Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1576: Three hundred seventy one

"In addition to prophecy, what other abilities and changes does that Miss Yuan have?" Chi Shuyan continued to ask. To be honest, compared to what happened to them, she is now quite curious about Yuan Yuan's woman, knowing that she has always believed in' There is no such thing as a free lunch,' she was very curious to get this'ability' inexplicably.

And according to her opinion of the opposite party today, the other party is not a good person or a person with a deep blessing. For example, Feng Qin, Grandpa Zhou, and Xie Mingxuan whom she has met before are not more blessed than Yuan Yuan. Why didn't they get this ability?

Of course, the other party is not really a bad person, and has not been killed, but the anger around her is gray. Generally speaking, this kind of person goes astray only between her thoughts and the bottom line is very low. It is also lower than normal, and jealous is also strong, and he is not a good person.

Chi Shuyan pondered over here, Yang Ji pondered for a while after listening to her question, and then he said: "She still looks at pictures, she's pretty accurate! She has also seen faces of many wealthy wives, they are pretty pretty. Accurate."

After talking, Yang Ji continued: "In fact, after this incident, I think Yuan Yuan has changed a lot. She used to be introverted and silent, but now she is a little more cheerful, but she has been playing well with Liling and can't wait to stick together. ."

After listening to Yang Ji's words, Chi Shuyan nodded, "Oh!"

"By the way, this Miss Yuan had a very good relationship with the dead Miss Yan before?" Chi Shuyan asked again.

Yang Ji nodded without hesitation this time: "Well, the two have a very good relationship. Every time Liling had something, Yuan Yuan was the first to rush to help her, and it was never because Liling could not afford to see her from the countryside. The two hit it off!"

Hit it off?

If Chi Shuyan hadn’t seen Yuan Yuan as a person before, she might have believed Yang Ji’s words, but after seeing this rather famous'Miss Yuan' this time, Chi Shuyan treated this woman named Yuan Yuan Very suspicious, in short, there are too many doubts in this woman.

If she remembered correctly, Xia Mingcheng should be Yan Liling's ex-boyfriend, but she just saw that Miss Yuan seemed to like Yan Liling's ex-boyfriend very much.

To speculate in the bad direction, from the first encounter between Yuan Yuan, this woman and Yan Liling, it may not be that this woman pretended to have it at first, and even the tragic death of Yan Liling might have something to do with her.

If this is the case, then she can only admire the woman's deep scheming. Of course, if it is not, it is better. She would rather think too much on her own. Besides, it is not only Yan Liling who died this time, but also other people. Maybe this is just a coincidence, and it has nothing to do with a woman surnamed Yuan.

Seeing that Chi Shuyan didn't speak, Yang Ji thought she didn't believe his words, and said anxiously: "Really, I'm telling the truth. Master, Yuan Yuan and Liling have a very good relationship!"

Chi Shuyan nodded and continued to ask: "Oh, yes, how is the relationship between Miss Yuan and your brother Xia just now?"

Yang Ji is not a stupid person. Seeing her asking about the relationship between Sister Yuan and Liling and the relationship between Brother Xia, she naturally knew the speculation in her heart, her expression changed, and she quickly said: "Wait, master, you misunderstood, Liling and Yuan Yuan They all have boyfriends. Didn’t I just say that, and even if Xia is Liling’s boyfriend, Yuan Yuan can’t dig a wall, and Xia can’t cheat. He has always only liked Liling, but he can’t like it. Up!"

Speaking of the excellent relationship between Xia Mingcheng and Liling, Yang Ji's eyes flashed a bit dim, Chi Shuyan took Yang Ji's dim look into his eyes, his head flashed, no wonder, although the other party was Yan Liling's brother, he grew up together since childhood. Because of Yan Liling's tragic death and collapse, she wanted to jump off the building, which made her quite violent.

Seeing Yang Ji's dim look now, she couldn't see that the other party had been secretly in love with the god-sister Yan Liling nine out of ten, and then she wanted to jump off the building because of the other party's tragic death.

Chi Shuyan was gossiping in her heart, but her face remained silent. Feng Yuanlin didn't interrupt her in a hurry. He listened carefully to the dialogue between Shuyan and Yang Ji, her eyes thoughtful.

"So, who is this Miss Yuan's boyfriend?" Chi Shu Yan Zhuangruo continued to ask inadvertently.

Yang Ji obviously felt that she seemed to be very interested in Yuan Yuan, but in view of the master's ability, Yang Ji was silent for a moment, and finally squeezed out three words: "It's Lin Dong!"

After speaking, Yang Ji continued: "Yuan Yuan and A Dong have a very good relationship. Although A Dong is a bit taciturn, he has always been very nice to Yuan Yuan, and the relationship between the two has always been very good."

Fearing that she might still disagree with Yuan Yuan’s relationship with Xia Mingcheng, Yang Ji immediately told Barabala how the two of them felt good. For example, Lin Dong didn’t have much money on weekdays, and every time Yuan Yuan looked at what bags and clothes, Lin Dong worked to save her money. Buy, Yuan Yuan feels very distressed about Lin Dong every time she receives something, and then the two have been dating for a long time. Before Lin Dong died, she bought a ring for Yuan Yuan, and Yuan Yuan accepted it.

Mentioned these things in the past, Yang Ji felt very uncomfortable, especially thinking of the two tragic deaths of Liling and Lin Dong. They are the people who care about the most among his friends. His relationship with Lin Dong is even more iron, and the best among the people. , So when he mentioned these things in the past, his heart twitched subconsciously, his face turned pale again, and his condition was a bit ill.

Seeing this, Chi Shuyan didn't dare to ask any more questions, and turned her head to Chong Feng to say that she had almost asked what she should ask.

Yang Ji's expression was obviously relieved and relieved.

Before Feng Yuanlin could speak, Yang Ji was afraid that he would refuse, so he immediately begged excitedly: "By the way, I want to be detained in the detention room for a few more days? I don't want to go home, I don't want my business to let me. Mom and Dad know."

Yang Ji felt that even if he died, he would die outside. He was going to die at home. His family would definitely not accept it, and he might be frightened. Besides, thinking of what they provoke, Yang Ji didn't want to go home and hurt the family.

Feng Yuanlin naturally agreed with Yang Ji and asked him whether his friends were detained together. Yang Ji nodded immediately.

Before the two left the interrogation room, Chi Shuyan gave them a few Pure Yang Talisman, Lightning Talisman, and Exorcism Talisman to save their lives. Although her Taobao shop sold many Talismans, they were of relatively low grade.

But thinking about what they encountered this time was something special, she was not sure now, Chi Shuyan still made up her mind to go back and draw the fifth-level talisman, and then give them these talisman to save their lives.

Yang Ji did not know her thoughts at this time, but saw that she took out a lot of talisman, and there were a few more advanced talisman he hadn't seen. Yang Ji was surprised and grateful, whether this talisman used him very much. clear.

Before Chi Shuyan gave the talisman, he still said: "Fu Lu's money will be counted later. If I help you solve this problem this time, there will be additional expenses."

Chi Shuyan said a number. Although Yang Ji was surprised that the master in front of him charged quite expensive fees, if the master could really solve this problem for them and save their lives, let alone tens of millions, he would be willing to put it together.

He used to be poor at home, but now he has made a fortune, and his family is pretty good. It's okay to collect a few hundred million.

Therefore, Yang Ji nodded in agreement without hesitation. Before leaving, he was nervous and excited again and again, hoping that she could help solve the matter immediately.

When Yang Ji helped Wang Jinyang out of the interrogation room, only Feng Yuanlin and Chi Shuyan were left in the interrogation room. Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but teased the atmosphere and teased: "Shuyan, you really have to charge. When talking about charges, brother is not allowed to talk about it in front of you. Then I will blame Feng Brother for reporting you!"

Chi Shuyan didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said: "If I don't collect money, they are embarrassed. Generally speaking, in our business, we have to collect and have contacts, so that we can break cause and effect, and then we can continue to have contacts!"

She really doesn't think that her own expenses are expensive. If she doesn't have any money, she can lower the price appropriately, and never speak loudly. The cost of 20 to 30 million is very cheap. Besides, the kid has money at home and can afford it.

Feng Yuanlin was choked by Shu Yan's words and was speechless. After a while, he asked, "Shu Yan, did you ask anything? What the **** did this bunch of rascals mess with? And, What's wrong with that woman named'Sister Yuan'?"

Chi Shuyan could see a lot, but as for what they encountered, she couldn't be sure for a while, and she didn't know how to tell her brother.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Feng Yuanlin first said: "Shuyan, let me talk about my opinion first. I think the woman surnamed Yuan is quite suspicious, but this matter has something to do with her. I think she may not have such a great ability!"

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