Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1672: Four hundred fifty eight

In the promenade, Yuan Yuan saw Xia Mingcheng holding her hand with a gentle and satisfying smile on her face. She couldn’t wait to let him hold her hand forever. This was the first time he took the initiative to get close to her. Yuan Yuan felt like Happiness and joy, but it was a pity that the other party let go after a while. Yuan Yuan was quite disappointed. Seeing his gloomy face and uncertain expression, thinking of seeing Xia mother crying just now, I am afraid that Mingcheng is because of his brother. sad.

Yuan Yuan didn’t feel much about the accident with Xia Mingcheng’s younger brother. Even if she did it, she didn’t want to do it. Unfortunately, the younger brother Mingcheng didn’t like her and tried to destroy her good deeds in Mingcheng, so she can’t be blamed for being cruel. Only let him die.

In fact, she also regretted a little bit after her brother Mingcheng’s accident. Of course, she didn’t feel guilty at all. I was afraid that the brother Mingcheng would never die and would not be able to disclose anything to the Xia family. Okay, really, Yuan Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely and coldly.

However, Mingcheng’s younger brother fell from the third floor and was in a coma for a while even if he was not dead. She had time to make any preparations. Yuan Yuan was quite satisfied with Xia Mingzhen’s accident, but she asked carefully with a look of worry and concern on her face: " Mingcheng, you... are you okay? I heard... Uncle said that something happened to Mingzhen and he fell from the third floor. Is he okay? Is there anything I can do for Mingzhen? Don't be polite with me, Tell me directly!"

Xia Mingcheng saw the woman in front of him in a gloomy mood. If Mingzhen hadn’t pointed out the woman, he would have never thought that the person in front of his brother would be the woman in front of him. He can only say that this woman’s acting skills are too good and too pretentious. I've never bored a woman so much, and I'm glad that the woman in front of me really didn't see Ming Zhen, otherwise things would be difficult to handle. I'm afraid that the woman in front of me will find a chance to attack his brother.

But this woman was unusual and evil. She wanted to do it. I'm afraid he really couldn't stop it. Xia Mingcheng's eyes flashed and he immediately made a decision. He pretended to have a very sad expression with a red eye socket. After a long silence, he said lightly: "It's okay!"

With the appearance of Xia Mingcheng, Yuan Yuan felt that Xia Mingzhen's accident might be very serious. Otherwise, how could Mingcheng be so sad?

A bit of joy flashed in Yuan Yuan's heart, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She continued to worry and asked: "Mingcheng, what happened to Mingzhen? Is he awake? Why did I hear my aunt crying so sad? Tell me about his condition. I have a friend who knows a very good doctor. I will help to contact you and recommend it to you?"

Had it not been for the real face of this woman from the beginning, Xia Mingcheng might really believe her. The more this woman pretended, the more dangerous she would be. Naturally, Xia Mingcheng didn’t want to tell this woman about the truth, and wanted to send someone immediately, but if he was Without saying anything, this woman will definitely continue to explore his brother's affairs.

As long as the woman asks Mingzhen’s attending physician, the woman will immediately know that there is nothing wrong with Mingzhen. It’s better to reveal some information from him that she wants to know. Anyway, he has already determined that this woman did not. Seeing that Mingzhen was okay, his mother was crying just now, and it made the woman suspect that Mingzhen was serious.

Xia Mingcheng thought about it for a while, and then immediately answered the other person's words, with a grateful expression, and asked excitedly: "Do you really have a friend who knows a particularly good doctor? In which aspect? Is it brain medicine?"

Yuan Yuan's eyes brightened when she heard the eyeballs of the "brain". If Xia Ming really became a vegetable, this would be the best news for her.

As far as she knows, it is not easy for a patient to wake up if she really becomes a vegetative person. Some vegetative people can't even wake up for a lifetime, and they can only be brain-dead. If the latter is the case, this is simply a good thing for her.

Without the obstructive brother of Mingcheng, the old couple of the Xia family are very satisfied with her. These days, as long as she seizes the opportunity to perform well, not to mention whether she can take the opportunity to let Mingcheng accept her, Xia's father and Xia will definitely accept her. Marriage will definitely be more satisfying, and the intensity of marriage will be strengthened.

At that time, she will brainwash Xia's father and Xia's mother for a few more days, and she will not worry about marrying or entering Xia's family.

The more Yuan Yuan thought about it, the more excited she wanted to be excited and happy, but she still had a bit of reason in her head, she tried to find out the news she wanted, and she didn't show a secretive expression in time. What's more, she said that a friend knew a particularly good doctor, but in fact Does any of her friends know particularly good doctors?

However, it is not a good thing for her to give Xia Mingzhen to other doctors for treatment. Yuan Yuan's eyes turned slightly and she immediately replied: "Mingcheng, I am not sure if the doctor of my friend's friend is in brain medicine, so I might as well go back and call. Call to help you ask?"

Xia Mingcheng naturally nodded and said okay, with a very grateful expression in her tone. Yuan Yuan was very excited when she saw it, and she felt that Xia Mingzhen's accident was her chance.

"Mingcheng, is it possible that Mingcheng broke his head? What did the doctor say? Ming Zhen can't become a vegetable?" Yuan Yuan asked in a tentative tone, listening carefully to her tone with a bit of inexplicable excitement and excitement, Xia Mingcheng His eyes flashed, his face was very heavy and sad, afraid that the woman in front of him would doubt, his eyes were reddened, and he said in despair after a long time: "Mingzhen hasn't been awake. The doctor said that it is possible, but there are other possibilities. , The doctor said to check Ming Zhen well later."

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