Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1571: Three hundred and sixty six

Because of taking care of her, Chi Shuyan didn't sleep all night. Although the man on the bed didn't have a fever, the more her pulse, her face became more solemn.

The next morning, without waiting for the other party to wake up, Chi Shuyan went to the appointment first and asked Li Yuchu to help take care of the people. Li Yuchu now trains a lot of apprentices in the restaurant, and he does not need to watch the restaurant every day. Yes.

Before leaving the appointment, Chi Shuyan sent Qi Hao the address early in the morning, and then went over.

When she arrived, Qi Hao had already arrived at the coffee shop. Chi Shuyan had booked a box. Except for the waiter's interruption at the beginning, the box was still very quiet.

Qi Hao didn't see his sister-in-law for many days this time. He was very excited when he saw him. He didn't see people sharply, and his face flushed with excitement. He immediately got up and shouted excitedly: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I am here."

Qi Hao was the only person in the box. Why would Chi Shuyan not see anyone? I haven't seen Qi Hao for a long time. After seeing people again, she was in a very good mood. When she was seated, she immediately took a bill to him and asked her to order a drink. She treated him: "Have you had breakfast?"

Qi Hao nodded immediately and said that he had eaten, and then took the menu and ordered his favorite drink. Chi Shuyan also ordered a cup of hot milk tea, and soon the two of them had their drinks on the table.

Compared with Qi Hao in a very good mood, Chi Shuyan absent-mindedly took a sip of milk tea, worried about the unconscious man at home. Fortunately, there was Li Yuchu taking care of her, so she was relieved.

"Sister-in-law, by the way, what's the matter with you looking for me?" Qi Hao took a sip of milk tea with a straw, and smiled again: "Or sister-in-law, you miss me suddenly? I also miss sister-in-law, when will you come back? My house, okay? Come with my brother!"

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to reply, Qi Hao hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Sister-in-law, you have been with my brother recently... really nothing? You haven't quarreled or broke up!"

To be honest, these days, he is still very worried about his brother's condition. Fortunately, his mother said these days that his brother went to the hospital to see his grandfather.


"Sister-in-law, if my brother really makes you angry, don't you be angry with my brother? My brother is very pitiful lately, and there have been a lot of things in the family recently. Sister-in-law, do you remember my uncle?"

Without waiting for the temptation, Qi Hao dragged it out first, but when he mentioned the topic of his fourth uncle, Qi Hao still hesitated in his eyes, not knowing whether to mention it or not.

After thinking about it, Qi Hao finally decided to mention this matter. Anyway, his sister-in-law is his own family. After thinking about it, Qi Hao took a sip of milk tea and suddenly said: "My fourth uncle is dead. It was my brother's hand. Don't get me wrong, it was my uncle who had bad intentions and joined an outsider and an evil repairer to act on my brother first. My brother was a legitimate defense, and my fourth uncle was also worthy of the crime. Because of this, my uncle and my brother also fell out. "

Qi Hao took the whole matter out. Some of this matter was secretly heard by his dad. He touched his mouth to finish, but he did not expect the shock and shock of these words in Chi Shuyan's heart. The hot milk in her hand was not She was steady, her hand shook, and some of it spilled out of the table. She immediately wiped off the milk spilled on the table with a piece of paper, but suddenly remembered the early death of Qi Zhenbai by his fourth uncle in her previous life. The cup was completely turned over, and the cup was rolled a few times on the table, and most of the milk was spilled on the table.

It was Qi Hao's eyesight that quickly helped wipe the table with a piece of paper, while wiping his lips and trembling at his sister-in-law, afraid of irritating people.

At this time, Chi Shuyan's face, who had been sluggish, finally changed drastically. The ruddy complexion on her face and her legs were clean. Her face was pale and her hands were shaking all the time. Only after a long time did she squeeze out a sentence: "What...what did you say? "

After wiping the table, Qi Hao immediately sat back in his position, not daring to say anything irritating, but his sister-in-law kept staring at him. In the end, Qi Hao had no choice but to tell everything he knew. Of course, he deliberately concealed his brother’s killing of his uncle’s family, and only said: "Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, my brother is actually very good. If my fourth uncle touched my brother’s bottom line, my brother would definitely not do it to him. What. But fortunately, my brother is okay." Otherwise, his fourth uncle would die hundreds of times, and he felt that he could not afford his brother's life.

Although he didn't respect his elders a little bit like this, he really didn't like his fourth uncle. Besides, even if his fourth uncle had a hundred brains, he couldn't compare with his brother.

After Qi Hao finished talking about this, he quickly emphasized repeatedly that his brother was fine, but Chi Shu's pale complexion never improved, and the blood on his lips and legs were completely clean.

and many more!

Obviously the fourth in the Qi family's last life hadn't done anything yet.

Chi Shuyan didn't dare to imagine the scene of the fourth Qi family cooperating with other evil cultivators to deal with Qi Zhenbai and put him in a dangerous situation.

Chi Shuyan regrets and aches in her heart, regretting that he had breathed with the man at the beginning, and then let the man Qi Zhenbo be in a dangerous situation alone.

I remembered that I was reborn and instigated butterfly wings. Everything changed. Is it weird that the fourth Qi family dealt with Qi Zhenbai in advance?

Chi Shuyan was deeply regretful at this time, regretting that the breakup was too easy, and worried that Qi Zhenbai would repeat the trajectory of his previous life.

She could still treat this relationship calmly before, but now knowing that Qi Zhenbai might repeat the fate of her early death in her previous life, Chi Shuyan became cold and afraid, and her fingers kept twitching.

After a cup of tea, Chi Shuyan left the cafe door in a daze. Before Qi Hao left, he was a little worried about the state of his sister-in-law. I was afraid that he would reveal too much to stimulate his sister-in-law, for fear that she would think too much. Before leaving, he hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry about my brother. My brother is fine now. He is really fine. My brother was sent to Longhu Mountain by my grandfather for half a month. He is almost in good health and is fine. !"

After hearing Qi Hao's words, Chi Shuyan looked a little dazed, until she heard the second half of the sentence, she struck a sharp voice, thinking of something, her face suddenly changed again, and immediately asked: "Your brother...when will he be sent to Longhu? Mountain?"

Qi Hao told a date, Chi Shuyan's face became paler, no wonder, no wonder the man who had sent text messages to her hadn't responded to her before.

At that time, she thought that the other party was avoiding her, but she never expected that the man would go to Longhu Mountain by the Qi family elders. At the beginning, she shouldn't doubt the other party's feelings for her.

Although Qi Zhenbai's feelings for her are somewhat restrained, it's still not clear whether she is the subject?

It's just that she didn't want to admit it at first, she was just wise.

At this moment, Chi Shuyan has never had regrets and regrets.

She suppressed the shock and regret in her heart, and looked as calm as possible to part ways with Qi Hao, and said that she would accompany his brother back to Qi's house for a while.

"Sister-in-law, are you serious?" Qi Hao looked ecstatic, after a pause, then said: "Sister-in-law, are you reconciled with my brother?"

Chi Shuyan forced a smile and said, "We didn't quarrel! Your brother lived with me last night!"

The news made Qi Hao ecstatic, with obvious joy on his face, and finally relieved in his heart, and repeated excitedly:

"Great! Great! Great! Sister-in-law!"

After talking, he said: "By the way, sister-in-law, when do you and my brother get a license to marry? My grandfather recently wanted to hug great-grandchildren! Talking every day!"

If Chi Shuyan used to be embarrassed and embarrassed to immediately change the subject, now that kid Qi Hao asked this topic, Chi Shuyan said without hesitation: "Yes, when your brother wants to get the certificate, I will accompany him!"

Qi Hao was determined by his sister-in-law’s attitude. The two of them really did not seem to have anything to do. If something happened, Qi Hao happily said, "Sister-in-law, if my brother hears this, he will definitely take it with him that day. You go to get the certificate, but you are not yet your age!"

Chi Shuyan smiled and wanted to say that his age could be changed, but in the end he didn't say this. When Qi Hao got in the car and drove away, Chi Shuyan looked startled in the direction of Qi Hao's car.

Before, she had really thought about getting a certificate with the man Qi Zhenbai, but now, she thinks she can start thinking about this issue, as long as the other party is willing.

Chi Shuyan took his gaze back for a while, thinking of the unconscious man at home, Chi Shuyan immediately called Li Yuchu, and waited for the call to confirm that the man was okay, but he still didn't wake up.

Chi Shuyan nodded, hung up Li Yuchu's phone and prepared to rush back to see someone.

If she didn't look at the man, she was really uneasy, but she was just about to take a taxi back to the villa, when her mobile phone rang suddenly, she quickly picked up the phone, and the voice of Brother Feng came over there: "Shu Yan, hurry, come here. One time. Something happened again. Shuyan, can you help me come over and take a look?"

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