Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1602: Three hundred ninety-seven

At ten o'clock in the evening, Chi Shuyan chose to call the soul directly in the hospital. Since the driver died in the hospital, the soul should be near the hospital.

Not long after the soul-calling, the driver's soul floated from outside the hospital into the morgue. Chi Shuyan had opened his eyes to Brother Feng before, so waiting for the muddled middle-aged man's soul body to drift in without any vigilance, she and Brother Feng saw the middle-aged man together.

However, the state of the middle-aged man's soul body is obviously wrong at this moment. He seems to have no consciousness and has been muddled. However, the body is on the side, and the soul body floats to the side of the dead body by instinct and refuses to leave.

During this moment, Chi Shuyan directly reached out and touched the forehead of the soul body to try to compose the memory of the other party. Feng Yuanlin is very calm when he sees ghosts. After all, he has seen many evil ghosts with Shuyan before.

Seeing Shu Yan's behavior, Feng Yuanlin didn't dare to disturb people, for fear of disturbing her, but it didn't take long for him to see Shu Yan's face becoming more and more ugly and solemn, and Feng Yuanlin snorted.

Before long, Shu Yan let go of the soul body, and burned a piece of talisman paper to overpower the other party. The solemn expression still did not recover, and Feng Yuanlin couldn't wait.

"Brother Feng, go out and talk about it!" Chi Shuyan said.

Feng Yuanlin was eager to go out right away when he heard Shuyan's words. Although he is very courageous now, he has been staying in the hospital morgue this night. He still feels a little hairy in his heart, and because Shuyan has been by his side, he feels very safe. .

Until the two got out of the hospital and got in the car, Feng Yuanlin finally couldn't wait to ask: "Shuyan, what did you see? Why do I see your expression wrong?"

Chi Shuyan’s complexion is indeed neither good nor bad, but Feng Yuanlin, who knows Shuyan, can still see that Shuyan’s mood is really not very good at the moment. He remembered that the middle-aged driver was in a muddle-headed spirit and did not have the slightest consciousness. What's wrong?

At the same time, Feng Yuanlin was also quite curious that he would be like this middle-aged driver after he died?

This curious thought also flashed through Feng Yuanlin's mind. He immediately turned all his attention to what Shuyan had discovered just now. Seeing Shuyan's delay in speaking, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help saying: "Shuyan , What did you find? How did this driver die? Does it have anything to do with a woman surnamed Yuan?"

After speaking, Feng Yuanlin suddenly remembered something, and said to her: "By the way, Shuyan, one more thing, this afternoon, the woman surnamed Yuan has been discharged from the hospital. After all, she was just a victim. The driver's death followed her. It doesn't matter, she wants to be discharged, we can only let her leave first."

The second half of the sentence of Brother Feng finally attracted Chi Shuyan’s attention. She looked at Brother Feng and her brows tightened. She thought about it for a while before she said: "Brother Feng, I just looked at the other party in a car accident. He didn’t find anything in his memory. The reason for the other party’s car accident was that the other party accidentally slammed the accelerator into the tree by mistake."

Feng Yuanlin:...

If someone else directly believed Shuyan's words, Feng Yuanlin always felt that the driver was a little bit silly in the accident, but even Shuyan couldn't see it. Could it be that the accident was really an accident?

That woman Yuan Yuan is innocent from beginning to end?

Feng Yuanlin didn't know where to fill his brain, so Shuyan suddenly asked, "Feng brother, what do you think of this woman, Yuan Yuan?"

Feng Yuanlin didn't expect Shuyan to suddenly jump from the car accident problem to Yuan Yuan's character problem. The jump was a bit big. Feng Yuanlin's head was a little stuck. It took a while before turning his head around, but he knew it well. Shuyan never asked the question of nonsense. When asked this question suddenly, nine out of ten there should be any doubt or discovery.

As for him, he met Yuan Yuan only a few times. The other party couldn’t talk about leaving him too deep, but it is estimated that Yang Ji’s group said that Yuan Yuan’s singular and magical abilities were subconsciously. Attention falls on the other person, and there are many suspicions about the other person in my heart.

It's just that he doubted it again, but he didn't seem to have much doubt about it, and he didn't even have a motive for killing.

But Feng Yuanlin's level and intuition in handling cases and seeing people for so many years, he always felt that Yuan Yuan's behavior was not superficially consistent, and even felt a little dangerous intuition.

This intuition is inexplicable and unbelievable, but he does not rely on intuition and only believes in evidence, and his reason returns. He does not doubt people a lot. Feng Yuanlin pondered for a moment before he said: "There are only a few sides, no impression. But what she suddenly has the ability to predict and look at her face, I always feel that it is too weird and a bit unrealistic!"

After listening to Feng's words, Chi Shuyan no longer concealed the fact that he went to Yan Liling's crew to meet her assistant Hu Yun today. By the way, he explained all the previous conversations between the two of them. Among them, it was revealed that before Yan Liling was involved. She wanted to ask her for help, but was stopped by a woman like Yuan Yuan in the middle, and instead invited other masters, and after a while, Yan Liling had an accident.

Therefore, Yan Liling's death cannot be separated from Yuan Yuan to a certain extent.

When Yan Liling had an accident, Feng Yuanlin had always dealt with the matter himself. At that time, he also rushed to the scene personally. It didn’t take long for people related to Yan Liling to rush to the scene, but it was necessary to say who Feng Yuanlin was to Yang Ji and the others. The most impressive, one should be Xia Mingcheng, who looks very good or Yan Liling's boyfriend, and the other is the miserable woman Yuan Yuan who cried from beginning to end.

At that time, he remembered that he asked a group of people about the relationship between Yan Liling and Yuan Yuan. They all returned to be best friends, or very unusual friends. By the way, the woman was still crying at the scene.

Feng Yuanlin did not doubt the relationship between the two at the time, so when he heard the hint in Shuyan's words, Feng Yuanlin was shocked: "Wait, Shuyan, you mean Yan Liling's death is related to a woman surnamed Yuan Or to a certain extent, her death was fueled by a woman surnamed Yuan? But what was the motive?"

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