Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1569: Three hundred sixty four

Chi Shuyan hurried out under the umbrella. She didn't know what Qi Zhenbo's man was playing tonight, but she drove into the door of her house.

Recalling the uncharacteristic call and movement of the man just now, Chi Shuyan hurriedly drove out, and the villa was not big. Within a few minutes, she walked to the gate, and she couldn't take care of the muddy water splashing on her trousers. The damp rainwater slipped from the umbrella, and there were raindrops all around. She still used the mobile phone torch to illuminate the road ahead.

She walked to the gate one metre away, and across the iron fence, she saw the very familiar black vehicle parked half a metre away from the iron fence. A bunch of car lights were placed on her face in the distance, which was a little dazzling. Blocking the lights, hurriedly told the other person in the microphone: "I'm out, don't hit my door!"

The man on the opposite side remained silent until the sound of the vehicle engine suddenly disappeared.

Soon, the car door opened and the man got out of the car. Chi Shuyan leaned on the light to see the tall man who was soggy and pale and even pale.

He didn't hold an umbrella, standing straight in front of the car, his face pale, he looked like he had just been seriously ill, and his face was a little uncertain.

The heavy rain fell down, and he didn't have the slightest expression, as if the heavy rain was not hitting him, he didn't care about the water flowing in the pants, he just stared at her without blinking.

The look in his eyes wished to eat her, and the scorching heat wished to swallow her into her stomach. Chi Shuyan's scalp was numb in her heart, and her eyebrows jumped fiercely.

The words squeezed in my heart swallowed back again, a little stuck.

No longer look at the wet appearance of the man in the distance. He doesn't care about himself, but Chi Shuyan can't care about it. Especially when he sees the man in the distance who looks paler than usual, he not only cares, but also feels distressed. He just rushed out. Most of Shi's anger in his heart disappeared, and he even regretted that he didn't think about how he didn't bring another umbrella.

Fearing that the other party would be seriously ill tomorrow, Chi Shuyan didn't care about the man hitting her door just now, and quickly opened the door and walked over to hold the umbrella for the other party.

The man's height is too high, Chi Shuyan can only stand on tiptoes and hold an umbrella for the man, her tone inadvertently tentatively: "You... haven't gone back? Something?"

Looking closer, she found that there was no wetness on the man's body. The clothes and trousers on his body might even be able to squeeze out a basin of water. She was quite surprised how long this man had been waiting here and how long it had been in the rain. , Haven't returned yet?

Chi Shuyan thought of the man's a little furious and even out of control voice just now, and his expression became more and more suspicious. He didn't understand what was going on. What kind of stimulation was this man so crazy tonight?

As soon as Chi Shuyan spoke, those two words seemed to irritate people. Suddenly a sharp pain came from her wrist first. The man squeezed her wrist fiercely with a big hand, with unprecedented strength, and her bones faintly made a few clicks. Chi Shuyan took a breath and wanted to struggle, but the more she struggled, the more tightly the man pinched, and she didn't want to let go.

Not only that, the man's face was crazy at this time, his eyes were bloodshot and flushed, and his complexion was still a bit sullen. Not only was Chi Shuyan's wrist pinched, but his heart became more and more shocked by the man's series of crazy faces.

Where did this man get so much stimulation?

Chi Shuyan was painful and worried, and her right eyelid jumped. She tried to persuade the man to calm down, let go first, but raised her eyes to meet the man’s dark and unsteady eyes. There are too many complex emotions in the depth of the other’s eyes. She couldn't understand at all, only that the man was not normally stimulated tonight.

Chi Shuyan saw that the man was not in the right state, so she didn't dare to irritate people anymore. She tried to calm the other person, and said softly: "If you have something to ask me, let's say in the car? How about..." Entering the villa

Chi Shuyan hadn't finished speaking, and two worried voices hurriedly heard behind him.

"Miss Shu Yan!"

"Shu Yan!"

Chi Shuyan only felt a sharp pain in his wrist again, and the man who had just looked a little calm saw other men not far away in pajamas with a worried look at the woman in front of him, confirming a certain possibility. His head blasted blankly, and all his sanity was shattered.

In the dark night, the blue veins and blood vessels on his forehead burst and bulge one by one, his eyes are scarlet and red, and his eyebrows and his body are full of hostility and killing intent. Especially the sight of Jing Hengran is full of monstrous killing intent.

A smell of fishy sweetness in the throat.

The man forced down the smelly sweetness coming out of his throat and looked sideways at the car window. He clearly saw the distorted and hideous face reflected in the car window. He was no longer calm and calm as before. He was frequently out of control or had lost control, and his eyes were bloodshot and red. , With crazy killing intent on his face.

No one noticed. At this time, the transparent Buddha bead relic he was wearing on his wrist suddenly melted into a huge black mist, and the relic made a crack with a click.

Chi Shuyan was also inexplicably stunned by the man's sudden squalid face at this moment. Look carefully, the man's hand was shaking while holding her.

She did not care to respond to Li Yuchu and Jing Hengran behind her. She became more anxious. Following the sight of the man in front of her, seeing him staring at Jing Hengran without blinking, something ridiculous flashed across her head. Thought, she hasn't waited for her to understand.

The man suddenly let go of her, and watched carefully. Not only was the man shaking his hands at this time, he was shaking all over his body. His eyes were like Ling Chi looking at her inch by inch. The next second, Chi Shuyan heard the man gritted his teeth and desperately said: "You said Is his boyfriend?"

"Are you with him?"

"In bed?"

Chi Shuyan didn’t choke, but was changed a lot by the man’s face. Before she got angry, the condescending man suddenly lowered his breath, his tone was like never before. The man’s face was painful and hopeless. Scarlet was pleading and trembling: "Daughter-in-law, don't be with other men!"

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