Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1532: Eight hundred twenty eight

Speaking of it, since He Minrou was caught and raped by the Fu family and Fu Qing himself, she had been very bad in her heart, very depressed, furious, and puzzled.

At the beginning, she had a great sense of superiority to being able to regenerate herself. In this life, she was determined to change her life in the previous life, stepping on the head of Zhao Junrong and Fu Qing to live better, and she had already planned in her heart. Well, the plan is meticulous, no one knows except for her.

Moreover, some of the plans have been implemented smoothly. For example, Zhao Junrong still has Fu Qing's affection in this life, and the two plan to get married. Another example is that she has to get close to Fu Qing as she wishes and gain the favor of the Fu family.

Everything went smoothly, she hoped to rely on Zhao Junrong to get into the family, rely on Zhao Junrong's relationship to obtain the Fu family secrets, and then rely on Zhao Junrong to obtain the Fu family's property.

In short, she wants the Fu family secrets, and she wants the Fu family property.

She thought very well, and the plan was implemented quite smoothly at the beginning, but she never expected that such a fatal thing would happen one or two days ago, and she let the Fu family arrest her and Zhao Junrong on the spot.

This is something He Minrou could not have imagined. What she is even more puzzled is that since her rebirth, she has clearly seen the nature of Zhao Junrong as a scumbag, and doesn't like him at all, because she has always been interested in cooperating with Zhao Junrong as a scumbag. To avoid suspicion and keep a distance, I only hope that Zhao Junrong, a scumbag, will ruin Fu Qing early. She hasn't slept with him for a long time.

Who would have thought that she was inexplicably slept with each other one or two nights ago. He Minrou always felt that this happened too abnormally. She felt that she was really wronged, but she was caught and raped by the Fu family on the spot. Fu Qing didn't believe her either. Thinking of this, He Minrou felt flustered and angry.

No, no, she can't just wait and die like this. She must be forgiven by Fu Qing. Fu Qing's heart in this life is not as hard as in the previous life. She must explain it well, and she will believe it.

Tomorrow, she immediately went to Fu's house and asked Fu Qing for forgiveness.

At that time, she could attribute all the mistakes to Zhao Junrong's scumbag. It just so happened that the injuries on her whole body and face could make Fu Qing feel soft. Thinking about it this way, her injuries are still useful.

As long as Fu Qing is still willing to believe her, she will not worry about not getting the secret book of the Fu family. With that secret book, even if she wants the property of the Fu family, the Fu family will obediently give it to her. That cheat book, the hatred against Zhao Junrong in the previous life or the hatred against Fu Qing, she will pay back both of them, and in this life she will not let the tiger go back to the mountain, so that Fu Qing's woman has a chance to rise up.

In this life, she must step on Fu Qing to the dust. She was willing to see her life worse than dead. He Minrou felt a little better when she thought of this, like seeing Fu Qing’s misery, He Minrou smiled especially gloating. With this smug smile, the corners of her mouth were pulled too far, and her pained face was a little distorted.

At this time, outside a wall, a black car stopped outside the door, the window slowly swayed, only a pair of sharp eyes like falcons were revealed, the car lights reflected, the dark alley lights were dim, and the light was against the light. I didn't know the man's face, but faintly saw the Buddhist bead relic worn by the man's wrist.

When did a few men in suits and leather shoes appear in the empty corner of the dark alley next to the car, all of them stood with their heads bowed and bowed respectfully by the car door.

The tall man in the car turned his wrist red rope relic slightly, and then a gloomy and unpredictable command sounded: "Continue to stare here these days."

"Yes, Shao Qi!"

The car came quickly and left quickly, as if it was only a short-lived appearance, and the tall and powerful bodyguards that appeared together just now returned to the dark place again, and there was no abnormality in the dark alley.

And Chi Shuyan, after listening to the Cai family’s gossip, stayed at the Cai’s family for another meal, and then slowly left at 6 or 7 in the evening. She wanted to enter the Fu’s family to see the current situation of the Fu’s family and the situation of her master, but Now she is an outsider to her master or the Fu family. It is impossible to tell her about this kind of scandal.

Chi Shuyan worried too much about her master. After all, because of a scumbag like Zhao Junrong in her previous life, her master's personality has completely changed, and she doesn't know what effect the capture of the **** will have on her master.

What if her master's personality changes again?

Chi Shuyan thought about it and was not at ease, and finally took out an invisibility talisman into the Fu's house. The Fu's villa was very big. She finally found her master's room. Before she went in, she heard Fu's mother persuading her. Master, said that the old will not go and the new will not come. The surname Zhao is not a good person, so it is a good thing to see his face clearly before getting married, or else I don’t know how she will live in the future?

Chi Shuyan agreed with Fu's mother very much, just like her master married that scumbag in her previous life, and a few years have passed since the good days. In the end, the scumbag who did not harm her master's parents died prematurely, so did her master have a miscarriage?

Such scumbags leave early and get better.

Chi Shuyan could only hear the voices of her master and mother Fu outside, but she still found a corner by the window, and then she could see her master's face clearly.

At this moment, through the light, her master’s complexion is still a bit bad, but her spirit is not bad, she doesn’t seem to be depressed and depressed. At this moment, she is sitting at the table by the window, quietly following the picture of the lady in the painting. Everyone is like a lady, gentle and generous.

I have to say that when she was young, her master was not only beautiful, but also had a good temperament. She was a good lady. The scumbag who encountered Zhao Junrong was also her master. How could that scumbag be worthy of her master?

Seeing that her master was in good spirits, she was a little relieved, and listened to her master's reply: "Mom, I know, I will not have anything to do with the surname Zhao in the future. Mom, you also know my temper. Since he has cheated, it means that he has not taken our feelings to heart, and I now think clearly that I do not intend to continue this relationship."

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