Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1603: Three hundred ninety eight

Feng Yuanlin thought about all the motives at this moment, but he didn't expect to be emotionally entangled, so when Shuyan said that a woman surnamed Yuan was very likely to fall in love with Yan Liling's boyfriend, Feng Yuanlin's mouth was open and he couldn't believe it. This kind of shameless operation can't think of hurting someone if you like someone.

But up to now, it is not only Yan Liling who died, but a few. Feng Yuanlin still doesn't believe in this aspect of killing.

Moreover, the deaths of several of the deceased were very tragic and weird, how could it not be done by people?

But looking at Shuyan's confirmed expression, Feng Yuanlin had a toothache.

In fact, Feng Yuanlin asked himself to deal with all kinds of love killings because of love and hatred in the past, but the reason why he was so shocked, Feng Yuanlin felt that he should be blamed on two points. The woman surnamed Yuan was hiding too well. He was stunned that he didn't see any signs of this. On the other hand, he could only say that when Yan Liling died at the beginning, the woman surnamed Yuan cried too violently. He really thought the two girls were so close to each other.

Feng Yuanlin was shocked, so he heard Shuyan say again: "I have basically determined that Yan Liling's death is related to Yuan Yuan's woman, and the other party intends to cause Yan Liling to have an accident."

Speaking of this, Chi Shuyan used her to look at Xia Mingcheng for a few more times. From the perspective of normal girlfriends, the other party shouldn't have that kind of exclusive and possessive look when looking at her friend's boyfriend.

Of course, Chi Shuyan also used what she had told Yan Liling's previous assistant to see Yuan Yuan to make an excuse to leave early, but suddenly stood at the door of the hotel and stared at Yan Liling and her boyfriend.

When Chi Shuyan was talking, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but fill the picture, and remembered that the woman surnamed Yuan had always been known as a good girlfriend, she couldn't help but shudder. The woman was too terrifying, and this thought was too fucking. Deep.

I have to say that after listening to Shuyan's words, Feng Yuanlin felt more and more overwhelmed with women. The former was for the ex-girlfriend Qin Qing, and the latter was for the woman named Yuan. There are many twists and turns, but they are all small troubles, and I never thought that such a complicated and so infiltrating can affect human lives.

I also feel that Shuyan washes his eyes in front of him, otherwise he thinks that after this case, he will have to change his sexuality in the future. How can he dare to find a girlfriend in the future?

Taking Feng's cold expression into his eyes, Chi Shuyan once again said: "Feng, the reason I say so much is to say that this woman Yuan Yuan is definitely not a good crop, and it is very strange."

"I even suspect that everything was designed by this woman, including Yang Ji and Yan Liling when they all went on a trip together. One more thing, this woman's weird abilities I also very much doubt what she used, of course, since She can use something, and there should be a price. I don’t know what the price is?"

"Also, my memory of the taxi driver just now is too normal. I suspect that something has changed his memory!"

In her memory of flipping the taxi just now, the taxi driver is indeed very normal. On the surface, the other person accidentally stepped on the accelerator when the brakes hit the tree and crashed into a car accident, but she carefully looked at the other driver’s expression and the other person hadn’t stepped on it yet. The expression on the accelerator was horrified, which means that the other party should have seen something horrible beyond his expectation and was stimulated. This was the mistake of stepping on the accelerator as the brake and hitting a tree and causing a car accident.

And now she is quite curious about what Yuan Yuan's woman used to help, that thing can directly change the other driver's memory?

It seems there is indeed a way to go.

Chi Shuyan’s few words are particularly plain, but Feng Yuanlin’s ears are full of earthquakes like a magnitude nine earthquake, especially Shuyan’s last guess, saying that it has changed the driver’s memory, and Feng Yuanlin’s heart is almost after hearing it. He shuddered, feeling cold all over, staying in the car, but he didn't feel safe at all, and his limbs were cold.

If what Shuyan guessed was true, what did the woman surnamed Yuan borrow?

Feng Yuanlin thought about it for a moment, and then thought of the tragic death of Yan Liling, his scalp numb.

Fortunately, when his scalp was numb and his heart felt cold, seeing Shuyan's left ring finger with a ring attracted all his attention.

Feng Yuanlin gritted his teeth weakly and asked: "Shuyan, where did your ring... come from?"

Chi Shuyan did not reply to the question of brother sealing, but suddenly thought of a conjecture. Feng Yuanlin only listened to Shuyan clearly and continued: "Brother Feng, you never found the motive of Yuan Yuan's murderous woman, but If Yang Ji and the rest of the people are killed, is it the price she paid?"

Seeing that Brother Feng did not understand what she meant, Chi Shuyan carefully explained: "Brother Feng, I once read a ghost sculpture story. This story says that a girl in an art school has always liked it. A boy, it’s a pity that this boy has always been meaningless to this girl. On the contrary, this boy is interested in another girl. This unwilling girl is very unwilling and jealous but there is no way. Until one night, she suddenly fell into a dream. Someone told her that there was a stone sculpture in a sealed studio that could fulfill all her wishes for her. Any wish she wanted to fulfill would be fulfilled, of course, provided that she was fed with blood."

"At first, this girl didn't take her dream seriously, she just thought she had a pure dream. Until a few days later, she suddenly heard someone talk about that studio, which was closed for more than ten years. It used to be said that many things happened, as long as the people who entered the studio and the people involved in the studio died. The girl was also very scared at first, but after a short time, she still couldn't resist selfishness and temptation. One night she slept and ran away secretly. I went to a dilapidated studio that had been sealed for more than ten years, and then I saw the weird human sculpture. At that time, the woman didn't know what she got because of her own selfishness. She used a knife to cut blood in her hands in a dreamlike way. Dropped some on the sculpture. Then she soon made a wish, that the boy would break up with the girl. Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the boy to break up with the girl inexplicably as soon as she wished. The girl learned I am very happy for my wish to come true."

"The next night, she sneaked to the studio again, cut a little blood, and made another wish, saying that she hoped that the boy would like her. It didn’t take long for her to wish again, and sure enough, the boy quickly fell in love with her somehow. She was very happy to be together, but after not waiting for a month, the boy suddenly didn't like that she wanted to break up with her."

"The girl naturally couldn't stand this shock. After the boy broke up with her, she ran to the studio again to make a wish. Not long after, the boy fell in love with her somehow. Just like that, as long as the girl makes a wish, the boy No matter how many times she broke up, she would like her again. The girl also found that although she made a wish to make boys like her, the time limit did not last long. This made the girl very dissatisfied. When she made a wish again, she returned to the sculpture. Nang, that night, a'person' dreamed again, telling it to help it realize this wish, but it has one condition, the first condition is that it wants her head to be the head, and the second is that it must be made three hundred exactly the same. For the sculpture, it must use human heads, and it must have 300 heads. It happened that there were 300 people in that department, including the teacher, and the girl chose the latter for her own desires and sacrificed everyone! But she forgot Out of these three hundred people, she included herself, and in the end everyone died!"

Feng Yuanlin:...

"Shuyan, no, Zhenbai knows that you...can..." Tell ghost stories? Feng Yuanlin's scalp was numb and rubbed his hands. Before he could finish speaking, a crisp bell suddenly rang, and he directly smashed the cigarette case that he had just pulled out of his pocket on the car, his hands still twitched. shake.

Chi Shuyan looked over and reminded: "Brother Feng, call you!"

Feng Yuanlin:...

Feng Yuanlin suppressed the embarrassment in her heart and quickly took out her mobile phone, but before answering the phone, Feng Yuanlin recalled the ghost story that Shu Yan just told, etc. The words in Shu Yan's words implied that the woman surnamed Yuan had achieved something because of her selfishness. Want to sacrifice the lives of others?

This thought flashed, and Feng Yuanlin's eyes suddenly widened. With a slight movement of his finger, he first slid the answer button. On the phone, only Tang Yunming's anxious voice came quickly: "The game is closed, something has happened, the kid Yang Ji suddenly disappeared. No one can be found!"

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