Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1594: Three hundred and eighty nine

No matter how much his brother explained, Xia Mingzhen didn't want to take this talisman, mainly because he didn't believe it at all, and he felt that his brother's ex-girlfriend had an accident, and his brother's personality had unexpectedly changed so much.

But anyhow, this talisman was not what his brother wanted from Yuan Yuan.

At this age, Xia Mingzhen was very curious, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Brother, where did you buy this thing? Wouldn't it be from any fortune-telling stall outside on the street?" After a while, Xia Mingzhen looked disgusted and shook his head: "I don't use this thing!"

Xia Mingcheng:...

In the end, Xia Mingcheng forcibly forced the peace talisman and a few exorcism talisman and thunder-attracting talisman to this kid, and the words were threatening, and Xia Mingzhen accepted it with a constipation.

As for Xia Mu’s side, Xia Mingcheng only gave the Ping Talisman but not the other Talismans. The reason was that he was afraid that his mother had the same brain circuit as Ming Zhen, and she would give more. Maybe she didn’t even want the Ping Talisman. He could threaten Mingzhen, but Xia Mu Really can't threaten.

On the other side, Chi Shuyan was going to Feng Ge in the evening, who knew that Feng Ge was informed that Yuan Yuan and a certain driver seemed to have been in a car accident. The two did not wake up at noon, so he had to pass by now.

"Shu Yan, will you go with me first?" Feng Yuanlin's tone was questionable.

Chi Shuyan's face changed slightly when Yuan Yuan was unlucky in a car accident. At the same time, she was really interested and curious about this matter. Since Yuan Yuan can predict the future with her face, she can't avoid the disaster by herself?

And according to what she suspected, she always felt that the deaths of Yan Liling and the things Yang Ji and the others provoked were inseparable from the woman Yuan Yuan, but now she is also in an accident, and there are some changes and doubts in her heart.

Yes, let's go check it out later.

She nodded: "Sure, I will go there with you, but before going, let me take a look at Yang Ji!"

Only then did Feng Yuanlin remember something, and immediately asked him to take Shuyan to Yang Ji's side.

When Chi Shuyan went to the detention room to see a group of people, the others were in good condition, but Yang Ji was in a daze. No, when he saw Yang Ji, Chi Shuyan immediately narrowed his eyes and fixed his eyes on his forehead. The red line on his forehead became more and more red.

Chi Shuyan wasn't sure when Yang Ji had an accident for a while, but felt that the bright red line on his forehead was indistinct.

Chi Shuyan lowered his brows. At this moment, Yang Ji and the others also saw Chi Shuyan. They were still quite enthusiastic about Chi Shuyan. Yang Ji almost immediately got up and rushed in front of Chi Shuyan. Excitedly shouted: "Master Chi! You are here!"

Chi Shuyan calmed down, and smiled at Yang Ji: "Well, come and see you." After a while, he said to the others: "Everyone relax, there will be nothing wrong. By the way, I have other things. I have to leave first if you look at it!"

Chi Shuyan didn't plan to tell them about Yuan Yuan's accident first and make them mess up.

As for what happened to Yuan Yuan, it remains to be verified whether the incident is the same as what happened to Yan Liling before.

Before leaving, she especially comforted Yang Ji, and she was relieved to see that his expression improved.

She went to the hospital in the same police car with Brother Feng, and arrived at the hospital within half an hour. Special nurses and doctors took them to the client's ward.

Compared with the uncle driver who was in a very serious condition and was in a coma, Yuan Yuan was lucky. She had only a slight concussion and no fatal injuries, only minor injuries. She woke up in the evening.

Before the doctor took them into Yuan Yuan’s ward, he told them: “Although the patient has only minor injuries, he has suffered a little shock, so it’s better to be gentle and patient when talking to her!”

Feng Yuanlin naturally agreed. After the doctors and nurses left, Feng Yuanlin asked Tang Yunming again, asking him whether he had gone to the scene to find out the cause of the accident.

Tang Yunming immediately stated that no abnormalities had been detected, and the driver's car was not abnormal. However, the reason why the car lost control and hit a tree seemed to be that the driver had stepped on the accelerator as the brake.

When the two were in a car accident, Tang Yunming personally came to the scene to save people and understood the truth better. He pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Yes, the traffic was closed. The doctor just said that the driver was seriously injured not only in the car accident, but also because of the shock. Before the injured person got into the car accident, he should have been terribly frightened. As for what frightened him, I don't know."

After hearing Tang Yunming's words, Feng Yuanlin's brows tightened, and he looked at Shuyan. Chi Shuyan had never been to the scene, and was not clear about the facts, so naturally he couldn't give advice.

Feng Yuanlin nodded: "Sure, let's go in and ask." Before pushing the door, Feng Yuanlin looked at Shu Yan and asked: "Shu Yan, do you think this car accident was caused by an accident or something they caused? Yuan Yuan is the next woman's turn?"

Chi Shuyan hesitated for a moment and said: "Brother Feng, why don't we go in and ask, and I will answer your question later!"

"to make!"

The three of them went in together. Yuan Yuan had just woke up right now, her face was pale, she seemed to be greatly frightened, she waited a long time before she calmed down a little.

And Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but fall on her forehead, and on her forehead, she didn’t see the slightest red line at all, and she didn’t see any sullenness in Yuan Yuan's body. This car accident was an accident in all likelihood, but she was quite What frightened the driver who was wondering about the accident before the accident?

Chi Shuyan did not squint if he did not look at Yuan Yuan, Feng Yuanlin pulled a few chairs, let Shuyan and Tang Yunming sit down respectively, and he also sat in front of Yuan Yuan’s bed, looked at each other a few times, and saw each other Although his face was pale, but the spirit was still good, he began to ask: "Miss Yuan, are you all right!"

Yuan Yuan calmly replied at this moment: "I'm fine!"

"I don't know how Miss Yuan got in the car accident?" Feng Yuanlin asked.

Yuan Yuan didn't know what to think of, her complexion was slightly stiff, and she suddenly excited Feng Yuanlin's cuff and asked: "Shut down, is the taxi driver who is driving for me okay? Is he okay? Has the rescue been successful?"

Feng Yuanlin thought Yuan Yuan was worried about the taxi driver, and nodded that he did not know the driver's situation.

Yuan Yuan looked pained and horrified: "It's all me, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't hurt him. It must be the thing we encountered before that wanted to harm me. It has already killed Liling. , Lin Dong, Guobin, come and pester me now! Maybe I will die next!"

The more Feng Yuanlin heard what the woman in front of him said, his face became more solemn. He raised his eyes and stared at the subtle expression of the woman in front of him. He did not find the slightest trace of the woman in front of him. For the two possibilities, Feng Yuanlin is still subconsciously biased towards the former.

For example, this car accident may not be an accident.

"Can't Miss Yuan predict that something will happen soon?" Feng Yuanlin asked curiously.

Compared with the unkindness of the other party before, this time, Yuan Yuan cooperated with a wry smile and said: "The closure of the game, Yang Ji, and the others are almost the same as what you have explained, I can indeed predict, but I can only predict what happened. Predictions before the division. This is of no use at all."

Yuan Yuan said more and more painfully: "Liling, Lin Dong, Guobin, I can't bear to die any of them. I originally thought I could save them, but in the end I can't save anyone!"

"What happened before the accident?" Feng Yuanlin continued to ask.

Yuan Yuangang was about to say that she suddenly clutched her head and yelled out of control: "I can't say, I can't say, I don't know, don't ask me. I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Yuan Yuan said that she smashed a cup on the side of the bed. Fortunately, the cup was made of steel, and it smashed on the ground with a creaking sound, but it was not smashed.

Yuan Yuan went mad suddenly, frightening Feng Yuanlin and Tang Yunming. It didn't take long for the attending physician and several nurses to immediately push the door in. Seeing this, they could only give Yuan Yuan a tranquilizer.

After Yuan Yuan was in a coma, she might not wake up until tomorrow. Feng Yuanlin and the others could only leave the hospital with regret.

After several people got in the car, Feng Yuanlin thought about it and regretted it. He didn't ask anything. He was afraid that if he would wake up tomorrow, he would ask again and the woman would be stimulated again.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuanlin's forehead blue veins suddenly jumped, he couldn't help but ask Shu Yan, "Shu Yan, what do you think!"

Chi Shuyan said: "Brother Feng, I didn't see any yin in Yuan Yuan's woman, but I think this car accident is more like an accident."

Feng Yuanlin suddenly sat upright and immediately opened his eyes and asked, "Shuyan, you mean she just lied?"

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