Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1570: Three hundred sixty-five

As soon as the man had finished speaking, Chi Shuyan was stunned. For a while, he wondered whether it was because the man misunderstood her relationship with Jing Hengran or because the man begged in such a low voice for the first time in his life.

Although the object of the begging was her, she had never thought that this man would beg for a day before tonight, so she begged her in a low voice.

The man's face was pale and he was no longer energetic as he used to, and he kept his eyes on her.

She subconsciously didn't want the man in front of her to misunderstand. She just wanted to explain, remembering that there were Li Yuchu and Jing Hengran watching behind her, and then she turned back to Li Yuchu and said: "Li Yuchu, I and I... there is something more about E Zhenbai. , First help me bring the guests in and let Jing Shao have a good rest."

After that, another apologetic face turned to Jing Hengran and said: "Jing Shao, sorry tonight," Excuse me!

Before she finished speaking, her chin was pinched by the man in front of her and she turned her head and she could only look up at the man in front of him. Chi Shuyan raised his eyes to see that the man in front of him was blue and gloomy and desperate, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and his face was full of murder. Yi and hostile spirits uttered a word: "Do you like him so much?"

Chi Shuyan looked dumbfounded:...

Behind him, Yu Chu Li also recognized this Shao Qi. Although Shao Qi looked a little bit bluff at this moment, the two seemed to be arguing. It is possible to think about his previous relationship with Miss Shu Yan. Yu Chu also knows this Qi Shao. It's impossible to hurt Miss Shu Yan.

Fearing to disturb the two, he immediately brought Jing Hengran into the villa in a low voice.

At this time, Jing Hengran was a little surprised and suspicious. On the one hand, Shu Yan and the man's actions and behaviors were too familiar. He could figure out the relationship between the two. On the other hand, the more he looked, the more he felt suspicious. The angry man beside Yan became more familiar with him, he always felt that he had seen him somewhere!

and many more!


Jing Hengran suddenly remembered that one time he had a dinner with Shuyan. It was not the man at the table next to him. When this man appeared at that time, he was very impressed by his looks and other things.

Shuyan and this man have known each other a long time ago?

The relationship between the two is still very unusual?

After thinking about the matter, Jing Hengran was very uncomfortable with the mixed feelings, but before the matter was clear, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

What if the two are not the boyfriend and boyfriend relationship he thought?

Jing Hengran wanted to stay there, but the person involved had already spoken, and Li Yuchu invited him in with him. Jing Hengran could only nod his head unwillingly.

Before leaving, Jing Hengran also glanced at the tall man not far away intentionally or unintentionally, and said unintentionally, "Shu Yan, I will go back and wait for you!"

After speaking, he followed Li Yuchu back to the villa.

Jing Hengran left, but those words again confirmed Qi Zhenbai's conjecture.

Of course, if he heard this when he was calm, Qi Zhenbai would naturally be able to distinguish the true from the false, but now his emotions are already out of control, and the reason in his mind is not much left with the man staying overnight. These words are undoubtedly hot. With oil, Qi Zhenbai's eyes burst into flames, and his eyes are scarlet.

It's a pity that the other person left early, and he entered his woman's residence. Qi Zhenbai irritated his red eyes with murderous intent and narrowed his eyes dangerously and stared in the direction where the other party was walking away. He gritted his teeth and wanted to smash the corpse. " together?"

Qi Zhenbai didn’t tell what Chi Shu’s face was in his remarks, but he was furious and vomited a mouthful of blood. The tall man hunched his body in pain, convulsing and shaking. It’s so pitiful. For a long time, the corners of his lips were dyed red, very shocking, and his face was pale, but his brows were still sharp and sharp, and there was no weakness.

Chi Shuyan's face turned dumbfounded and trembling: "You...what's wrong with you? Qi... Zhenbai?"

It occurred to me that this man had misunderstood her relationship with Jing Hengran and vomited blood. She no longer had any thoughts with this man. She hurriedly supported her with an umbrella to explain: "I have nothing to do with Jing Hengran, and I didn't live together! I didn't go to bed, it was raining tonight, and I was staying at my house. Besides, I only like... "You, let's make up!"

Chi Shuyan hurriedly finished explaining. Before the last word of relationship could fall, the man beside her slammed on the ground and fainted in front of her. She was shocked, the umbrella fell to one side, and the raindrops hit her. Face.

In the end, she called Li Yuchu to come out to help, and then she helped everyone in.

Even with the help of Li Yuchu, the man was tall and heavy, and he supported her all the way back to her villa, almost tired and paralyzed.

Jing Hengran was not asleep when he was helping people in. In the living room, as soon as he got up to help, he heard Shuyan say that he would help the man into her room. Jing Hengran's face changed suddenly.

Chi Shuyan couldn't notice that Jing Hengran's expression was abnormal right now. Finally, Jing Hengran helped, but it was very easy to help the man Qi Zhenbai into her room.

The man was covered with water, and she also forgot the usual techniques, and immediately took off the man's wet clothes, and let Li Yuchu help to boil a pot of boiling water.

"Yes, Miss Shu Yan!"

Jing Hengran stood quietly and watched Shuyan **** other men very well. His face changed slightly, and he immediately said, "Shuyan, if you are a man or a woman or not, why don't you take care of someone!"

After Chi Shu had a face, he remembered that there was Jing Hengran beside him.

Although she said she was staying tonight, who would have thought that it was not only annoying but also so troublesome, Chi Shuyan felt a little apologetic, and immediately waved her hand and said: "Jing Shao, don’t bother, he is my man. Misunderstanding, sorry, interrupted tonight. You hurry up and rest."

Of course Jing Hengran understood what the other party meant, and his eyes swept over the man lying in a coma in the bed.

He had thought that he had only a good impression of the girl in front of him, but he didn't expect that he would have been in the play.

He really likes the little girl in front of him, and he is sure to give time to each other. The two must be able to develop a deep relationship, but unfortunately, before they can develop their relationship, they hit a Cheng Yaojin midway.

Jing Hengran was very unwilling. At this moment, under the light, he also saw the man on the bed clearly. The last time he was in the restaurant, he just hurriedly swept away. The man looked cold and amazing. Now, if he looks carefully, he has to admit that even a man on the bed. The appearance of this man is really stunning and beautiful.

The eyes are the eyes, the nose is the nose, and the mouth is the mouth. Look separately or together, how you look amazing.

No wonder Shu Yan likes people so much?

In the end, women love men's skin looks. Although he looks good, he is far less skinny than a man in bed.

At the same time, Jing Hengran was quite afraid of the unconscious man in bed. If he didn't admit his mistake, the first time he met was not in the restaurant, but at the entrance of Shuyan's villa.

At that time, the other party and the vehicle were parked not far from his vehicle, and people stood in the dark staring at his fellow stunner. It was the man on the bed that made him feel jealous and in danger.

Jing Hengran took another look, said a few words with Shuyan, and had to leave first if he was unwilling.

After Jing Hengran went out, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to strip the man on the bed and wrap the person in the quilt before she went to take a bath.

Because Qi Zhenbai was in a coma, she didn't dare to take a bath for too long. She took a hurried bath and changed her clothes before coming out.

Just in time, Li Yuchu knocked on the door with boiling water.

Chi Shuyan opened the door to receive Li Yuchu's boiling water, and did not bother Li Yuchu, let him go to rest.

At the beginning, Li Yuchu wanted to help Miss Shuyan take care of her people. Although Miss Shuyan did not treat her as a servant, his true identity was indeed accepted as a servant by Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan did not intend to trouble other people, and rejected Li Yuchu's kindness.

Only then did Li Yuchu give up, only telling her to rest early.

Speaking of it, Chi Shuyan's sleepiness had long been disturbed by the man in the bed hitting her door. At this moment, her forehead was very awake and energetic, and she could not fall asleep even when she was really sleeping.

After Li Yuchu left, Chi Shuyan closed the door and looked at the man on the bed with complicated eyes. He sighed, fearing that the other party would catch a cold, so he accepted his fate and used a towel mixed with hot water to scrub everyone up and down.

It was not that the two had not been in close contact before, and she did not pretend to strip all the clothes on people, and then wipe them carefully and cleanly.

After that, he changed to a new bed sheet, and when everything was done, Chi Shuyan gasped for breath, panicked and slumped on the bed.

Afraid that the man would get too hot from the rain tonight, Chi Shuyan sat next to catch the pulse of the other person. She was a little careless at first, but her face suddenly changed and her complexion became more solemn.

While taking a pulse, she looked at the man on the bed. In the previous meeting, she didn’t notice the abnormality because she didn’t look at the person carefully, but now she took a closer look and found that the purple qi in the opponent’s body had disappeared cleanly. A dark and bottomless vortex in the man made her scalp numb.

The more she looked at her, the more ugly her face became, and she tentatively pushed the unconscious man, but it was a pity that the man never woke up.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, and suddenly sent a text message to Qi Hao asking if the other party would be free to meet tomorrow morning.

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