Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1577: Three hundred seventy two

Taking into account her boyfriend, plus she didn't figure it out for a while, Chi Shuyan could only go back to the villa first, and said that she would invite Feng Ge to eat next time.

Brother Feng was so painstaking to help them before, and he still had to ask for a meal, but because of the skin-skinning thing, Feng Yuanlin really didn't feel in the mood to eat. He only said that after this meal, please don't worry.

Before Chi Shuyan left, Feng Yuanlin was still a little worried and wished she could stay here forever, but this was unlikely, so she could only hesitate and frowned and asked, "Shuyan, these two boys won't get involved in our police station. Right? There are others!"

Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment and said, "I can't guarantee other people. As for Yang Ji, I will leave a tracking token for each of them for a while. If they have something, I can get the news right away!"

When these words fell, Feng Yuanlin finally felt relieved, and did not stop Shuyan from going home, only gradually teased her and Qi Zhenbai.

Chi Shuyan directly ignored Brother Feng's ridicule and left first when he didn't hear it.

How did Feng Yuanlin mutter and confide in her character, gradually aligning with Zhenbai's brother, how cute it used to be?

Back at the villa, Chi Shuyan met Yuchu Li in the living room and asked Li Yuchu about Qi Zhenbai. Li Yuchu immediately said, "Miss Shuyan, Mr. Qi awoke an hour ago and asked about your whereabouts. Nothing to say, I left beforehand."

Chi Shuyan hurried back to see the man Qi Zhenbai. She didn't know that he had left first. For a while, she was quite empty and stunned. She knew she would come back soon?

But I can't find it in time!

Li Yuchu saw Miss Shuyan's look, and asked with some worry: "Miss Shuyan, it's my fault, I didn't..."

Before Li Yuchu finished speaking, Chi Shuyan interrupted Li Yuchu and said warmly: "It's okay with Li Yuchu, it's okay, I'll go upstairs and see!"

Li Yuchu only breathed a sigh of relief. Chi Shuyan went upstairs and went into the room to see that except for the bed, the other furnishings had not been touched. However, there was a photo album of her on the bedside table. This photo album was from the bottom of the box. To be correct, the photos in it are almost all photos taken in her previous life.

Most of them are pictures of her and her dad.

Chi Shuyan walked over to pick it up and flipped it around, then put it back on the table, ready to go out.

Downstairs, Li Yuchu was still preparing lunch, but he didn't know that Miss Shuyan was going out again, so he called to stop.

Chi Shuyan paused and said, "Li Yuchu, you can cook some for lunch and eat it yourself. I have gone out beforehand and will not go home for lunch anymore! Dinner is not necessarily!"

Li Yuchu: ...he can't eat food that people eat!

Before Li Yuchu could speak, he saw Miss Shuyan's back disappear at the door, so he had to give up first.

Chi Shuyan came to the hospital as usual. Before this time, she hadn't forgotten to buy a lot of fruit. She took a few bags of fruit and went to the old man's ward of the hospital.

In the door of the old man's ward, she really saw the man Qi Zhenbai, who was dressed in a suit, but his clothes were a little wrinkled. He should have rushed to the hospital as soon as he woke up without changing his clothes.

At this moment, the man is sitting in a precarious manner and looks seriously feeding the old man, his eyes are a little warmer, his cold contour is much softer, his nose is straight and erect, and his nose is very straight when he looks at it from the side. The hostility is much less, and the facial features are particularly beautiful.

In addition to the old man, there is also the second aunt of the Qi family.

The second aunt of the Qi family saw Shuyan with sharp eyes, and hurriedly shouted: "Shuyan, why are you here again? Have you had lunch?"

Chi Shuyan glanced at a certain man, and immediately replied, "I have eaten, second aunt."

At this time, Mr. Qi immediately raised his eyes, saw her, and showed a kind smile first.

On the contrary, it was a man who was feeding, his eyes never looked in her direction, and those who didn't know thought he didn't even know her at all!

Chi Shuyan:...

Without waiting for the second aunt of the Qi family to entertain her, the old man Qi welcomed her with enthusiasm as always, and yelled cordially: "Daughter-in-law Zhenbai, come here! Come and show me this old man!"

Chi Shuyan looked away and didn't look at the man Qi Zhenbai much, she immediately walked over with a smile and shouted while putting the fruit in her hand on the table and said: "Grandpa!"

Old man Qi saw that Shuyan had brought so many fruits over the past few days, where he had eaten so much, but the child remembered him so filially, he was very happy, and immediately asked Zhen Bai to peel him an orange first.

Before Qi Zhenbai could speak, Chi Shuyan also pulled a chair and sat aside, first picked up an orange and began to peel the sides and said, "Grandpa, I'll peel it!"

In the eyes of the old man and the second aunt of the Qi family, the two young men were filial and naturally born, sitting together, just looking at the looks, and seeing how good they are.

The second aunt of the Qi family didn't know that the two were quarreling, and couldn't help but gossip and asked eagerly: "Zhenbai, when are you going to marry Shuyan and return to our Qi family? By the way, let the old man take his great-grandson earlier!"

The words of the second aunt of the Qi family caught the heart of the old man. The kind smile on her face never stopped, and she nodded cheerfully: "What your second aunt said is! Zhenbai, when will you marry your wife and return to the Qi family? This old man can't wait to hold his great-grandson!"

Chi Shuyan glanced at the tall man sitting on the edge of the bed, and saw that he was expressionless and silent for a moment, and uttered: "No hurry!"

Elder Qi is quite disgusted at this moment that this grandson can't speak, his face is cold, and it's useless to look good and can't speak.

Afraid of Shuyan being angry, the old man looked at Shuyan and saw that she was still smiling but not angry. He sighed in relief, but his mouth was angry and rushed to the grandson in front of him and said: "Your kid is not in a hurry. The old man is in a hurry!" After speaking, the old man suddenly said with a flash of inspiration: "Why don't the two children get the certificate first! The younger is okay, just change it to an older one!"

In order for this grandson not to be lonely for his whole life, Mr. Qi is also rare to be cheeky. Speaking of which, he is really worried about Zhenbai’s lukewarm temper. Sooner or later Shuyan will dump him. In addition to the previous events, he feels Very uneasy, he has dreamed of getting the certificate from the two children these days.

Qi Zhenbai frowned when he heard what the old man said, and just refused, and a clear, nice and familiar voice rang out cheerfully next to him: "Okay! It's good to get the certificate early!"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Zhenbai shook his hand, and the bowl was almost turned over on the bed in his hand. His face suddenly froze, and his face was unbelievable, and the whole person was quite dull.

Chi Shuyan's response here was out of the accident of the second aunt of the Qi family and the old man, especially the fact that Shuyan Ying received the testimony was very surprised and excited for the old man Qi, don't look at him, the old man just said shamelessly about getting the certificate. He really didn't know anything about it, and he didn't intend to force Shuyan this child. He also thought about it. If Zhenbai's wife is really unwilling, then forget it.

Who knew this kid was so caring and sensible?

The old man of the Qi family was almost ecstatic, grabbing the hand of the granddaughter-in-law and asked: "Daughter-in-law, Zhenbai, are you serious? Are you really willing to get the certificate from this kid like Zhenbai earlier? Would you like to get the certificate today?"

Chi Shuyan didn't hesitate to nod, and remembered that she was a woman after all, so she still had to be a little reserved and shy, and immediately bowed her head slightly and nodded in embarrassment: "Grandpa, I do!"

"Good, good..." Old man Qi was ecstatically coaxed by the response of the granddaughter-in-law. How do you see how this child feels caring and likes it? He is particularly fond of him.

But what made the old man very upset was that the grandson in front of Zhenbai was scared and silly, or happy, dumbfounded and without expression. In view of the grandson's feelings for Shu Yan, the old man preferred the latter.

This kid is absolutely happy and stupid!

This silly boy!

Elder Qi deliberately coughed a few times to remind people.

Qi Zhenbai suddenly raised his eyes, staring at the familiar woman in front of him with his bottomless eyes, he still couldn't believe it. Although his face was still expressionless, his ten fingers kept twitching and trembling nervously. He placed it on his back, his joints turned white.

The face with facial paralysis was also tense, and the muscles on his face twitched a few times.

Chi Shuyan didn't hesitate to respond just now. After a long time, there was no response from a man. She was a little nervous. She raised her eyes for fear that the other party would refuse. She looked up at the man in front of her secretly.

The man’s dark eyes were divine and sharp. He stared at the person from beginning to end without looking away. He remained silent for a while. At the same time, his gaze carried a little scrutiny and a little depressed restraint, thin. The lips are pressed into a line, the chin is straightened, but the chest rises and falls sharply.

Chi Shuyan gritted his teeth and looked at the man's weak eyes and suggested: "Should we go get the certificate today? Are you going?"

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