Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1592: Three hundred and eighty seven

No matter how dissatisfied Xia Mingzhen is, Yuan Yuan still comes to Xia's for lunch. Xia Mu is very welcome.

Seeing Yuan Yuan brought a lot of courtesies this time and spoke nicely, Xia Mu was more satisfied as she looked at people.

Because of Xia's mother, Xia Ming really doesn't like people anymore and he doesn't want to face them, let alone target a woman.

During lunch, Mother Xia was talking to Yuan Yuan. The two brothers of the Xia family were silent. Occasionally, Mother Xia took the initiative to cue Xia Mingcheng, but Xia Mingcheng just replied just one sentence or two before replying again.

Xia's mother was very helpless. She still had some tentative thoughts in her heart. Originally, she was thinking about saying Bazi in front of Mingcheng, but she was afraid that the child of Mingcheng would misunderstand Yuan Yuan, so she simply waited for the two brothers to go upstairs. Yuan Yuan was left alone and tentatively asked: "Xiaoyuan, the horoscope you gave me last time...?"

Yuan Yuan looked puzzled and said, "What's wrong? Auntie, what's wrong?"

Seeing Yuan Yuan’s puzzled and unknowing face, Xia Mu secretly guessed whether she was really unclear or deliberately pretending to be. Xia Mu was still a little more mindful than ordinary people, and suddenly asked: "Okay, let's not talk about the eight characters. Xiaoyuan, what do you think of my Mingcheng?"

Yuan Yuan seemed to have not understood Xia's words this time and replied: "Auntie, Mingcheng people are naturally good, but what does this matter have to do with me?"

Xia Mu carefully scrutinized Yuan Yuan and continued: "Xiaoyuan, I think you are a perfect match for Mingcheng, you say..."

After all, her son is still very good. Xia mother thought Yuan Yuan would hesitate and nod her head to answer. Who knew she hadn’t finished her words, Yuan Yuan seemed to be greatly stimulated and frightened and said, "Auntie, what did you say? Frighten me? How can I be as good as Mingcheng? Not to mention that Liling was my best friend before. Even if it is not, Mingcheng is so good and Xia family is also from such a background. How can I be worthy of Mingcheng!"

After speaking, Yuan Yuan continued: "Besides, I am really just a pure friendship with Mingcheng. Auntie, don't think too much, don't rush to match me with Mingcheng, and Liling just had an accident, you are so If you are anxious about marriage, Mingcheng must be anxious to you, especially when it comes to marriage with me!"

I have to say that Yuan Yuan speaks very well. She clears her relationship with Xia Mingcheng, and portrays herself as a person with a very loyal and true temperament. Now Xia Mu is happy and disappointed after hearing what Yuan Yuan said. , I’m glad that what Yuan Yuan said before was definitely not selfish.

This child is so stupid, and she can see that she is really not interested in Mingcheng, it seems that Yuan Yuan did not count her.

As for the loss, what she lost was that such a good daughter-in-law was not from her Xia family, and Mingcheng didn't even like this child, and this child didn't mean anything to Mingcheng.

As for the woman Yan Liling, Xia's mother could instinctively ignore this woman. She didn't like this woman very much when she was alive. Of course, Xia's mother still doesn't like it now, but the deceased is the big one, so she doesn't have much to say.

However, she didn't say much, but at this moment she was very satisfied with Yuan Yuan in front of her, wishing that the child would immediately marry her Xia family, and Wangwang her Xia family.

Before Xia’s mother could speak, Yuan Yuan Yu Guang glanced at a familiar corner of her clothes, and suddenly changed her words and continued: "Auntie, please don’t say anything about me and Mingcheng, especially in front of Mingcheng. It’s really impossible with Mingcheng. My friendship with Mingcheng is just pure friendship, and Mingcheng is also with me. Besides, even if I really like Mingcheng, I can’t pass the level of Liling in my heart. I can’t grab a girlfriend Husband with friends."

Yuan Yuan said these words absolutely, Xia Mu shut up, and at the same time became more satisfied with Yuan Yuan in her heart.

At this time, Xia Mingcheng suddenly walked over and scared Xia's mother. Xia's mother couldn't help but said, "How can your child walk without making a sound? Your mother is scared to death!"

Yuan Yuan quickly asked what happened to Xia's mother.

Xia Mingcheng's face was very ugly at this time. I don't know how long I listened to just now, and I heard him speak with a cold face: "Mom, Yuan Yuan also said that it's impossible for us. She can't pass Liling's level, and I can't pass it in my heart. In Liling, when Liling was alive, they were the best girlfriends. How could you want to introduce Liling's best girlfriend to me?"

In fact, Xia Mingcheng's tone was still a bit resentful, mainly because her mother could accept Yuan Yuan but not Liling? Liling was much filial to his mother than Yuan Yuan was to her mother.

Why did his mother disagree with his marriage to Liling, now that Liling is dead, Xia Mingcheng feels very sorry for not getting married back then.

Xia Mingcheng's resentful tone made Xia Mu's angry enough, and she covered her forehead and said that she had a headache.

Yuan Yuan, who was sitting still, shrank sharply when she heard Xia Mingcheng's words.

Xia Mingcheng knew that his mother was pretending to have a headache, so he simply ignored Yuan Yuan and said, "I will send you out!"

Yuan Yuan was also a little embarrassed right now. She was also embarrassed when she was caught between the quarrel between the two mothers and her son. Yuan Yuan immediately nodded and said, "Auntie, I'm going now, you have a good rest!" She rushed to Xia Mingcheng: "Mingcheng, even if something is wrong with your auntie, she is also your mother. If you have something to say to your auntie, she will not be unreasonable!"

Xia Mingcheng is very impatient with Yuan Yuan on weekdays, but thinking that she has saved him a lot of trouble by refusing his mother just now, Xia Mingcheng is still very grateful, not to mention the other party's just now, "I can't pass Liling's level in my heart," and let him He was very moved. It seemed that Yuan Yuan was really kind to Liling, which made him more patient with Yuan Yuan in front of him.

"Auntie, if you still have a headache in the evening, call me and I will accompany you to the hospital to see. Okay, auntie, I'll go now!"

Yuan Yuan left the Xia family with Xia Mingcheng after speaking.

Xia's mother looked at Yuan Yuan's back and was reluctant to give up.

On the road, Yuan Yuan immediately explained that Xia’s mother asked her to give him a marriage last night. Yuan Yuan pretended to be embarrassed and generous: "

Mingcheng, I didn’t expect that the horoscopes I calculated for my aunt would be exactly the same as mine. No wonder my auntie was so messy with mandarin ducks, but don’t worry, just like what I just said, I can’t pass the level of Liling. No boyfriend can grab Liling. I have already said clearly and similarly to my aunt. If my aunt makes a mess of Mandarin Duck music, I will try to persuade her! "

Xia Mingcheng couldn't see the joy or anger on his face, and nodded coldly: "Thank you!"

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