Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1648: Four hundred thirty four

Feng Yuanlin nodded. He just called, Ye Mingguang's face was paler than him, and his face looked ashamed.

Speaking of it, he was shocked when he learned that Chai Qing had died, and he hurried over. He also saw Chai Qing's body just now. The body was very tragic. In short, Chai Qing should have died in great pain.

When the deceased appeared again, Feng Yuanlin's emotions were very complicated and his heart sank. Just now a forensic doctor had examined the body and said it was an accident. Feng Yuanlin knows the inside story, and naturally knows that the death of the woman Chai Qing was not an accident but other inside information.

If it hadn’t been for Gu Beizheng and Ye Mingguang at this moment, he couldn’t wait to call Shuyan at this time, but these days, he didn’t disturb Shuyan, and Feng Yuanlin would still feel a little embarrassed if they knew each other again. When Feng Yuanlin was struggling left and right, his face was heavy, Gu Beizheng frowned and asked, "Stop the game, can I look at the corpse?"

Feng Yuanlin didn't even think about agreeing to it immediately. He was quite familiar with Gu Beizheng. Although the opponent was not as capable as Shu Yan, he did have the ability, so how could he disagree.

Feng Yuanlin immediately said: "I'll take you there." As soon as the words fell, he looked at Ye Mingguang, his eyes hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Forget it, wait here."

Wherever Ye Mingguang was willing, he immediately refused, and Feng Yuanlin twisted his brows and said: "The dead body is a bit miserable and bloody, I suggest you better not look at it!"

If this kid is timid, has nightmares or gets irritated at night, he can't do it.

Ye Mingguang insisted: "Close the game, I still want to go...Look!"

Seeing this kid insisted so much, Feng Yuanlin didn't stop him, nodded and said, "Sure! I will take you there!"

When Feng Yuanlin took the two people over, the deceased's body was covered with a white cloth, and the faces of several forensic doctors and policemen around were a little bad, and a newcomer couldn't help but vomit while holding on to the wall.

There was still a pool of blood on the ground, which was almost dry. The large patches of blood on the ground were quite shocking, and Ye Mingguang's face turned white for no reason.

Xiao Shan saw that he closed the game with sharp eyes, and immediately shouted: "Stop the game!" without stopping.

"The dead body is here?" Feng Yuanlin nodded without looking at Xiao Shan, but at Gu Beizheng and Ye Mingguang.

Gu Beizheng's complexion nodded, then he squatted down and lifted the white cloth. As soon as he lifted the white cloth, Gu Beizheng's expression couldn't help but change slightly. Ye Mingguang saw that Chai Qing's corpse was totally different from two, and he was irritated and vomited desperately by holding on to the wall. , The bile almost came out.

Feng Yuanlin walked over and patted Ye Mingguang's shoulder, frowned and asked, "Are you okay? Don't look at it if you can't stand it!"

This woman's body was indeed very horrible and miserable. Not only was her head smashed into pieces, her internal organs burst out, her head and body were completely unrecognizable, and her limbs were still distorted. Feng Yuanlin looked at it for Chai Qing. The woman felt painful and miserable.

Fortunately, the various corpses he had seen in the past were no less than a few hundred, and his bearing capacity was much better than that of ordinary people. He didn't glance at the corpse of the dead, his brows only frowned, and other expressions were not much.

After persuading Ye Mingguang, he looked at Gu Beizheng again, wanting to hear his indirectness. At this time, Wu Haoming brought a woman down the stairs. This woman was not Yuan Yuan and who was it. At this time, Yuan Yuan had an innocent expression. When she accidentally scanned Chai Qing’s unrecognizable body, her face changed drastically, attracting everyone’s attention. Just as Feng Yuanlin wanted Wu Haoming to take people to the police station, she saw the woman Yuan Yuan screaming. He rolled his eyes and fainted directly, but Wu Haoming's eyes were quick to hold the person with his hand, so that no one directly hit the ground.

Wu Haoming didn't expect this to be the case, so he subconsciously looked at his closure and shouted: "Stop the game!"

Feng Yuanlin didn't care about whether this woman was acting or instinctive at this time, so he could only ask Wu Haoming to take someone to the hospital first.

"Yes, close the game!"

Wu Haoming nervously picked up the person and was about to leave the building, Feng Yuanlin remembered something, and suddenly called someone to remind him: "Always pay attention to this woman's situation, and report to me at any time!"

"Yes, close the game!"

When Wu Haoming and Yuan Yuan came out of the building, Gu Beizheng had seen almost the same, covering the corpse again with the white cloth. Ye Mingguang's complexion was also much better, a little paler, but a little heavier, and his complexion tightened. , Feng Yuanlin had to look at Gu Beizheng and asked: "How about? Gu Ju?"

Gu Beizheng frowned for a long time before he spoke in a low voice: "The deceased's accident was not an accident. She should have provoked something that shouldn't be provoked. The closure should be clearer than me. You'd better contact Master Chi, maybe she should know something. !"

Gu Beizheng originally intervened in this matter halfway through, although he saw that the things they provoke were unusual, but after all he just intervened when others asked him about his situation, he also asked three questions, and he couldn't see what they provoke from the dead.

Gu Beizheng has an instinct, maybe Master Chi knows the inside story very well.

Feng Yuanlin was not disappointed after listening to Gu Beizheng's words, but suddenly asked: "How does Gu Ju feel about that Miss Yuan just now?"

Fearing that Gu Beizheng didn't know who Yuan Yuan was, Feng Yuanlin specially reminded him that it was the woman who was taken out in a coma.

Gu Beizheng actually heard Ye Mingguang and his friends say that a woman surnamed Yuan was very unusual, and suspected that she was related to their accident. Gu Beizheng actually looked at each other secretly just now, but it's a pity that apart from seeing the other's jealous face, others Did not see it.

Generally, there are two situations. First, maybe this woman is really innocent, and it has nothing to do with this woman. Second, this woman hides too deeply and provokes things too unusual, so she can cover up for this woman. In the two cases, Gu Beizheng faintly felt that the woman was in the latter case, and he didn't know what the woman had provoked.

You must know that people are very taboo to provoke something on their own initiative. If they are not careful, they will hurt others and hurt themselves, and they will not end well in the end.

Gu Beizheng pondered for a while before repliing: "This Miss Yuan is indeed not simple, but how is it not simple? I suggest you ask Master Chi better, Master Chi should be more clear."

Feng Yuanlin could only nod helplessly: "Sure, I will contact Shuyan now!" After a while, he looked at Ye Mingguang, who was looking ugly, and said, "You can notify others first!"

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