagrams are not good for them, and everyone dare not touch the scales. They also regard her words as the purpose. The main reason is that the little masters are too accurate. They are afraid that they are not greedy enough to ask too much. Many come back.

Before long, the people at Chi Shuyan's booth were scattered.

Chi Shuyan sat in the booth for a while, during which someone came to ask, but Chi Shuyan refused one by one.

Chi Shuyan's move seemed to be a guilty conscience to the blind man beside him, fearing that it would be too much trouble.

Although many people said how effective the little girl next to him was, the blind man always felt that those who said how effective was the result of this little girl, can only say that young people turn their heads too fast to deceive.

For Chi Shuyan, who has robbed him of a lot of business these days, the blind man is quite gnashing his teeth. Even if she refuses to give people a fortune-telling at this moment, he has a lot of crowds in his booth. , I was planning whether to copy this little girl's way of procrastinating by myself, so he didn't worry that his booth would not get hot.

The blind man was planning, and he saw the little girl next to him close the stall and leave. The blind man was very happy and secretly overjoyed for the girl’s early departure. He also heard someone say that she would not come to this stall in the future, the blind man's man's calculation. 'I'm even more delighted, wishing she could count on her words.

Chi Shuyan accepted the stall here, but did not go to other places. As usual, she went to stroll around Fu's house. She made up her mind to find someone close to the Fu's family to recommend it, and first poke Zhao Junrong's scumbag. In the end, there is no need to wait foolishly every day for Zhao Junrong to come to the blind man and waste time.

Chi Shuyan wandered around and chose the villa closest to Fu's house. The two lived so close, maybe they really had some friendship.

Chi Shuyan was thinking about staying near this villa and waiting for others, when he heard curses coming from inside, the cursing old lady was very ugly, all kinds of'sluts' and bitches' cursing, the young woman never answered. , It took a long time to explain pitifully: "Mom, I don’t dare anymore, Mom, the child in my stomach is really from your old Cai family, Mom, please let talented come to see me, the child in my stomach is really Talented, oooooo..."

The young woman cried while crying, crying very miserably, and then rushed to the side and said: "Sister Shufen, please return my husband to me, please, I will kneel down for you!"

Chi Shuyan first heard that the dog-blood drama in this villa planned to change her family, or she went to the Fu family directly, but the latter worried that the Fu family and her master were worried that her purpose was impure. Otherwise she would have come to the door on the first day.

She just wanted to leave, and the familiar voice of the old lady inside sounded again: "You said that the child in your stomach is really from my old Cai family, then you should go back to have an fetus first, and wait six months after this child is born. From the old Cai’s family, my old lady will recognize it, but if you dare to continue to fool my old lady and my son, not to mention talent, my old lady will never finish with you Li Tian, ​​let me go, Get out of my old Cai's house, don't dirty the land of my old Cai's!"

Within a few tens of seconds, Chi Shuyan saw an old lady shooing a young woman out of the door with a broomstick, rushing to continue cursing. Next to the old lady there was a cowardly and older woman who was cautiously persuading the elderly in a low voice. Mrs.

The older Mrs. Cai now looks at this sensible ex-daughter-in-law, the more pleasing her eyes, and the more she looks at Li Tian, ​​who is green with his son in front of her, the more obstructive she is. Seeing that she is still standing at the door of her villa, she is crying. Thinking that she was so mean and bullying this woman, the old lady Cai became more and more angry thinking about this, and threw the broom directly at Li Tian, ​​which scared the red and swollen Li Tian who was crying embarrassed and immediately ran away.

Drive away the **** Li Tian killed this god. Just as the old lady Cai was about to return to the villa, she suddenly heard someone calling her. At first she was puzzled. She turned her head and raised her eyes to see that the person calling her was the fortune-teller. The very precise little master, that was an excited, old lady Cai immediately diligently said: "Master, master, is that you? Come in now! You quickly come into my house for a cup of hot tea!" After that, the old lady was afraid of being small. The master left, and immediately rushed to the cowardly front daughter-in-law in front of him and said: "Shufen, hurry in and pour a cup of hot tea for the little master first, I will entertain the little master first!"

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