Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1604: Three hundred ninety nine

Feng Yuanlin heard Tang Yunming say that Yang Ji was missing, his face changed drastically, no longer thinking about the ghost story that Shuyan told just now, and immediately told Shuyan about Yang Ji's disappearance.

Seeing that Shu Yan's expression did not change, and his expression was not much flustered, Feng Yuanlin's expression only eased a bit, and then quickly found out with Tang Yunming what was going on with Yang Ji's disappearance?

Tang Yunming did not dare to conceal it, and immediately explained the matter clearly, saying that Yang Ji had just received a call. According to other people, the call was from Yuan Yuan's woman. She asked Yang Ji to meet at the beginning, and Yang Ji left at the time. Before the police station, Xiao Shan and several other subordinates cross-examined each other, but the other party did not tell the truth, but left privately and refused their protection.

Furthermore, Yang Ji and the others said they were detained at the police station. In fact, they took the initiative to stay in the detention room and did not commit any crime. Therefore, even if they suddenly wanted to leave, it was up to them to decide on their own. They could not force them to stay. .

So when Yang Ji proposed to leave the police station, no one else stopped him. When the other party disagreed, he could not be sent to follow and protect him.

Before this person went out, he said that he would be back at night, but now that no one else is seen, Yang Ji’s other friends also called him because he was worried, but his phone showed that the phone was turned off and no one was connected. The more they thought about it now. The more wrong, for fear of Yang Ji's accident.

Feng Yuanlin knew in his heart that Yang Ji's sudden disappearance was no wonder all his subordinates, but couldn't hold back his anger, and immediately asked, "When did people leave?"

Tang Yunming said all afternoon, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but want to swear, Yang Ji left in the afternoon, did they call him now?

But now is not the time to swear, to figure out the matter, Feng Yuanlin immediately hung up, drove back to the police station in a hurry, and explained the matter to Shu Yan in a few words: "Shu Yan, the kid surnamed Yang hasn’t had an accident, right? ?"

When Feng Yuanlin asked, his head was sweaty, and his heart was very nervous, for fear that Yang Ji's kid really had an accident, and it was related to a supernatural event. Feng Yuanlin was helpless, so he could only look at the professional and beautiful face.

Chi Shuyan quickly replied: "No, I gave that kid a tracking charm before, and I didn't feel that the other party had an accident." Seeing that Brother Feng was about to drive back to the police station, Chi Shuyan immediately said: "Brother Feng, Turn right, I know where he is now!"

When Feng Yuanlin heard Shu Yan's words, he looked surprised, and immediately changed his mind to return to the police station, and instead drove according to Shu Yan's instructions.

At the entrance of the South Road Café, Yuan Yuan, Chai Qing and Huang Chong who parted ways with Yang Ji early in the morning were still standing at the door. Before Yuan Yuan could speak, Chai Qing and Huang Chong rushed to please Yuan Yuan and accused Yang Ji: "Sister Yuan, Yang Ji What do you mean by this kid? You kindly told him that he was about to have an accident and wanted to help him figure out how to avoid the disaster, but the kid surnamed Yang didn't appreciate it! You also believed the female liar before, and he deserves it! "

It was Chai Qing who said this and some gloat.

Chai Qing is now sure that she has the best relationship with Yuan Yuan, she will definitely help her avoid the disaster, not to mention that it is not her turn to have an accident. Chai Qing asks herself that she is living with Sister Yuan now, she is going to have an accident, Yuan Sister will never stand by and watch, so now she is not as worried that something will happen to her as before, instead she will seize the opportunity to please Yuan Yuan whenever she has a chance.

It's not just that I saw Yang Ji not accepting Yuan Sister's affection just now. Chai Qing complained that she was very angry. People who didn't know thought that Yuan Yuan was offended but her.

In addition, the last time in front of Brother Xia, the woman surnamed Chi belittled her, Chai Qing always remembered this grudge, but she couldn’t find a chance to avenge her, so she could only anger Yang Ji. Who made Yang Ji believe that surname The late woman didn't believe Sister Yuan. Sooner or later, the boy Yang Ji regretted it. It is estimated that after tonight, the boy will die.

Sister Yuan could predict just now, foreseeing that this kid will have an accident soon, and the death will be particularly miserable. For this, Chai Qing not only has no sympathy for Yang Ji, but is very grateful and grateful that she is not the next turn to die. .

As for Yang Ji, she didn’t have a good relationship with him before. In the past, the other party maintained a lot of Yan Liling’s woman. She also secretly satirized her about Xia Ge, so even if Yang Ji was really dead, Chai Qing felt a little bit of sympathy. .

Contrary to Chai Qing’s selfishness, although Huang Chong is also anxious to please Yuan Yuan, he has a good relationship with Yang Ji. He used to be brothers. Now when he left, Yuan Yuan ignored nothing. Planning to intervene to help Yang Ji, Huang Chong felt a little flustered, and immediately said something nice for Yang Ji: "Sister Yuan, what Yang Ji said are all our friends. He is about to have an accident right now. You must help him. You used to have the best relationship with Sister Liling. If Sister Liling was still alive, she would definitely not want to watch Yang Ji have an accident."

Huang Chong only tried to say good things for Yang Ji, but didn't see Yuan Yuan mentioning the name Yan Liling in him, his face stiffened, and his face became rather ugly.

Huang Chong continued to beg: "Sister Yuan, please help Yang Ji, he can't do anything!"

Huang Chong saw that Yuan Yuan had not spoken, and wanted to beg again. Next to him, Chai Qing interjected again: "Huang Chong, for Yang Ji's sake, are you so embarrassed by Sister Yuan, okay? Besides, Sister Yuan just asked for Yang's surname. What he planned to tell him was that he didn't appreciate it himself. How do you still want Sister Yuan to help him?"

Huang Chong was speechless when he was choked by Chai Qing, also because Chai Qing was a little bit cold in her selfish heart. He simply ignored the woman Chai Qing, and continued to look at Yuan Yuan with a begging expression, hoping that she would feel a little bit soft on the face of Sister Liling.

Although Yuan Yuan enjoys Huang Chong’s begging very much, she feels very dissatisfied with Yang Ji’s attitude just now. What's more, she has the same ideas as Chai Qing. In the past, Yang Ji only protected Yan Liling’s woman. Others dug up her wall and still 'bullied others'. Yang Ji had been so kind to Yan Liling that woman before, she felt more in his heart.

Now she just wants to enjoy Yang Ji's low-pitched begging for her. As for help, she didn't think much about it, Yang Ji was doomed to die.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Mingcheng, as for the others, it has nothing to do with her if they all die.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yuan’s lips pulled out a strange smile, but her face was rather regretful, shaking her head and rushing to Huang Chong, “Huang Chong, you just saw Yang Ji’s attitude towards me. I really want to help him tonight. But just tell Chai Qing, he doesn't appreciate it himself, and I can't help it, well, let's go back first!"

Huang Chong couldn't believe it when he heard Yuan Yuan's refusal. In his heart, as long as he remembered that Yang Ji would die, he would inevitably feel a little bit sad, but it was not his turn yet.

As for Yuan Yuan's attitude, Huang Chong is still a little uncertain whether she will help him in the future?

Huang Chong felt that he was thinking too much. Before Yuan Yuan was about to leave, he couldn't help but ask with trembling lips: "Sister Yuan, Yang Ji really...will die tonight?"

Yuan Yuan's expression was pale and impatient, as if she hadn't put Yang Ji's life in her eyes and said, "Even if he is going to die, he will ask for hardship by himself, believing that others don't believe me."

Having said this, Yuan Yuan's face showed impatience again. Obviously, she did not intend to talk to Huang Chong about Yang Ji's life and death. Chai Qing took advantage of this and immediately said various things to please Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan's expression eased, and the three of them got in the car and left together.

But Yang Ji, who returned home in a muddle-headed manner, still looked pale and pale as if he had received an extraordinary shock. He was lying on the bed in the bedroom with the lights on inside and outside the house, and he did not rush to take a bath.

In fact, when he first came back, Yang Ji regretted it. What he regretted was that his home was not a police station. The house was extremely empty. The sky was dark outside and there were only a few lights faintly. Yang Ji had no sense of security in his heart.

Yang Ji sweated unconsciously on his forehead. He took out his cell phone to make a call to other people, but he touched his pocket or trouser pocket and found that the cell phone was not there. I wonder if it was missing?

At this moment, faintly heard the door slamming and being closed, Yang Ji panicked, and waited a moment. He clearly remembered that he had just returned home and closed the door.

The more and more Yang Ji thought about it, the more afraid he became. When he remembered Yuan Yuan’s prediction, Yang Ji's heart seemed to be tight for a moment. He suppressed the tension in his heart, shaking his hands and touching a few talismans from the little master in his pocket. Yang Ji felt a little relieved, he didn't want to die, he had to call the master immediately!

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