Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1649: Four hundred thirty five

Not to mention that after Ye Mingguang notified Yang Ji and the crowd of Chai Qing's death, everyone was in a particularly complicated and heavy mood. However, Chi Shuyan, who received a call from Feng Yuanlin in the Qi family house, was silent for a while after hearing Chai Qing's death. , It's not unexpected.

Fortunately, the old house’s dinner has already been eaten at this moment. Chi Shuyan glanced at the study room upstairs and then at the time. It is estimated that her father still had a conversation with the old man and the man Qi Zhenbo.

I saw his father’s attitude towards the Qi family man before, Chi Shuyan was finally a little relieved of marrying the man Qi Zhenbai. It is unlikely that her dad would let her choose again. He just thought of her dad when he went back to the old house with his man. At the first glance, Chi Shuyan couldn't help panicking.

From the moment I ate to this moment, she had no chance to talk to her father alone, and her father had been talking to the old man.

Chi Shuyan thought about it for a while, Qi Yunshang thought that his cousin was thinking about his cousin, and couldn’t help saying: "Tang’s wife, my brother will definitely go downstairs in a while. You have to be bored, or I will accompany you nearby. Go!"

The cousin Qi Yunshang is very courageous. Chi Shuyan didn’t have much to do before. Suddenly when she heard her cousin’s heart-warming words, she grinned, took the phone away from her ear, and said warmly: “It’s okay, it’s the sister-in-law. I'm suddenly in a hurry, Yun Chang, I have to go out first, and later you can help me talk to your brother?"

When Qi Yunshang heard that his sister-in-law was about to go out, he immediately frowned in surprise and said: "What? It's so late, sister-in-law, are you going to go out? Where are you going? Grandpa just said that you and cousin will stay in the old house. Don't leave late, and Uncle Chi."

Chi Shuyan also knew that she really couldn't leave the Qi family at this time. Not to mention the man Qi Zhenbo, she said that her father rushed to Kyoto today, and they were still upstairs talking to the old man. The two father and daughter hadn't had time to talk. Just a few words, maybe her dad will talk to her tonight. She will leave her dad in the old house right now. Where can it be done?

But Brother Feng found her temporarily, and the woman Chai Qing suddenly died again. She had to go there anyway. After thinking about it, Chi Shuyan blinked at the little cousin and said, "Yun Chang, I'll go quickly. Come back quickly, and you will be back soon. When your grandfather or your cousin asks about it, you will say that I am really in a hurry to go out and come back immediately. Tonight, my brother and I will stay in the old house, and my dad, you Also help me ask if it will work for a while?"

In the end, Qi Yunshang nodded obediently, Chi Shuyan smiled immediately, said thank you, and immediately slipped out of the old house. Before leaving, Chi Shuyan explained to Qi Mu for a while before leaving.

People walked to the door and saw Qi Hao's kid playing on the lawn outside the old house. She thought about it, and simply grabbed a strong man and asked Qi Hao to help her drive.

"Okay, sister-in-law, wait for me." Qi Hao is naturally very happy to be arrested. He is boring these days. It is best for his sister-in-law to take her to the fun, so Qi Hao immediately went to the garage to drive.

When Qi Hao went to the garage to drive, Chi Shuyan continued to talk to Brother Feng. Brother Feng thought that Suyan had not spoken all of a sudden because the signal was bad, so he hung up and made another call.

Chi Shuyan immediately picked up and said: "Brother Feng, send me a location, I will go there right now."

If he got Shu Yan, Feng Yuanlin immediately sent a location.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the location, and sent a few messages to her man, asking him to entertain her dad first. She was in a hurry to go out beforehand. Qi Hao helped her drive the car so that he didn't have to worry too much. The night staying in the old house means that she will return immediately after finishing her work.

After Chi Shuyan sent a few WeChat messages, Qi Hao's car almost drove over. Before she got into the car, Qi's father suddenly saw her, and he walked over and asked nervously where to go.

Chi Shuyan is also aware of the contradiction between her own man and Qi's father. Although she certainly occupies her own man's side, but Qi's father is Qi Zhenbai's father, she has to be respected a bit, and she doesn't have the contradiction between the two fathers and sons. I'm so rashly involved. Besides, Qi's father has opinions on Qi Zhenbai, but she is really good to her daughter-in-law. No matter how she thinks and protects her own man, she still has to give Qi's father a bit of face and wait for Qi's father. When the words fell, Chi Shuyan immediately replied: "Dad, Brother Feng asked me for help in an urgent matter. I have to go out first and be back soon!"

Father Qi still knows one or two friends about his son Qi Zhenbai, especially both Zhu Bocheng and Feng Yuanlin. After listening to his daughter-in-law, he also sees the nephew Qi Hao accompanying his daughter-in-law, and father Qi also Don't worry, I didn't break the casserole and asked to the end, nodded, and only told Qi Hao's nephew in the car: "Drive carefully and take your sister-in-law home earlier!"

Father Qi told him, how could Qi Hao respond? He immediately nodded and said: "I see, uncle, when the sister-in-law's affairs are finished, I will immediately take the sister-in-law home!"

Father Qi nodded, and said to the daughter-in-law of Chi Shuyan: "I live in the old house tonight, stay a few more days!"

Chi Shuyan immediately responded: "Okay!"

Father Qi also opened the car door for Chi Shuyan. Chi Shuyan had to get in the car first. Qi Hao started the engine and drove away. Before leaving, Chi Shuyan rolled down the window and said to Father Qi: "Dad, you go back to the living room first. I will definitely stay at the old house with Zhenbai in the evening. I'll be back soon!"

After the car drove far, Chi Shuyan finally breathed a sigh of relief. In front of Qi's father, she was still a little restrained, and Qi Hao couldn't help but said as he drove: "Sister-in-law, my uncle must be worried that you will be with me. Brother left the old house, I think my uncle is also hard-hearted, and he keeps cursing and complaining about my cousin. In fact, he still cares about my cousin. No, I just saw his face called nervous!"

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