Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1574: Three hundred sixty nine

Chi Shuyan kindly sent people out, but it's a pity that other people looked wary of looking at her, especially the woman named Chai Qing. Chai Qing became more sure that the woman in front of him must be looking at their brother Xia, otherwise, how about doing nothing?

She suddenly leaned in Yuan Yuan's ear and whispered something, sure enough!

Yuan Yuan, who had originally laughed at Yan Yan's polite expression, stopped, squinted her eyes and looked at her immediately.

Chi Shuyan left the house after giving her away, focusing most of her attention on this woman who could predict the name of Yuan Jie. Seeing that her eyes were not good at her, she curled her lips.

Chi Shuyan also found that when the man named'Xia Ge' called by Chai Qing last time took the initiative to speak to her, the eyes of the two became increasingly unfriendly, especially the predictable person named Yuan Yuan. See her eyes from scrutiny to lucid. Great friendly coldness, coldness, and exclusivity, as if peeping at her possessions.


Chi Shuyan stopped when he sent the person to the door, and did not deliberately get close to Xia Mingcheng to say anything. Instead, he took out a few business cards, and everyone sent one, politely saying: "You can contact me if you have something to do. Chat!"

After speaking, watch them go away.

Under the sun, Chi Shuyan found that except for the one named Yuan Yuan and Xia Mingcheng, no one had any shadows. After walking for a long distance, he saw the shadows on the ground appear trembling for a long time.

Chi Shuyan lifted her lips, her eyes thoughtful.

On the other side, Chai Qing, who had the most opinions on Chi Shuyan, regardless of whether she was standing behind her or not, first threw her business card in the trash.

After throwing it, he persuaded others to say: "That woman must be a liar. Even if she is not a liar, she is not as good as Sister Yuan. By the way, I just saw the woman staring at Brother Xia all the time. Brother!" Without waiting for others to speak, Chai Qing continued to say coldly: "The last time the woman saw Brother Xia for the first time, she couldn't wait to put her eyes on Brother Xia too."

Hearing what Chai Qing said, Xia Mingcheng frowned and had a face of disapproval. As for the little girl with the late surname she said, eyes stuck to him, he didn't feel it at all, but Chai Qing made some fuss and kept talking about people behind her back. Bad things make him very unhappy and disagree.

At this time, some people were perfunctory to follow Chai Qing, and more people praised Xia Mingcheng for being handsome and opposed Chai Qing's fuss: "George Xia is handsome and has a good family background. A woman sees him as normal. Let's take another look. Brother Xia will not lose a piece of meat!"

"By the way, the little girl just now is really beautiful and amazing! It is estimated that men are chasing after him, she has the capital!"

Seeing that Chai Qing's face became more and more ugly, most people tacitly knew that Chai Qing's fussing was nothing more than interesting to Brother Xia, and that they were more beautiful than her, and they were jealous.

Everyone noticed Chai Qing's ugly face, but ignored Yuan Yuan's stiff and ugly face.

In the end, it was Chai Qing who uttered the name of the tragic death of "Yan Liling", that is, Xia Mingcheng's ex-girlfriend. This topic finally ended.

Sure enough, Xia Mingcheng's face changed suddenly, very ugly, and without waiting for others to speak again, he first found an excuse to leave.

Yuan Yuan saw Xia Mingcheng leaving first, and her heart was anxious, but her face was calm and she found other excuses while comforting everyone: "I will go and see over there in Mingcheng. By the way, no one will be clear about the tragic death of Liling. The city has a prerequisite."

Yuan Yuan went to chase after she finished speaking.

Chai Qing finally shut up, and the others did not dare to offend Yuan Yuan who could save them.

"Wait, didn't Sister Yuan say that there is something important to tell us? What should we do now? I don't want to go home!" everyone asked with horror.

"Me too! Me too!"

In the interrogation room on the other side, Wang Jinyang had been dragged by Yang Ji, so he could only stay in the interrogation room obediently. Yang Ji's face was pale and nervous, Wang Jinyang's face was not very good-looking, and he was sitting very nervously.

Seeing that the two were willing to stay and tell the truth, Feng Yuanlin was still relieved. It seems that there are still smart people. Feng Yuanlin waited for Shuyan to send someone back. He didn't wait for them. He was a little puzzled, just thinking about getting up and going to see. Look, Shuyan came in and sat next to Feng Yuanlin at this time.

Feng Yuanlin bumped Shuyan with his elbow lightly: "I'm finally back?" What did you see?

Feng Yuanlin also wanted to talk with Shu Yan about the Sister Yuan, but there was an outsider here, so he had to shut up first and let his subordinates close the door, then turned his eyes to Yang Ji and Wang Jinyang, so that they could start telling the truth.

Before telling the truth, Chi Shuyan asked Yang Ji: "What is the relationship between you and the deceased in the previous hotel?"

When Yang Ji heard the words'hotel deceased', his face changed suddenly, with pain hidden in his eyes, he immediately replied dryly: "She is my sister!" After a pause, he calmed down and explained in detail: "In fact, we are not My biological siblings, she is the god-sister I recognize. We have known each other since childhood, and Liling’s parents treat me like their biological sons."

Chi Shuyan nodded and continued to ask: "Then who is her boyfriend?"

"You saw it just now, it's Brother Xia!" Yang Ji said.

"How is her relationship with you all?"

"Liling has a very good personality. Everyone likes her. No one dislikes her. Chai Qing and Yuan Yuan, who have a difficult personality, also like Liling very much. Before the accident, Yuan Yuan was Liling's best girlfriend. It’s always been great!"

"Well, you can say how did you bother with that thing?"

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