Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1593: Three hundred eighty eight

Xia Mingcheng turned and left, but did not see Yuan Yuan in the car looking at his reluctant, unwilling and hideous expression. Her hideous expression also shocked the driver.

And Yuan Yuan in the car was no longer as gentle as she was in front of Xia's mother. She cursed with a frenzied face, "What do you look at?"

Yuan Yuan faintly felt that her emotions were not right. Not only that, she also felt that her thighs were very itchy. She scratched it a few times. After not scratching it, it was particularly itchy. The itch made her want to tear the skin on it directly.

At first, the driver looked through the rearview mirror to curious about this angry, bad-tempered, inconsistent woman. After all, before getting into the car, she was a gentle man in front of the handsome guy.

After being scolded, he was about to look away when he saw the woman suddenly unzipping the trousers. The uncle of the driver was shocked. Before he was eager to stop people, he saw a vague black spot on the thigh of the woman in the back seat. The uncle driver thought he was dazzled at first because the facial features were squeezed together, and he was wrong, waiting for the woman's trousers to be opened.

I saw a big bag bulging on the woman's thighs, as if a melanoma had grown especially horrible. He happened to be the same face in the melanoma, oh, no, it was three huddled and hideous faces facing each other.

The faces of the crowded people were staring and desperate at this time. The hatred was struggling as if to break free from the flesh of the woman, and the disgusting sarcoma became bigger and bigger.

Uncle driver:...

Not only that, at this moment, the woman in the back seat had a vicious flash of eyes, and she did not hesitate to stretch out her **** into the eyeballs of one of the faces. In an instant, a pair of black eyes kept bleeding, and the woman's fingers were immediately bloodied. Submerged, and the screams and howls of the woman with the face resounded endlessly.

Where did the driver uncle have seen such a terrifying, weird and terrifying scene? He was so scared that he couldn't breathe, his eyes were dark, and his face was horrified. He drove the car from the highway to a big tree not far away, and hit it. .

Xia's family, Xia Mingcheng returned home, and Xia's mother stopped pretending to have a headache in the living room. She immediately asked him to send Yuan Yuan out, and then complained: "Why don't you drive away Xiaoyuan by yourself?"

Even though the son was rude to confront her just now, she was still a little unwilling, mainly because she thought about it more now

The little girl Yuan Yuan felt that she was a good daughter-in-law, and no longer doubted her selfishness.

I just think Yuan Yuan is a stupid child. Why doesn't someone as good as her son like him?

Naturally, Mother Xia didn’t believe that Yuan Yuan had a dislike for Mingcheng, nine out of ten, it was because of Yan Liling’s woman. Thinking this way, Xia’s mother was quite bored with Yan Liling, even if the little girl was dead and still dead. Xia's sympathy for her turned into disgust and disgust again.

Xia's mother wanted to say something, she saw Mingcheng's child glance over indifferently, Xia's mother immediately shut up and didn't say more, so, Yan Liling probably really became a cinnabar mole in Mingcheng's heart.

Although Xia Mu was panicking in her heart, forget it, she still knows Mingcheng's character. I am afraid that she can't forget Yan Liling's woman now. Don't worry! Not urgent!

Anyway, Mingcheng likes Yan Liling's woman again. That woman is already dead. The dead can't compete with the living. She waits for the child to think about it beforehand. In the future, she will give the two children more opportunities to get along. , I'm not afraid that the two good children look wrong.

Xia Mingcheng didn't know Xia's plan at this time, because Xia's mother wanted to match him with Yuan Yuan, Xia Mingcheng felt very disgusted in her heart. He didn't say much to Xia's mother, leaving only a safe talisman on the table and went upstairs.

Mother Xia looked at a talisman on the table with a daze, and she was still moved. The depression of the two mothers and sons just now was wiped out. Mother Xia picked up the talisman and looked at it carefully, and hurriedly asked: "Mingcheng , Which master temple did you ask for this Fulu? Why don’t you tell Mom first, and Mom will just talk to Xiaoyuan. Although Xiaoyuan doesn’t know how to draw charms, she might know some real master, Xiaoyuan still I said that there are so many swindlers in the world now, so don’t be fooled!"

That’s what Xia’s mother said, she still put the Fuluo given by her son in her pocket.

Xia Mingcheng said: "It's a safe talisman!"

"The peace talisman is good, the peace talisman is good! Bless the whole family to be healthy and happy!" When Xia Mu heard the peace talisman, her heart was especially hot and comforted, and she did not question the authenticity any more. She planned to wear a red string on her wrist at night. Peace of mind.

Only then did Xia Mingcheng go upstairs, waited on the second floor, knocked on his brother's door, and when his brother opened the door, he also took out a safety charm and handed it to his brother for his brother to wear.

When Xia Mingzhen saw his brother suddenly handed him a talisman, his first thought was whether his brother was assimilated by Yuan Yuan’s god-stick woman. Believing this all day long, Xia Mingzhen disgusted and said, "Brother, this talisman. Is it a woman surnamed Yuan for you? I don't want it, you keep it for yourself!"

When Xia Mingzhen thought that his brother might be cheaper than Yuan Yuan's woman, his face suddenly looked like constipation, especially ugly. Why did his brother put such a flower in Yuan Yuan's cow dung?

Xia Mingcheng knows this younger brother best. I don’t know what he is thinking at the moment, frowning, and immediately said: "This symbol was not given by Yuan Yuan, it was given by other real masters. Please keep it! Don’t take it off if you take a bath. !"

Xia Mingcheng now believes something because of the tragedy between Yan Liling and a few friends, especially the little girl who met him before, Xia Mingcheng unexpectedly trusted each other extraordinarily.

And because of the things they encountered before, they are now stripped of their faces and died tragically. He has not told his family about this, because he is afraid that they are worried, but he is also afraid that he will affect the rest of the family because of himself.

In fact, Xia Mingcheng did not want to go home after encountering that incident, but it was a pity that he didn't come back for one day, and if he didn't come back for three days, his family would surely shake the sky, especially Xia Mu.

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