Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1625: Four hundred and twenty

Huang Chong came to the police station by car and came to the police station. He was relieved and happy to see that Yang Ji and the others were all right, especially when he saw Yang Ji. After all, Yuan Yuan had stated that Yang Ji would die a few days ago. He was really worried about the sudden call. Rang, and then heard the sad news of Yang Ji's accident.

Fortunately, Yang Ji was okay right now. Huang Chong was both happy and nervous. For fear of when Yang Ji would suffer, his eyes stayed on him for a while.

Feng Yuanlin vacated a reception room for a few people, leaving enough space for them to talk to themselves, anyway, it's useless to keep the reception room on weekdays, and it's nothing to talk to a few boys.

Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan, etc. have not only become acquainted with the closed station, but also with other police officers in the past few days. None of them had the same reaction that they had heard the police immediately change. On the contrary, I feel that the people in either the closed or the police station are very friendly.

It can be regarded as truly serving the names of people, and I am not impatient with them.

When there was a private room to talk, Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan and the others were also more relaxed, but seeing Huang Chongran seeing them, they thought something had happened to him and immediately asked them.

There were no other strangers in the reception room who were acquaintances, and Huang Chong felt a lot more relaxed, and immediately said that he was all right but just came to see them.

Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, and Li Xiaoyan were relieved, but they knew the true face of Yuan Yuan’s woman a few days ago, but Wang Jinyang wanted to let Huang Chong come over and join them, but thought of this. In the days when Huang Chong was very close to Yuan Yuan's woman, instead of getting away from them, the eyes of several people were extremely complicated, and they were afraid that they would leak too much information to start Yuan Yuan.

Moreover, after all, everyone has their own choices. They are not surprised that Huang Chong chooses to trust Yuan Yuan.

It’s just that the thought of Liling’s death has a lot to do with Yuan Yuan. It can even be said that Yuan Yuan was the person who indirectly killed Liling, including the deaths of Lin Dong and Gu Guobin. It doesn't matter.

Just for Yuan Yuan's cruel heart, Huang Chong wanted to please Yuan Yuan, and none of them believed very much, unless Huang Chong had any value to make Yuan Yuan treat each other with admiration.

But if there is no value, with Yuan Yuan's viciousness, I am afraid that Huang Chong can only become a waste, or even worse.

Huang Chong is also quite sensitive. He vaguely noticed that Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Yang Ji, and Li Xiaoyan were looking at his complicated eyes. He was a little confused and couldn't help but said: "What's wrong? Why do I think you look at me this time? But everyone is fine! If you have something to tell me, don’t hide it, just say it."

When other people heard Huang Chong's words, their hearts became more and more complicated. There was a time when there was no accident, and the relationship between everyone was very good. If there is anything to help, just make a phone call, never cover up, and be extraordinarily open.

Yang Ji couldn't help but tentatively asked: "Huang Chong, how are you... staying with Yuan Yuan?"

Huang Chong suddenly thought of Yuan Yuan, who was angry with him and Chai Qing last night, and her face was a little stiff. Before, he was willing to follow Yuan Yuan. On the one hand, the main reason was indeed to save his life, but on the other hand, he felt that he was a friend. More reliable.

In the past, Yuan Yuan's relationship with him and Chai Qing were more like friends, but now they are more like slaves and masters. Yuan Yuan gradually speaks with them in a somewhat commanding tone, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Chai Qing has no bottom line, but he has self-esteem and feels very uncomfortable.

But it's not easy for a man to be a woman with a long tongue and say bad things about women. Huang Chong hesitated for a while and shook his head: "I'm fine, it's fine!"

Wang Jinyang and Yi Junzhong really believed, and immediately said, "That's good!"

Only Yang Ji and Li Xiaoyan saw Huang Chong's hesitation sensitively, their hearts sank, but they did not speak.

A few people didn’t stay in the reception room for long. Huang Chong also hurried to the police station and prepared to leave after a few words of greeting. Before Huang Chong left, Yang Ji couldn’t help but said: "Huang Chong, there was Yuan Yuan is here. Liling and Lin Dong are not in trouble. You may not be okay with Yuan Yuan. On the contrary, it is no better than our police station. Everywhere there is someone special protection, or you stay with us?"

Before Huang Chong refused, Yang Ji continued: "And to be honest, Master Chi is really capable, no better than Yuan Yuan." Actually, Yang Ji wants to say that a woman surnamed Yuan is unworthy even to give Master Chi shoes. However, Huang Chong is close to Yuan Yuan, and it is not good for him to deliberately harm Yuan Yuan this woman in front of Huang Chong. After a while, he continued: "You must not look down on Master Chi being too young. If you don't believe it, you can Ask other people!"

Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, and Li Xiaoyan immediately nodded in a hurry, aiming at Master Chi's previous calculation of Mingcheng's marriage reminder so accurate. Several people now believe in Master Chi's ability, and hope Huang Chong will also believe it.

After listening to Yang Ji’s words, Huang Chong was not uneasy. He also hesitated. After all, his relationship with Chai Qing is getting worse and worse. He is also very uncomfortable with Chai Qing. Huang Chong just wanted to answer, the phone rang in his pocket first. He immediately picked up the phone. There was a familiar voice on the other side of Yuan Yuan, asking him when he would be back. She wanted to call him for something, and apologized for losing her temper last night. The other party's tone sounded quite sincere.

Huang Chong's ears became softer subconsciously, and the hesitation in his eyes disappeared. He immediately replied: "I have time now, Sister Yuan, I am going back now!"

After a few more words, he hung up the phone. When he hung up, Huang Chong looked at Yang Ji with embarrassment, and tactfully rejected his kindness.

Yang Ji didn't say anything, but Yi Junzhong couldn't help but frowned and asked suddenly: "Huang Chong, do you have a good impression of the surname Yuan?"

Huang Chong was too guilty of conscience but directly ignored Yi Junzhong’s address to Yuan Yuan’s alienation, and immediately denied: "No, really no, okay, in fact, I came here today to see if there is anything wrong with Yang Ji, nothing is done, nothing is done. , I’m in a hurry, I’m going back first."

Huang Chong seemed to be afraid of other people asking more questions. He stood up and had to go out immediately after speaking. I don’t know if his steps were too hurried. The chair tripped on his right foot and hit the ground with a loud bang. Huang Chong was a little unlucky. When the chair hit the ground, the back of the chair slammed into his right arm, and Huang Chong snorted in pain. He secretly said that he was too unlucky today. Since he just went out, he was almost hit by a car twice. Or he avoided the eye disease.

At this moment, he could still be injured by the back of the chair, and he was convinced, but for some reason, his right eyelid began to jump quickly since he left the house.

Huang Chong felt that he was thinking too much. Wang Jinyang and Yang Ji were also shocked by the loud noise of the chairs. Yi Jun flipped through Huang Chong's arm. Fortunately, there was nothing serious.

Huang Chong couldn't help but ridiculed: "Sometimes this person is unlucky when drinking cold water and can stuff his teeth. This is not so bad for me today." Seeing Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, and Li Xiaoyan still staring at his hands seriously, he hurried Said: "It's okay, it's okay!"

However, the second half of his sentence was covered by the movement and sound of construction coming from outside. Huang Chong looked at the outside along the sound with a face of doubt. Yi Junzhong immediately explained his curiosity as if he had seen him. The underground waterway is under construction, and the underground waterway is being built. You have to go back. Either take a taxi or make a detour. Be careful!"

Wang Jinyang added loudly, "Junzhong, the road that repairs the underground waterway is surrounded. Even if you walk over, nothing can happen, but the road is a bit narrow. Besides, Huang Chong just came here by himself, he must know the road. Can't go!"

In fact, Huang Chong really didn’t know just now. He was taking a taxi and didn’t need to take that road. Huang Chong didn’t think much about it. Anyway, when he went back for a while, he would take a taxi and go back as usual. The underground waterway on the corner over there cannot be built. Driving, it has little to do with him.

"I see!" Huang Chong remembered Yuan Yuan's urgent matter calling him, and when his arm didn't hurt much, he asked Yang Ji to make excuses to leave first.

Li Xiaoyan raised the chair next to her and greeted Huang Chong who was about to leave.

Wang Jinyang thought for a few moments, and finally decided to send Huang out the door.

When sending Huang Chong out the door, I didn’t know if Huang Chong was really unlucky today. He suddenly tripped at the gate outside the police station and fell to the ground. He rubbed his palms with both palms, and he was bleeding. Huang Chong grinned, Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, and Li Xiaoyan were all speechless, and quickly helped them up.

"It's okay, I'm okay, it's okay!" Huang Chong gritted his teeth and patted. Wang Jinyang saw his palm bleeding next to him. He couldn't help laughing and teasing: "Huang Chong, your wound does not imply that you have a **** disaster today?"

"Get out!" Huang Chong replied with a smile:

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