Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1533: Eight hundred and twenty-nine

It was confirmed that although her master had a bad face and good spirits, Chi Shuyan was finally relieved to return to the hotel because of the depression of Zhao Junrong, a scumbag.

As for the Fu family's affairs, she was not an outsider to intervene hastily, so she could only go back and wait for news from the Fu family.

After the Fu family has cleaned up the pair of scumbags, she will not be too late. In short, she will not give the pair of men and women any chance to retaliate against her master in this life.

At this time, Chi Shuyan waited for another three days. If there is anything in the Fu family, the old lady of the Cai family will take the initiative to call her to reveal that Chi Shuyan learns about what happened to the Fu family and her master’s affairs in the hotel every day. Don't panic, draw talisman and practice in it quietly.

Until this morning, she received a call from an old lady again. This time, unlike the past, two major incidents occurred. One of them was that Zhao Junrong, the scumbag the night before, was directly caught The person was abandoned, and the thing in the crotch was thrown along with others beside the garbage dump in the broken alley. It is said that the ground and Zhao Junrong's crotch were full of blood, which was very scary. It was discovered early in the morning and sent to the hospital.

It's a pity that although the person was sent to the hospital to be rescued in time, Zhao Junrong's crotch was forgotten and taken to the hospital.

No, the doctor can help to sew it up, but Zhao Junrong's baby can't be found.

Finally, I looked for surveillance and discovered that the thing was swallowed as a piece of meat by a nearby dog. In other words, Zhao Junrong would be a useless person in the future.

After Zhao Junrong woke up midway to watch the surveillance, he fainted again with irritation. I don’t know if the irritation was too great. After waking up again, Zhao Junrong’s scumbag went crazy. He still remembered the Fu family and kept shouting. It was Fu's revenge on him.

It's a pity that others are crazy now. Who doesn't believe what he said, and because the police have too few clues, this matter can't be solved. One day, he can't pay the fee, and the hospital greeted the woman He Minrou to take it back.

The old lady Cai was quite moved when she said about it. Of course, she didn’t think that Zhao Junrong was done by the kind-hearted Fu family’s parents. The Fu family’s parents hated Zhao Junrong in time, and there was no such **** method. Most of it was the retribution of Zhao Junrong, a scumbag. If it weren't for his bad intentions and wolfish ambitions, where would there be such retribution in the end?

A big man has become a **** now and is crazy, and he will think about it in the future. I am afraid that he will not even be able to marry his wife in the future.

Mrs. Cai was very emotional in her words, but she would not sympathize with the scumbag who lied to the young girl because of this. If it were not for the little master to help debunk the conspiracy and tricks of the surname Zhao and the surname He, it is estimated that she will be miserable in the future. It's a young girl.

Therefore, when Zhao Junrong ended in this way, the old lady was not sympathetic, but felt that the other party deserved it.

In the end, Mrs. Cai only said with emotion: "Little Master, do you think there is real retribution in this world?"

And now Chi Shuyan heard the words of the old lady of the Cai family and Zhao Junrong's end, his face and heart were very surprised, too surprised that she did not reply to the old lady in time.

To be honest, she didn’t know how Zhao Junrong, the scumbag, was abandoned, but the other party’s way of being abandoned was very much in line with her heart. She made up her mind at first, and if the Fu family retaliated, she would abandon the other party again. After making him not a man, how can I lie to a woman?

Unexpectedly, she didn't need her to do it at all, and the surname Zhao was abandoned. Chi Shuyan was very surprised, but this **** method shouldn't be the hands of the Fu family.

Although she had only seen the Fu family's parents a few times, she could tell from the face that her master and parents were also kind and honest people and could never do such a cruel and **** thing.

Could it be that Zhao Junrong caused some debt outside?

Chi Shuyan was in a good mood for a while, put the cinnabar pen on the table and continued to ask Mrs. Cai: "You just said that two major events have happened, what is the other one?"

Mrs. Cai immediately forgot about Zhao Junrong’s being deposed. She talked about the second thing with great interest. This is not the second thing: He Minrou, the woman who somehow ran to the Fu’s house in the middle of the night to steal things, this was not caught by the Fu’s people. He was right there, and he was caught by the police for theft.

According to the words revealed by Brother Fu and Meizi Fu, the two lost many jewels worth tens of millions of dollars. These differences add up to a value of hundreds of millions. Of course, the **** He Minrou refused to admit it, but the police finally I found some jewelry in her body, and later found some jewelry from the Fu family in her house.

It can be said that such a large amount of stolen money, as long as the Fu family thinks, the woman He Minrou has to go to jail all the time, it will be difficult to figure it out all her life.

Chi Shuyan really didn't expect such a good thing to happen early in the morning. Not only Zhao Junrong, this scumbag, but He Minrou, is also unlucky, so she doesn't need her to intervene at all?

As for what she knew about He Minrou in her previous life, this woman went to the Fu’s house to steal most of the night, nine out of ten for the sake of the secret book of the heavenly master. As for her calmness and scheming before, she couldn’t think of stealing from the Fu’s house in the middle of the night. I'm afraid it was also the recent events that made her dizzy.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to catch her with the scheming and thoughts of that woman for two lifetimes.

As for whether the woman would steal other jewellery by the way, she doesn’t know, but think about the last life, this woman has shallow eyelids and loves jewelry outside her body. After living in her master’s house with Zhao Junrong, she was often jealous. The master’s jewelry and jewellery, and in this life, although this woman is proud to be reborn once, the nature of her personality will probably not change much.

More than nine out of ten of the jewelry on the woman's body and the jewelry in the family were deceived by her master's relationship. As for other invaluable jewelry, if the woman He Minrou saw it, it would be very possible to take the sheep.

Thinking about it this way, Chi Shuyan was so happy and gloating about He Minrou's misfortune. If this poisonous snake could be kept for a lifetime, her master would not be the best.

Otherwise, maybe she really wants to make these two scumbags disappear completely in this world according to her plan, but in the end these two people are living, and now they are in a legal society, suddenly let them disappear out of thin air, she is not afraid of trouble , But I'm afraid that the trouble will entangle the Fu family and her master, that would be too rewarding.

Chi Shuyan thought through all the thoughts in her heart and calmed down. She was very grateful and thanked the old lady Cai. These days, she was very grateful to the old lady Cai family. If it weren't for her, how could she know the Fu family and her master so quickly? The surrounding wind is blowing.

Chi Shuyan was grateful again and again, the old lady of the Cai family was flattered, and she quickly replied that she would look for her if she had anything to do. She has no hobbies, and she loves gossip even if she doesn’t let her inquire about it. I can't help but go gossip.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but pull the corners of her mouth after hearing the old lady's righteous words, but she remembered the kindness of the old lady Cai in her heart.

After the two said something more, they hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan was in a good mood and didn't bother to stay in the room to draw the talisman, and walked to the balcony to breathe fresh air.

The matter of the two scumbags is almost dealt with, and the Fu family will ask her again to be grateful after a while.

Chi Shuyan expected it well, but the Fu family was faster than she thought. It didn’t take long for the old lady of the Cai family to call her to inform her of the matter. The Fu family’s parents and her master came to the hotel to look for her in person. A lot of words of gratitude, of course, these words of gratitude have nothing to say, they are the sincere gratitude of the Fu family's parents and Fu Qing.

Think about it a few days ago, had it not been for this little master to mention that their daughters were incompatible with Zhao Junrong's scumbag, and they would even bring blood and light to his family, they would not have considered checking the details of the surname Zhao.

I didn’t check it much. The pair of scumbags not only showed their true form, but also found out many romantic histories and inconsistencies with the surname Zhao. Fu Fu and Fu Mu still dare not imagine if they really let the white-eyed wolf into the sorrow. As a consequence of their Fu family, they are still alive. How would that white-eyed wolf and that **** deal with their daughter if the couple were not there? After thinking about it, the two elders were both afraid and thankful.

So as soon as the matter was over, the two couples immediately decided to take their daughters to thank the little master in person, and by the way, they also took the ending of Zhao Junrong and He Minrou's scumbag.

Chi Shuyan learned of the outcome of the two as early as the old lady of the Cai family, so she was not surprised and didn't have much thoughts, so her face was calm and she invited her master and father and mother into his suite together, and waited for the father and father. After the mother had finished speaking, her gaze only fell on her master's face, and she opened a little smile and said, "I have a relationship with Miss Fu."

Chi Shuyan didn’t know that her so calm appearance became more and more an expert in Fu's father and Fu’s eyes, and even Fu Qing’s eyes. Maybe the little master had already figured out the ending of those two scumbags. And Fu Qing looked at her more respectfully.

Chi Shuyan can be respected by anyone, just can't be respected by her master. It's not that her master looks like she is an expert, Chi Shuyan can't laugh or cry in her heart, and her face is a little awkward and embarrassed.

After Father Fu and Mother Fu said the words of gratitude, Father Fu specially asked her to go to Fu’s house for dinner tomorrow at noon. Actually, Father and Mother Fu and even Fu Qing wanted the little master in front of him to live in Fu’s house directly, but he was afraid. Suddenly it was too abrupt. If they had known that the little master was staying in a hotel, why would they have to keep the little master living in Fu's house.

Chi Shuyan wanted to contact her master, and naturally agreed. After the matter was resolved, maybe she would return to Kyoto soon. After all, she was just a student. Being able to stay in S city these days was a special trick "Ren" went to school for her instead of asking for leave, and lived in a few days. If it takes longer, I am afraid that it is not only Counselor Zhang but also she is at the same table.

At the same time, she was a little entangled in her heart. In her previous life, her master became a celestial master, and she only accepted one apprentice in her entire life. She was even more like a mother and daughter to her. In this life, although she also hoped that her master would take the path of a celestial master, she would never I dare not accept her master as an apprentice because of rebirth.

Another point is that her master had gone to the heavenly master because of the destruction of her family and the betrayal of Zhao Junrong in her previous life. But in this life, her master and parents gathered together. They are long and beautiful, have a good family background, and have a bright future. Her master may not be willing to go to the heavenly master.

Moreover, unless you jump out of cause and effect to become a monk on the path of a heavenly master, you will usually reveal the numerology of the three deficiencies and five evils.

Rather than let her master be like her previous life, she would rather have the happiness and happiness that she has lived all her life, and have someone who can trust her master to be kind to her.

Chi Shuyan’s eyes were too complicated. Fu Qing was keenly aware that the little master in front of her looked very complicated every time she looked at her. Fu Qing was not too surprised now, but was still a little strange. He always felt that the little master was too affectionate to her. But she couldn't resist the intimacy of the little master, and didn't want to resist.

Fu Qing rarely wanted to find something to speak to the little master in front of him, and for a while, he didn't know what to say, so he continued to keep his face in silence.

At this time, Chi Shuyan wanted to chat with her master alone, and she hadn't had a chance after coming to S City for so long. It was not a long time before Shuyan took the initiative to raise the matter with her father and mother.

The father and mother naturally agreed very much, wishing that the little master in front of him would get closer to his daughters.

In fact, the couple still hoped that the little master would help to see her daughter’s future marriage, but they had just experienced Zhao Junrong’s scumbag, and the two couples did not dare to rashly take care of it in front of their daughters, but in the future her daughter’s marriage, they both The hole has to be polished up and eyes!

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