Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1650: Four hundred thirty six

Qi Hao could see clearly, but Chi Shuyan couldn't see clearly. She wanted to make peace for the two father and son, but the two father and son were too stiff, so she couldn't say much.

Moreover, at the beginning Qi's father only protected his own men from the four old Qi family, Chi Shuyan still couldn't help but angered Qi's father for his own man, but in his heart, he turned his anger, Chi Shuyan still knew that Qi's father did not apologize to her daughter-in-law. On the contrary, she was very good to her daughter-in-law, at least much better than Qi Zhenbai's son.

I don’t know if Qi’s father also felt guilty for his son, and then made up all the compensation on her. In short, Qi’s father is getting better and better towards her daughter-in-law now. For example, the voice that speaks to her is called Gentle , It is a degree lower than talking to the old man, oh, yes, she also gave her a black card for her to use it casually.

At this point, Chi Shuyan couldn't anger Qi's father anymore, only hoping that the relationship between the two fathers and sons would improve.

Yes, she was too lazy to think about the matter of the two fathers and sons, and let her man take care of it himself.

Qi Hao didn’t hear his sister-in-law’s reply, and couldn’t help nagging: “Sister-in-law, I now feel more and more that the relationship between my brother and my uncle is too stiff. When I see each other on weekdays, the two of them don’t see it, especially My brother, seeing the big uncle is the same as seeing the transparent person, sister-in-law, in fact, my big uncle doesn’t feel good in his heart. He doesn’t care about my brother. You have time to talk to my brother. My brother will definitely listen to you. of!"

Chi Shuyanxin said that she could try to intervene in other things. The contradiction between the two fathers and sons, she really can't intervene. Selfishly, she prefers her own man and loves her own man. Reasonably, both Qi father and Qi Zhenbai are right. , It was only the fourth Qi family’s fourth son who was wrong. She could say that the fourth Qi family’s sins were deserved, but his father obviously didn’t feel that the fourth Qi family’s sins were deserved. After all, the fourth Qi family’s fourth son was his father and brother. The son of Bai is unfair.

Therefore, it is a dead knot how to get around this matter. You can only rely on the two fathers and sons to slowly think about it. She will not intervene. She is afraid that Qi Hao will be lost. She nodded and said: "Well, I will try to be with your brother then. Talk about it!"

Qi Hao really looked happy and very happy. Fortunately, Qi Hao didn't keep talking about this question. He immediately changed the subject and asked about her going out. Chi Shuyan said about the sudden death of Chai Qing, which immediately caused it. Qi Hao's attention, Qi Hao was both excited and frightened. After all, he had also experienced mass graves before. If he hadn't ordered Da and his sister-in-law to save them in time, he, Cheng Fu, Xuewen and the others would have died long ago. over there.

But this kind of thing is scary, and Qi Hao still finds it very exciting. He couldn't help but ask: "Sister-in-law, how did the woman die? Did she bump into something that shouldn't be offended?"

She couldn't say a word about this. She didn't bother to say it again. She didn't want Qi Hao to get involved rashly. She made a few perfunctory noises absent-mindedly. After a while, the car stopped in a community.

Chi Shuyan opened the car door and called Feng Ge back. Qi Hao parked the car behind him and kept up: "Sister-in-law, I'll go too, I'll go see too!"

Chi Shuyan put Qi Hao's excited and curious expression into his eyes, and his expression was very helpless, so he had to let this kid follow.

Not long after Feng Yuanlin received Shuyan’s call, he rushed out to pick him up. Gu Beizheng also came out with Feng Yuanlin. Seeing that Chi Shuyan was very enthusiastic, Gu Beizheng reached out and said, "Miss Chi, we meet again. It's so destined!"

Feng Yuanlin said that fortunately, Zhenbai didn't follow him right now, otherwise he would be jealous again.

Qi Hao looked wary of watching Gu Beizheng, and Gu Beizheng was happily looking at him for fear of digging a wall.

After Chi Shuyan greeted Gu Beizheng, he didn't stop and asked Feng Ge what was going on. Feng Yuanlin gave a general idea of ​​Chai Qing's tragic death, and mentioned that her body was still inside, asking her if she wanted to take a look?

Chi Shuyan nodded, and several people went in together. Before entering, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but sighed: "Shuyan, this woman has died very miserably. You'd better prepare the body for a while."

Chi Shuyan nodded, and when he entered the building, Chi Shuyan swept the curious Qi Hao behind him and couldn't help but said, "Haozi, would you like to wait for me in the car?"

"Don't, sister-in-law, I want to see too!" Qi Hao said immediately.

"So curiosity? Are you afraid of nightmares at night?" Chi Shuyan reminded. Seeing that this kid Qi Hao ignored and wanted to see, she didn't persuade people much. This kid is all grown up anyway, just want to see. Look!

Qi Hao was also worried that his sister-in-law would not let him see. He was relieved to see that her sister-in-law didn't drive him out. When her sister-in-law squatted down and lifted the white cloth, Qi Hao leaned forward, waiting to see that the white cloth was beyond his expectation. Qi Hao's body trembled in shock, and he blurted out'My mother' of the terrible corpse, turned his head and stomped to the door, holding the doorknob to throw up.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Qi Hao, and his face pale when he saw that he was just scared, so he stopped paying attention to him when there was nothing else, but looked at the corpse under the white cloth.

Under the white cloth, it is estimated that after a long time, the body has grown some corpse spots. Chi Shuyan stared for a while, and also understood why Feng Ge just wanted her to prepare. The woman Chai Qing was indeed dead. In two sections, the internal organs burst and the head was smashed. One of the eyeballs rolled out. The specific face was peeled and it could not be seen. There was a big hole in the forehead.

Chi Shuyan swept a few glances before covering the body with a white cloth, feeling a few words in her heart, but she sighed with emotion. She didn't have much sympathy for the death of this woman, Chai Qing. She remembered what, and asked Brother Feng, "Yes. Now, where is Yuan Yuan's woman? Brother Feng!"

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