Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1626: Four hundred twenty one

Huang rushed out of the police station, his arms and palms were still a little sore, he was ready to take a taxi back quickly, but he didn't know that he had waited for a while but a taxi was not stopped, so he had to walk and watch when there was a taxi on the highway. He can also take a taxi back.

It's a pity that he didn't see a taxi all the way.

Huang Chong was very speechless, and felt that he was a little bit unlucky today. Otherwise, there were many taxis in a few steps, and it took only ten seconds to stop the taxi.

He had to walk along the front, and the further he went, the louder the construction noise. Although the sound at the police station just now was louder than it was at this moment, Huang Chong simply kept covering his ears with his hand, and took out his mobile phone with his other hand. Call Yuan Yuan back, he might take some time to rush back.

Yuan Yuan hadn't returned to him for a long time. Huang Chong wanted to put her mobile phone in her pocket and was not at ease. He would simply check for a while to see if there are empty rental cars on the road next to him, while checking the phone screen from time to time to see if there is information back.

Huang Chong unknowingly when he was near the corner of the construction site, he didn't intend to go in at first, he looked hesitantly at the small road next to the construction, and then looked at the straight road.

After much consideration, he decided to take the path.

There was a construction site next to the path, and the construction site was surrounded by wooden fences. He could only vaguely see the bulldozers hoisted from time to time by the bulldozers.

Huang Chong looked away for a while, and immediately prepared to take this path. I didn’t see any taxis all the way just now. I might as well pass this path. I can take a shortcut from this path to another street, which is close to the city center. , I can definitely hit the car right away.

Huang Chong immediately followed the path. The construction area occupies a large area and it is quite convenient to leave a small trail to walk. Besides, safety measures have been taken on the periphery of the construction, and it is unlikely that accidents will occur.

Huang Chong walked a few steps and vaguely heard someone screaming at the construction site. Huang Chong was originally curious and looked towards the construction site.

The ringtone of the phone in his hand suddenly rang again. He didn't want to look elsewhere anymore. He immediately opened the screen nervously. His attention was all on the phone screen. It was a pity that the mobile official notification was sent to him, not the person he thought. Huang Chong had to put his mobile phone in his pocket and looked up at the road while walking.

"Is there anyone out there, be careful! Don't take this road!" A scream of excitement and horror sounded at an instant. The voice was a little broken because of the excitement, and the heartstrings of the listener were tense.

Huang Chong heard that the sound came from the construction site. He didn't know what was going on inside. He turned his head to look at it with some curiosity. When he turned his head, he heard a loud noise. Huang Chong opened his eyes and saw him beside him. The construction wall surrounding the construction site was knocked down, and the bulldozer suddenly rushed out of the construction wall.

Not only that, a bulldozer shovel fell from the sky. Seeing that the shovel hit the position where he was standing, Huang Chong's eyes were a little blood-red, and his eyes were cracked and horrified, unable to move.

He trembled in horror and wanted to shout for help, but his throat seemed to be blocked by some kind of plug. He couldn't hold a word, his face was flushed, tears and snot flowed down at some point, and the cold was all over his legs. I knelt on the ground softly.

In an instant, the bulldozing shovel fell from a height and hit Huang Chong's lumbar spine heavily. Huang Chong screamed, covered with golden light, and the bright red blood and the water from the spring were sprayed on the ground.

Next, the bulldozer seemed to be completely out of control. Before the people screamed and screamed, the bulldozer suddenly shoveled in the direction of Huang Chong’s face. The sharp part of the bulldozer immediately fell into the flesh of Huang Chong’s chin. For a second, it seemed that he was about to level his face, but it was a pity that the bulldozing shovel stopped at Huang Chong's chin at this time, as if he felt something obstructed and could not move.

The bulldozer shovel had to be pulled out with difficulty, and shoveled up and down Huang Chong's body, as if he was about to shovel the person into more than a dozen pieces. Huang Chong fell in a pool of blood and twitched all over with pain, his eyes turned white, and the construction site chased him in the distance. The personnel who came over were stunned by Huang Chong's horror, and trembling all over.

Fortunately, someone suddenly controlled the bulldozer in time, and someone called the emergency number immediately. The emergency personnel came very quickly and immediately sent the blood-covered Huang Chong to the hospital.

Not long after Huang Chong’s accident, the four of Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Li Xiaoyan, and Yi Jun received the news first. Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that the four of them received the news first.

Huang Chong was seriously injured and had to undergo an operation immediately, but Huang Chong was the only one in the hospital. He was injured very seriously. The doctor could only immediately notify Huang Chong’s family members to sign the operation consent form. The doctor did not know Huang Chong’s family members. Simply dial Huang Chong's first phone call recently. Wang Jinyang was not contacted, and Wang Jinyang learned that Huang Chong had a major incident.

After Wang Jinyang was notified that Huang Chong was involved, the other people could not hide it, so the four of them were the first to know that Huang Chong was sent to the hospital.

When Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan, and Yang Ji learned of Huang Chong’s accident, they naturally rushed over immediately. Of course, Feng Yuanlin and Xiao Shan also accompanied them in time.

The few people who rushed to the hospital to learn that Huang Chong was seriously injured were undergoing surgery were shocked. They were unable to digest this fact all the way to the hospital.

And on the phone just now, Huang Chong’s attending physician probably described Huang Chong’s injury and how it caused the serious injury. He learned that he was seriously injured by a bulldozer while passing through the construction site, and was almost shoveled into two pieces by the bulldozer. After hearing the news, the chill from the soles of the feet made everyone panic.

Among them, Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan and Yang Ji were the most alarmed.

Wang Jinyang immediately signed the operation consent form for Huang Chong. Of course, it was not Wang Jinyang who wanted to sign it. You must know that the operation consent form cannot be signed randomly. Only close family members are eligible to sign it.

But this time Huang Chong was in some accident. His family hadn’t notified him and he was far away. If he waited, Huang Chong’s body would be cold. Wang Jin was impulsive and couldn’t control so much. He immediately signed the consent form for the operation. The doctor reluctantly admitted and went to save people immediately.

Outside the hospital corridor, Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan, Yang Ji and even Feng Yuanlin did not speak.

Not long after, Wu Haoming rushed over and brought with him one of the witnesses of the construction staff at the time. Wu Haoming gave a brief introduction.

Feng Yuanlin asked with a solemn face, "What the **** is going on?"

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