Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1575: Three hundred seventy

Mentioned how to provoke this matter, Yang Ji wanted to cry without tears and it was painful that he didn't want to recall the past. Thinking of the past, he couldn't help thinking of his friends, Liling, and the tragic death of Gu Guobin today.

They are very close to each other, don't those who can say retribution will die?

But whether it’s Liling, Guobin or his friends, they are all good people. The three of them are the kind of people who need help immediately when they see someone on the road. They usually see someone donating money on the road, even if others say it is a lie. No less donation, just in case I can help the master.

Who knows that good people are hard to be regarded as, in the end they will die so early and die so miserably.

The people close to him died tragically, even if Yang Ji's mentality was strong, he would inevitably collapse at this time. The tragic death of Gu Guobin this morning had a greater impact on him.

Even if he said that he would die early, he didn’t care anymore. He no longer concealed it, and recalled painfully: "Actually, I don’t know how we provoke this thing. I just remember that Liling called me the first time. She said she was going to travel nearby with Brother Cheng and Yuan Yuan and her boyfriend. By the way, should we go too? After discussing it, we decided to go together. We didn’t travel anywhere, but went to a nearby mountain temple. Wander around."

Speaking of it, he had a bad impression when he entered the temple at first, but unfortunately he didn’t think much at the beginning. A group of people still went in resolutely. Yang Ji continued: “The temple is broken and rotten. There were a lot of yellow talisman sticks on the inside and a lot of blood marks. There was also a large empty coffin inside, with faces painted inside and out, and it was very horrible to be crowded. We went in and saw the empty coffin. She was shocked, her scalp felt numb and she wanted to leave immediately, but at this time Yuan Yuan said that the temple is very effective for making a wish. She said that it is rare to come and make a wish. What if it is true? Later, our topic is unknown. From wishing to fighting for courage, I also played a game, lying in the coffin and fighting for courage. At that time, we all thought this game was fresh and exciting. Everyone was a man and loved face in front of girls. Later, everyone took turns lying in the coffin... …"

Having said that, Yang Ji's eyes were red and regretful. These days, he always wondered if all the crux of their encounters were in the temple. If they didn't enter the temple, wouldn't such tragic deaths happen one after another?

Not only was Yang Ji's eyes flushed with regret and pain, but also when Wang Jinyang's eyes were flushed and moist next to him, he trembled and regretted with fear.

"Then?" Chi Shuyan asked, narrowing his eyes.

Yang Ji painfully wiped his face and continued: "Later, within two days of returning home from the temple, everyone began to have nightmares. In the nightmare, there were dense, twisted and strange faces staring at us. At first, I thought it was just As it happens, after all, it’s normal for people to have nightmares, but within a few days I actually repeated this nightmare every day. Then I asked other people, and other people did the same. Only then did we begin to realize that there is something wrong with this, and everyone feels a little flustered and a little bit flustered. Fear, this is the first time we have encountered this kind of evil. At that time, we were so scared. Seeing that nothing happened, everyone fled as they didn’t know anything. On the other hand, we organized to go to other temples with strong incense. Bye bye."

"On the night after praying to the temple, we really didn’t have nightmares anymore. At that time, we were so happy and relieved that we thought it was over. It wasn’t until Liling suddenly jumped off the building to die tragically and her face was stripped. What are we afraid of getting into trouble?"

Yang Ji shook his body as he spoke, his voice choked with a choking throat, and he was obviously very frightened and painful. Wang Jinyang also paled a bit next to him, sitting trembling and watching the surroundings vigilantly.

This is a habit he developed after this incident, and he always felt that something was staring at him.

Feng Yuanlin glanced at Shuyan at this time, and stopped talking, but did not interrupt Yang Ji to speak.

Yang Ji continued with a dazed expression: "Later, my friend and my brother Guobin this morning died tragically and there were accidents. The two died differently, and their faces were stripped. What happened after should all know!"

Feng Yuanlin finally spoke after Yang Ji finished speaking: "Wait, do you mean that there are three of the dead? What about his family?"

This time it was Wang Jinyang who spoke back. He said with a shaking voice: "It is Lin Dong. He is an orphan and has no family.... He suddenly exploded while taking a bath in the bathroom a few days ago, and his body was blown to pieces. He lived. It's so remote so no one knows. I was on the phone when the accident happened. I heard a violent noise and vaguely guessed the accident. I immediately ran over with Jige to see him in. It was still a step too late! Then we saw that he died too badly. Except for the head, the corpse was blown to pieces, and it was all fighting...I can't afford it, so we helped bury it in his backyard."

When Wang Jinyang mentioned the tragic death of Lin Dong, his body was also shaking and twitching, his eyes were blood red, Yang Ji's face was not much better than him, and his whole body was shaking and trembling.

If it hadn't been for the fact that everyone had been gathering together to encourage each other these days, maybe they would be crazy one by one.

Feng Yuanlin didn't expect this to happen, so he fell silent for a while and wondered if he wanted to continue to ask.

Wang Jinyang pulled his hair in pain and despair, and said anxiously: "You know what, Lin Dong’s bathroom... Before, my brothers took turns like to live in his house and took countless baths. His house is newly renovated and everything is new. Yes, there was a sudden explosion for no reason. It was too evil, too evil. We provoked something. We must have provoked something terrible. Actually, I committed suicide before. I was scared. I'm really scared, I don't want to be skinned or die so miserable, but I can't kill myself no matter what! I can't die anymore, my life is not in my hands at all! I can die when it wants me to die... "

Wang Jinyang became more excited and frightened, his forehead bursting with blue veins, the back of the hand holding his head also bursting with blue veins, his eyes were bulging, he looked like he was going crazy and desperate, and he was about to collapse. After stunned, people fell unconscious on the table, Feng Yuanlin and Yang Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Ji didn't know if he had listened to Wang Jinyang's irritation just now, his eyes were blood red and he was sluggish and desperate, his hands kept on the table, and his nails were broken and bleeding.

Chi Shuyan patted Yang Ji on the shoulder and said, "Calm down. Since I've taken over this matter, I won't let you die."

Chi Shuyan's tone was a bit of strategizing and self-confidence. Yang Ji didn't know if he believed it or regarded her as the last straw, his dull and desperate expression eased.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and then Brother Feng continued to ask: "Okay, I have one more question, that Miss Yuan really has the ability to predict?"

Yang Ji nodded!

"When did it start? No, I should ask her if she had this ability before or after it happened?"

Chi Shuyan asked.

Yang Ji replied after thinking about it for a while, "It seems that something happened after this happened, yes, it happened suddenly afterwards."

When it comes to Yuan Yuan’s ability to predict, Yang Ji is also envious and bitter, but he hasn’t thought about enviing it at most. At the same time, all of them feel that Yuan Yuan’s sudden prediction ability may help them escape from this disaster. Gift.

It’s a pity that although Yuan Yuan can predict each time, she can only predict it one or two minutes before the accident, and even if it is foreseen, it is very difficult and almost impossible to change destiny. In short, Yuan Yuan has predicted three lives. , But it didn't change their tragic death.

Chi Shuyan looked up and saw that Yang Ji's face was still normal, and she continued to ask: "Since she can foresee in advance, why can't she avoid her life?"

Yang Ji’s expression was very bitter, and he said the things that could be foreseen one or two minutes before the accident, and his tone was even more bitter: "Our situation is the same as that of the movie "The God of Death", which is even worse, Yuan Although Yuan can foresee, she can only foresee the accident one or two minutes before the accident. It is often too late for us to rush over. Even if we can stop it suddenly, the dying person will continue the trajectory of death, and then die more tragically! For example, that! The former friend Lin Dong, he shouldn't have died so miserably!"

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