Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1578: Three hundred seventy-three

Go, of course, he won’t. Old man Qi has to beat people out with a stick. Shuyan is a rare child. This is such a good opportunity that the boy Zhenbai is not sure. Then the boy is really hopeless. So instead of waiting for Qi Zhenbai to speak, the old man replied for his grandson: "Go go...Of course, Zhenbai, now take Shuyan to get the certificate. The two children don't have to worry about me, the old man. It's a real thing to get the certificate quickly." He paused, and immediately added: "After receiving the certificate in a while, take the picture immediately to my old man!"

Seeing that this kid, Zhenbai, was still paralyzed and had no expressions, he really couldn't drive this grandson out at the moment. He was still in a daze now? Is it in a daze?

Fortunately, Zhen Bai had other actions at this time, grasping Shu Yan's wrist forcefully and taking people out.

The Qi family's old man and Qi's second aunt stared at the two children's intimate behavior of going out with cheerful smiles, especially the old man who looked forward to the two children's marriage certificate for a long time.

In addition to being happy, the second aunt of the Qi family was a little surprised. Isn't it a bit casual to get the certificate? Don't you need to pick a good day to inform in-laws?

The old man seemed to see the mind of the second aunt of the Qi family, and said: "Today is a good day. I have been optimistic a few days ago. As for the Shuyan family, when the wedding of the two children is held, our Qi family will make good compensation. Make up for others! You said that this in-law gave birth to a good child?"

The more the Qi family father thought about the intimate behavior of Zhenbai's wife, the more he felt that this child was really worthy of Zhenbai this kid, wrong, and when Zhenbai got good, he would also have fate to meet Shuyan, otherwise this kid has something to say Are you worthy of his grandson-in-law?

Old man Qi changed his previous melancholy and frowning face. At this time, he was in a good mood. Before the second aunt of the Qi family could speak again, the old man hurriedly said to the second aunt of the Qi family: "Go and ask me if this old man can leave the hospital today? This time in hospital should be almost the same!"

The old man urged the second aunt of the Qi family to ask immediately.

When the second aunt of the Qi family went out, the old man Qi was still afraid that the grandson of Zhenbai would not bring anything, so he immediately called the boy and said, where is the family register? Don't forget to bring it?

On the other side, Qi Zhenbai, who was out of the door of the hospital, suddenly received a call from the old man. After listening to the old man's instructions, his expression suddenly changed again.

The old man has a loud voice and anxious voice. Chi Shu has good ears and is written by a man. He hears clearly, with a smile on her face. When the old man hangs up the phone, she feels less nervous. Once again Looking directly at the man in front of him, he said, "I seem to have forgotten the hukou. Should we go to the house to get it separately? Then see you at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau later?"

Qi Zhenbai only heard that she was going to leave at first, and the author's strength suddenly increased, as if she was afraid that she would not come back once she left. After hearing her whole sentence, the man's face was complicated and seemed to be Examining the truth of what she said, the look in people's eyes was extremely deep.

His thin lips are tight, his chin is tight, and he breathes slightly. Anyone who knows him will know that he is nervous.

Chi Shuyan thought too much, but I really didn’t know that the man was nervous. On the contrary, the man was so calm as to write her out of the hospital with no expression on her face. She was so calm that she was worried that she would become hot unilaterally. If the opponent refused, she It's embarrassing.

However, this man really wanted to refuse, and she would not back down, she would only give people more time to make progress gradually.

Just as Chi Shuyan was worried that the man in front of him would reject her, he heard the tall man in front of him suddenly let go, his thin lips tightened, and he spit out the word ‘good’.

Chi Shuyan was caught off guard to prevent the man from responding to her so quickly, and while he was relieved, he was still a little startled, staring at people curiously with his eyes wide open.

Qi Zhenbai put her subtle expression into the bottom of his eyes, his heartstrings suddenly tightened, his grip on the wrist suddenly increased, and he immediately let go, suppressing the waves in his heart, and sneered fiercely on his eyebrows: "What? I regret it so soon?"

"No, I was surprised and very happy to hear you agree so quickly." Chi Shuyan pursed his lips and looked at people smiling.

Look carefully, her eyes are full of smiles, and there is no reluctance at all, but this appearance makes Qi Zhenbai a little surprised and surprised.

Chi Shuyan seemed to be at a loss when he didn't see the man in his heart, and said cheerfully, "That's what, see you from the Civil Affairs Bureau, I'll take a taxi and get the account book first!"

Speaking of this, Chi Shuyan is quite thankful that the Hukou has always been on her side, not her father's. Otherwise, she wants to get the certificate from the man in front of her now, even if she wants to, she can't help it.

As for her dad, anyway, her dad already knew that she had such a boyfriend, and after receiving the certificate in a while, she could talk to her dad.

Chi Shuyan was about to take a taxi, but her wrist was suddenly constrained by the man beside her again. She was a little surprised. Could it be that this man suddenly regretted it?

Just listen to the man in front of him saying: "I will send you!"

Chi Shuyan wanted to take this man's car back, but she would have to waste the time for two people to get the license if she wanted to take this man back to the villa. After a while, she would have to line up in the Civil Affairs Bureau, and she didn't know whether she could get the license all afternoon, Chi Shu Yan thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, I'll go back to take a taxi and get the account book, too. You too. Try to be as fast as possible. The Civil Affairs Bureau has to line up. Let's not waste time!"

Chi Shuyan became more nervous as he spoke, but Qi Zhenbai heard the more his eyebrows became softer, his fingertips trembled slightly, his eyes were deep and he stared at people in a dazed manner, how unsatisfactory to see, he was sure that the woman in front of him really wanted to get a certificate from him. For an instant, his cold-hearted heart fell into a mess, and he was terribly flustered. The man's thin lips trembled and finally spit out: "Okay! See you in the Civil Affairs Bureau later!"

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